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Monday, June 20, 2022

June 20, 2022

One year ago today: June 20, 2021, the English age funny.
Five years ago today: June 20, 2017, Silver drops to $19.
Nine years ago today: June 20, 2013,based on English cities.
Random years ago today: June 20, 2014, a stormy Friday.

           France makes the headlines, overthrowing the ruling leftists by an astounding margin. That’s not the real story, however. It appears this election was like most of the previous ones except the left dared not cheat, knowing they were being watched. It is a major blow to the globalists a France is a European political harbinger. At the same time, French politics shares a similarity to America. Over the decades, the left has padded the entire civil service with operatives and made them difficult to replace.
           That is, unless the US population discovers most of the jobs are bogus and decides to fire them all. Take heed, America. We have 30 times as many civil servants as it really takes to run the country. Back to France, the ease with which the populists won underscores that many previous elections were rigged. Le Pen may become France’s Trump, up against a civil service loyal to their paymasters who are generally unabashed socialists.

           That fuel line is beyond salvage. I found some tubing left over from robot club hydraulics. Dang, it is too large. The middle picture is how I tried to fit the new hose using scraps of the old as end pieces. It was too brittle. You can see the pieces in the background. I supposed right about the gas filter, it is one of those stones used in aquariums to diffuse bubbles. It drags the hose to the lowest however the tool is tilted.
           I scrounged up that old piece of spray tubing that had the wire inside, it was my first mister that attached on a hose and was only two feet long. I kept it and it had the correct inside diameter. Shown here I had to enlarge the holes and use a wee screw to block one of the older holes against leaks. By later today we’ll see if this arrangment works. All of the lumber is now cleaned and stacked, except for what is drying out in the sun. The concrete blocks I have left over are enough for the water tank base.
           There is an abandoned church for sale 200 miles from Nashville. It’s out of the way, but let’s look at a few facts. The asking price is $52,000 and it sits on 2 acres, just 8 miles from town. There is absolutely no way I will ever get a decent house in a decent neighborhood for that price, so I’ve asked the Reb to have her realtor friend check out if there are any restrictions whatsoever that would prevent me from living there, working there, renting it out, or whatever. It is zoned residential but don’t let that fool you.

           The blurb indicates it is being sold by a committee, which might consider the plight of our doggies or something. I’d have no problem pitching a tent in the middle of the floor and letting the pets run wild inside. That bell tower, I dunno, but as far as I’m concerned that is a two-story building.
           Still I need to know, can I rent it? Use it for storage? Sub-divide it? Open a shop? Tennessee prices are dropping fast. Sure, there is a chance anything spent on a church would be unavailable elsewhere, but even in 2008, the collapse came nowhere near what I’d need. From $300,000 to $225,000 does not help me. But if I could live in that church, that, to me, is a sure thing. Anyway, see what happens and nobody panic. It would also solve my burial plot concern I’ve been thinking about lately.
           Moments later, I got a call. Somebody waltzed in with the full price in cash. The are turning it into a house. The lady said don’t worry that I missed anything, as she’s been flooded with cash offers since day one and I don’t have the cash. Something will come along yet, inflation works both ways.

Picture of the day.
Flame cutting thick steel.
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           The new fuel lines are run in but still not starting. I checked the spark, but now it won’t turn over even with a shot of ether. It’s on the bench as second priority, see the photos for how the new lines (blue) are connected. The inside diameter of the tube is identical to the old type. The tubes are clear, I can see the bubbles, but it appears the carburetor is not pulling in the fuel, either the bulb pump or the choke, this engine has both. It will not turn over with a spark confirmed by an in-line tester. Is there a kill switch I don’t know about.
           On-line video shows the fuel line nearest the bulb is actually a fuel return line, which I may have too long. It is long enough to have the tip actually in the gas, which may be wrong. This has to wait until tomorrow. I’m happy with the progress.

           The chain saw is more important. Brand new and it quit the tenth time I tried to start it. It has had the best storage conditions imaginable. I also cut a few of the plastic fence panels to fit them in the red shed and they work quite nice, floating between the metal beams. Alas, those have a lip only on one side and that metal has proven impossible to drill.
           Today I discovered if I make a small dimple in beam, I can slowly drill a hole big enough for a fastener. Good, that means I can proceed with that and have a reasonably nice-looking ceiling. I got the first few pieces cut and they are hollow. I may not have to insulate if that’s the case. Another five-hour day means I did not make that much-needed shopping trip. We may be vegan here until then, no wait, I just remembered some frozen chicken. Some may get the impression I’m easy to please. I’m a lot less picky about my food than my women.

           Yet another rainstorm skirted the city, so I tidied up the yard. Now I have to spruce up the kitchen area. You recall the guitar player from Friday? He’s certainly sincere about setting up a rehearsal and the only available spot is my kitchen. I must have had the “performing or recording” conversation with him at some point. He’s now sold on the concept of duo presentation and his wording says he got it from me, yet I can’t place it. But one of my favorite quips is if you have a choice between putting on a good show or playing the music perfectly, make your decision early in life.
           He may have heard me play somewhere, since he knows it is super-easy to hang a guitar part onto my bass playing. I keep thinking the Fubar but he’s never been there. And he knows that I keep on playing the tune even if the band quits half-way. Doesn’t matter, he can’t place it either, but he says he’s changed over to my way of thinking—that it is always better to play than not. What’s more, he’s got all his own gear and the pictures I saw look great.

           The only tune we know for sure he plays is “Dust In The Wind”, which has no real bass line. Since I don’t think he sings it, I’ll not bust my chops. Instead I checked all my usual sources and chose the version on Songsterr. I got the violin solo in my brain and learned it on the piano, some very Mozart-like passages. That would be a real chore to play on bass as legato runs are not easy. Where’s my kazoozoo? Nope, can’t play it on that either.
           Where did I see that 37-key mini-piano? I could play so may fills and intros with just that much but my memory keeps visualizing a midi-controller, which I don’t want. Hang on, let me search on” 37 keys”. I found some, all toys. I just need two octaves, didn’t Yamaha build something long ago? Not the toy Portasound, it had half-size keys.

           Best quote of the day from Gab. “Why I don’t support the ‘Mentally ill people should not be allowed to own a gun’ narrative?
           “Because I recall being called mentally ill for refusing to get vaccinated.”
           ~ Samantha Marika, political commentator. The lady has talent. But she’s on the pushy side.

           Google has announced it intends to charge small business for e-mail. Soon, it will be your turn. (Remember a lot of small businesses worked free e-mail into their model, so Google is being an asshole again.) Facebook is complaining again. Don’t quote me but I heard they are losing $10 billion per year because Apple users can block tracking. Interesting, it was, Apple expected 20% would opt out and it was more like 99%. Tech mags say Volkswagen will overtake Tesla for EV sales soon. The price tags are still $50 - $70,000 so I won’t be rushing out.
           And the irony of Juneteenth and Father’s Day being the same this year isn’t lost. Most of them have no idea who their fathers are, and for that matter, most of their mothers probably don’t know either. The only thing welfare does is create more welfare.

Last Laugh