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Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 19, 2022

One year ago today: June 19, 2021, there’s always New York . . .
Five years ago today: June 19, 2017, chick songs are easier.
Nine years ago today: June 19, 2013, project 42.
Random years ago today: June 19, 2015, always a risk.

           Today’s “real-feel” weather is 103F° (90F° actualP) and I hear the growling out over the Gulf. So we are in for it. Meanwhile, I was out there and finally got this not-so-clear photo of Grandpa Red at the sunflower feeder. The heavy duty new shed fan lets me stay out there long enough to be nearby when I hear the feeding chirps. The bath is popular with the latest generation and I’ve seen a juvenile woodpecker visit a couple times. With the new overhead mist nozzles, the birds can fly through rather than having to perch.
           Four hours in the shed, mostly doing mechanic work because my brand new chain saw has a gas feed problem and I need that heavy duty weed whacker. Time to apply the new-found knowledge, and I won’t let anyone forget the leap of faith aspect. Not so much that I did not want any explosions, but that I was held back not knowing if I might wreck something that could have been fixed. Now I use the “Lem System” and came up with solutions in reasonable time.

           First that chain saw. I used the old robot club test bulb to confirm there was a steady spark, but it wasn’t getting gas. This tool has been maintained, including a monthly start when in storage and kept in a custom made box. Even the tank is drained before any trip to Tennessee. So I removed the air filter, a plastic mesh and noticed a black carbon buildup inside the throat. The fuel is mixed to exactly the 40:1 ratio using the robot club syringes and 93 octane, so it is coming from where I don’t know. I wiped away the easy spots.

           The saw is not a runner yet, but I have complete confidence this repair can be done. The Lem Mechanics Course includes a sense of balance how the parts interact, I’m surprised for example, how little air really has to go through the filter. While I had it on the bench, I adjusted the chain tension, topped off the oil, air-blasted everything clean.

           The compressor works great after I repaired the minor cracked attachment with a spacer. I’m going to have to invest in a bunch of fittings, as the air tools don’t any standard attachments. I had to jerry-rig several pieces including the in-line water filter (water still gets through because I can see it). I have only the air hammer, which I tested on taking bark off logs, because I saw it on the Internet. Inexperienced, I got the blade stuck in the wood—I just learned air chisels have no reverse. Ahem, soon as I get the chain saw running, I’ll carve the piece away and extract the bit.
           While moving things to better storage, I found my old unfinished project on memory latches, more commonly called gates. This are the and/or gates used in Boolean logic. They confuse people and this not helped by countless documentaries that go on about what they do rather than how they work. I’m tempted, given time, to finish the gate. I planned to include an LED so it would be clear how the power was able to “remember” a zero or a one. And, importantly, why this can only work while power is supplied. Lose the power, lose the memory.

Picture of the day.
Man standing on ship engine.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           This brings me to the weed whacker. The only plugs I could find were slightly off, so I got two, shown here. There is very little room to work, but the new plug kept the test bulb glowing. I still don’t think that was the problem, but I left the new plug is and round the thing would run if you held it upright. The Lem method to the rescue again, it had to be a fuel problem again, but why would it run sometimes? This took a half-hour to figure out, remember I still have not seen anything like the things that can go wrong.
           Finally, I removed the plastic gas tank itself. After removing the bolts, I went to disconnect the fuel lines, there were two. And they cumbled in my hand. I examined the tank through the fill port and it looks like the line is also broken inside. I think the line is supposed to stay flexible inside the tank with a small filter on one end. The weight of this filter causes the line to drop by gravity into the fuel no matter how the tool is held. There should be a picture nearby.

           It would seem the Democrat plan is indeed to sabotage the food supply. Now a coal train has been derailed. Most electric plants in the US are coal-fired and this train was in the middle of a grain belt. It’s crazy to try creating food riots, which people recognize as a ploy to enact gun laws. But unless guns stay involved, there are no riots that would justify martial law. You can’t have it both ways, but the libtards have tried that before. I quit on this, it’s too complicated to summarize here.
           Here’s better pictures I took just for you, my readers. Top picture shows the two feed lines that went into the tank. Both broke off at the junction, which is two holes drilled in the plastic. Now look down into the bottle, see those pieces of tubing at the bottom? As soon as the tank is free of fumes, I’ll dump that out and see what we are working with.

           By the time I locked up for the day, I’d put in closer to five hours. A search shows there are a choice of heating pads at both pharmacies in this area. I’ll see what they have. Some shoulder models are like a small cape or vest. That would be fun, a heating pad in the summer meaning I’d have to sit under the air-conditioner. I did not go out for Apple Sunday, rather I made another large breakfast of grits, eggs, and toast. With onions, mushrooms, and coffee. Hopefully you had what you wanted. It also means I did not make the planned shopping trip.
           The Reb asked about the church for sale. It is zoned residential but I have no idea of anyone could live there. I’m more interested in the indoor work space and the fact it is over three acres. Expect nothing on this unless I decide to throw in a low-ball offer just to see if they bite. It would be the ultimate off-grid spot for me simply because I could not afford to heat something that big in the winter.
           It’s nearly 150 miles from where she lives. I sent the spreadsheets, if her credit card has a high limit we could do it. A place to store tons of food, but no money left to buy the food. The point is, three acres and there is a university nearby. It’s 75 mph freeway except the last 30 miles. Churches can be finicky about who they sell to, so should we throw in a lowball offer. Look at the surprise on my cabin.

           Ha, almost 6:00PM and no storm here. It’s a biggie, though, small craft warnings, and constant thunder. I’m all shut down here, everything double-checked but cancel any shopping even though I know I’d make it back before the deluge. If it gets too bad, I’ve got my 3-hr reading lamp. Let me put on some hot chocolate as the wind picks up. Why are we being spared? I’m not setting foot out there so let’s make a plan. I’ve got that pro version of Dragon Naturally Speaking that I’ve never installed. Naw, too big a project. I did all the books and I’m down $3,000. What did I buy? Nothing.
           Wow, that last clap was a lot closer, rattled the windows. The back picture window gives me a view of these storms, which I’m content to watch with a good book. But seems I’ve read all the good ones around here. Should I get up the ladder and begin sorting all the books I’ve got? Naw, still work, but I picked one I don’t recall reading, “The Eagle Against The Sun”, got to page 23, fell asleep, and woke up to a dead calm. The storm never got here.

           Here’s something called “Critical Meme Theory+:
If there were no such things as mortgages, houses would only cost a few thousand dollars.
• If there were no such thing as student loans, college would only cost a few thousand dollars.
• If there were no such thing as insurance, healthcare would cost hundreds of dollars.
           What’s this? The Red Cross is refusing blood donations from the vaccinated. The vaccine destroys natural antibodies. .Maybe my blood will become worth $350 a pint again soon. Type O universal donor with no opioids, ever. Hold on, now there is a body of posts that say the Red Cross does not refuse, rather gives “guidelines”. That’s an instant warning signal. Remember how they pushed AIDS in the 80s? Same thing. A ton of statistics on how small the odds of you getting it, but never asking if you were willing to take the risk in the first place.

           A group of Texas politicians who watched “2000 Mules” has declared Biden illegitimate, thi is at the highest state level. It’s collapsing, this whole libtard Democrat thing, faster than they create the next crisis distraction. It is really over for them as a party, there is a rumor even the Hildebeest is trying to flip on certain issues to minimize her involvement.
           If you use Windows 10, here is how to get rid of the LGBT “pride image” in the taskbar. Right-blick on the taskbar and a Toolbars Menu will appear. The first sub-menu is “Search”, if not look for it and open it. A sub-sub-menu will appear with a check mark beside option “Show search highlights.” Uncheck this option.

           The Italian government is going to “investigate” the violent black riots in the south.

Last Laugh