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Thursday, June 30, 2022

June 30, 2022

One year ago today: June 30,2021, Hortense & Ann-Marie.
Five years ago today: June 30, 2017, more arsenic & mercury.
Nine years ago today: June 30, 2013, he ate 38 oysters.
Random years ago today: June 30, 2008, pollution pump, whatever . . .

           You know who I’d like to test a cattle prod on? The dickwrinkle that made the default music folder with absolute crap like “contributing artists” and “track number”. That crap typifies the nonsense that goes on in the brains of people who can’t just play music, they have to know what year the bit rate and the document ID. Did you know there is even a category for the “assistant’s phone number”. It’s not the classifications, it’s that it is difficult to get rid of them and they keep coming back when you transfer in new MP3s. Other than that, good morning.
           The Reb called this morning. I understand it’s no big deal for most but phone talk has never been a big thing with us. It’s not lubby-dubby stuff either, for example, I related concept of crushing eggshells as a dog food additive, from my latest guitar player tryout. She tells of people back in LA having rents raised from $2400 to $3600 and having to show income of 5x that to “qualify” for a lease.
           Over here in Tampa, it was 38%, but while I’ll listen to the stats, my opinion when I warned these people they were setting themselves up for this fifteen and twenty years ago, this is what I was talking about. And there’s fifty little laws in place now if they try to do anything about it like a rental strike. They were warned, but they were too busy pretending to be nice people.

           Ars Tech reports the first photos from the now fully-positioned and operating Webb telescope are arriving. Once again, the data you paid for is being hidden, but engineers who seen part of display say it is breathtaking. Usually the release time is three weeks, so maybe we’ll have views in the middle of August. Don’t expect anything different than other space photos, except these will be objects much further away.
           I’ve gone on a washing frenzy. See, stuff like work clothes or rags, I never did like spending $5.50 plus gas taking them downtown, so they tend to pile up till I have full loads. And since I rarely had reason to check the deck, if that basket got mixed, they waited until next week. Now they fly in there and even my oil rags in the shed come out scented of lavender. The machine is particularly quiet, unlike the dryer. I’ve finally identified the second family of Tufted Titmouses because they seem attracted by the laundry sounds. While you are here, this is a view of a corner of the silo. It is far from saturated full, maybe 2/5ths of capacity. This is for my records.

           Canada is soon become the first “free” country to demand ID to go on-line. Here’s a video of which countries have the most gold reserve, keeping mind the USA claim of 8,311 tonnes has not been seen in many decades. And first I ever heard of R. Kelly was this week, on his 30 year conviction for sex offenses. So I clicked on some of the coverage. While I’m no friend of men who use any form of active coercion to get sex and I think he’s dumb old boy, I can’t see anything he did wrong. All the videos said is he was after underage girls, but none of them defined underage and yes, that’s important.
           The point is, I can’t find any instances of him doing something that is not done in every pickup joint in the world every night of the year. The only difference is a matter of scale. Where he used his fame and fortune, lesser types use liquor, bullshit, lies, and all manner of chest-thumping. But we live in the area of the “celebrity bust”. Chances are the videos don’t tell all, but my point is why was he singled out? I’ve got two brothers who can only score by identically sordid methods. They rehearse going out to lie to women, and that’s active coercion.
           That raises the question am I okay with passive coercion? No, I’m against any form of social connecting which, for its success, relies on deceit or misrepresentation. I’m just particularly irked by men who either do in on purpose or somehow think that is how it’s done. You know who you are.

Picture of the day.
Snake with Charcot’s disease.
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           The afternoon was all yard work at half-snail’s pace, but you still get to enjoy it with me. I fixed the fogger, shown here. It did have a weight, I’m holding it with a wire for the photo. It had come loose and now fixed, it is extremely easy to clog up. I ran a tank of vinegar solution t clear it. That’s just a test, because cleaning it once there are toxic chemicals in the mix needs a different approach. I tested every setting on the dials and as expected, I think most users will just leave everything permanently on maximum.
           I’ve talked to the neighbors who say that the fogger is most effective but it is not a complete fix. It rains almost every day during mosquito season and according to the box, must be applied well in advance of a rain. Can’t have it both ways without leaving the insecticide half a day before the critters arrive, diminishing the potency.
           For this type of work I have to triple thank Lem. Now maybe a few more people, ahem, understand why I stayed a week over just to get this apprenticeship going. It really was that important. I needed some real-life examples to build on.

           Today was no exception and as mentioned the laundry got me outside early enough to take care of some logistics. Like cutting up a big pile of rags now that I need them more and a lot of non-productive activity, like straightening out the scooter lean-to, since it was always intended to store fertilizer and chemicals. My dang back and shoulders have me slowed down but I think I’ll be mostly back to work after a week’s recovery. Cut me some slack, all this happens while putting in some two hours per day on the new material. I never could play “Dust In The Wind”.            Instead, I found a version of it that’s just hokey enough to pass for music.
Not that I was a fan, but Dr. Zelenko passed away today at 49. He had a rare cancer, I would have took him to be in his 80s. He was an advocate of alternate COVID therapy to avoid the jab poison. But to me the pandemic always was a hoax, so a few disciples for or against never materially affected a thing in my world. No therapy for hoaxes worked just fine around here.

           Early news says the EPA just had its wings clipped by the Supreme Court. TMOR, many of these Federal agencies were blatant breaches of the US Constitution, which severely limits centralized power. I’ve always been of the opinion these bureaucracies were put in place specifically to expand Federal jurisdiction and never had much to do with the public good. Toward the end, the EPA was being used by the radical left to punish States they didn’t like. The implication is that other agencies will be subjected to the same restrictions, that is, the individual states can curb federal power. These are interesting times.
           Indonesia, the island of Sumatra, finally has a highway from one end to the other. Such developments are important because of the fundamentally different government and work ethic of places so close to China. I never believed for a moment those fantastic growth figures out of Beijing. Their economy is on steroids and something is really haywire behind the scenes. Interestingly, the road is built 100% using European technology, right down to the drones that surveyed the jungle. I expect a huge boom in productivity from that nation.

           And I had to smile at this post on Gab this afternoon:

           Stupid people generally assume that everyone else is just as dumb as they are. If they ever realize that you’re smarter than them, they’ll expect you to do things for them that they can’t do themselves, and expect those things done instantly and effortlessly, as you are essentially a magical being to them.

Last Laugh