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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29, 2022

One year ago today: June 29, 2021, vans, expensive as hell.
Five years ago today: June 29, 2017, ha, another five years.
Nine years ago today: June 29, 2013, dang, they were underage.
Random years ago today: June 29, 2012, avoid the BR-600.

           The big Valdez oil plant in Alaska caught fire and exploded a few hours ago. The mid-terms must be closer than we think. Applying lawnmower repair logic, I believe I was able to get the washing machine working. Everything checked out but it would not fill above a certain level. I found the relay, oddly for an electronic machine it was mechanical. I’m now running the second load and it seems fine. I had to remove a panel and that means today off. Hey, my back is still out and I did get a bunch of boards cleaned of nails while standing by watching the wash cycles.
           Here is a view of the laundry deck now, all the rest is extra. Now I want those extras and here’s my incentive. There’s currently no light on the deck. The wires are run in, but not connected.
           Remind me to get some big clips after daybreak, for it is purple flower season again. You can’t let them rest on your car paint job. The old van is right under such a tree. It’s still dark out, so I reviewed the video of rehearsal. Damn, that is a good sound and as I like to say, “stage-ready”. Makes me wonder how much better it will sound once we spend a bit of time on the material. Such as our version of “Memphis, Tennessee”, the greatest two-chord song ever written.

           Did I mention how I went on-line and pulled all 17 or 18 how-to videos on that tune? Or I should say the videos with the highest counts, and you know, not one of them has it right. We could very well be the only group around that has the proper bass line. I’m making no claims but if anyone else does it right, they are keeping it secret. I was up late enough to make up a full set of songs that require minimal changes to what he already can play. That’s practice three and he remains an avid cohort. He knows exactly what he has to do to get the right sound, we spent around an hour going over that last day.
           I illustrated how he could “hang” the guitar parts onto the bass line if he got lost or thrown, which seems to have cured any stage fright. He knows he’s getting the advanced course for free—and has to complete it before his late August deadline. Yes, I’ve already run the numbers updated for duo work in the pandemic hoax era. And revamped my secret competition list, the acts which vie for the same venues we would likely play. If this new guy maintains this caliber of playing, and there is no reason he could not, I would target the highest paying clubs. However, this matter, in Polk County, has to be approached most indirectly.

           You know how long I’ve wanted a fancy chair to set by my view window to the back yard. Today was nto my lucky day. They had a beauty, overstuffed recliner with everything except it did not swivel. The layout of this room negates the option of moving the chair by hand. You must sit down facing the center of the room, then spin over to the window. So close. Here’s an item, I’ve been warning for years that the post office records all mail, taking a picture of the front and back of each envelope. Well, it turns out they paused that operation several months before the 2020 election, and resumed it after the results were certified.
           How’s Rittenhouse doing? I can’t say, all I find are rumors. One says Whoopie settled for some $20 million and a public apology. The apology is inadequate, with the television station trying to say, “We’re sorry you feel that way.” I told ya, these libtards a too stupid to know when they are digging themselves in deeper. Now they are parading some lady who said under oath Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House limo. If you’ve seen the car, the wheel is 15 feet away behind a pane of bullet-proof glass.
These leftoids are destroying what little credibility they have. The way it’s heading, by November people won’t care if Trump drowns puppies, they will vote against the shit-show that DC has become. Imagine a “hearing” where no defense witnesses are allowed.

Picture of the day.
Monument Rocks, Kansas.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Yep, the washer is working, which also means I can spend the $20 I have tacked inside the cabinet for laundromat coin. Later, Wilford & met up and went over some logistics on paper. This is not rehearsal, but a sit down and clarify expectations over things known to me to break up bands if they are not addressed. Well, that was easy because he has no expectations. But his dead line just moved up two weeks. He said the end of August, but when I asked to see his course calendar, I pointed the start date as the 16th. So, we work fast.
           He named some of his favorite music and one band I recognized as country. Sort or, the band is called “WEEN” and it is full of country lyrics and clichés. Um, let’s just say if it came to that I could play it in my sleep and I remind the reader I did one fall asleep on stage playing, what was it, HSR (House of the Rising Sun). Anyway back to being a journal, I finally go the fogger out and got a quart sprayed before it clogged up. Yes folks, 2022, computers and A.I. and they still cannot make a fogger that does clog.
           This view shows the shaded north yard and that container is full of grey water, the drain water from the tub. That is one load. I can see the days are gone when I use only a tenth of the minimum city water allotment per month. Another plus for me is almost anything that gets me out in the yard will have me work at least two hours. Hence the washer has already got half my yard mowed and the weeds pulled.

           The hurry there is that the laundry deck is in a sheltered area north of the cabin and this is mosquito season. You can use spray cans at twelve times the cost of mixing your own but it was a real task to do it with a hand-pump unit. Later examination shows there is a nozzle in the tank that draws up the spray compound, but it appears to have no way to stay immersed. I may take the assembly apart and attach a weight. This is the unit that “kills 235 insects”, including some you probably shouldn’t. Was Gates supposed to be zapping mosquitoes instead of people.
           I get a chuckle over those old flash mob videos, the ones with orchestras. They are so contrived. Like the one with a title that a little girl gets a surprise after giving a coin to a street musician. What image does that conjure up? Wrong, the street musician is a six-foot bald man in a tuxedo playing a contrabass. And, I mean, they still use coins in Europe? And did you know the original title of the Gates Foundation was “The Gates Foundation for Population Control”. Somebody is seriously going to off that guy.

           Some things don’t add up. America is selling all this land to foreigners (but not to Bill Gates). Other countries don’t do that. My question is, once all this expensive land is bought and America decides to kick out the foreign owners, who gets the land? Am I even allowed to ask? Another Trump endorsee wins, this time in Colorado. The point is, these people are not just winning, they are blasting the opposition out of the water. I mean, the contests are not even close and the people who rig elections count on narrow margins.
           Politics aside, this not looking at all good for liberals. (A reminder, liberals are not a political party, but a social cancer that often used politics to force themselves on others.) Where fake press is slow to report election details that don’t fit their narrative, but the reality is far worse than they’ll admit. Not only are the leftist candidates falling, it appears they are losing not just on issues but because they are Democrat. What’s more they are not just losing, they are being trounced. While I’m not the worrying type, I am alerted whenever dangerous creatures are backed into a corner.

           A year ago I read that “Mueller Report” and to day I can’t recall one sentence. And I must have thrown it out. In the early 2000s, I took that Reader’s Digest questionnaire on my health conditions, and I was supposed to be gone on June 29, 2005. Mind you, I answered the questions pessimistically. I was seeking a worst case scenario. Ta-dah, I’m still here and fixing yard tools, appliances, and guitar mistakes.

Last Laugh

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