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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

June 7, 2022

One year ago today: June 7, 2021, some politics.
Five years ago today: June 7, 2017, all 12, virtually identical.
Nine years ago today: June 7, 2013, they said 18 inches.
Random years ago today: June 7, 2020, looking at Forex.

           The majority of flowers did not make it, but we have a few. Here's the window box. Until I see [actual] flowers, I’ve forgotten what they are. The peach tree is all leaves but no flowers or fruit. There is a kudzu attack which I will see to shortly, although I don’t mind if they camouflage the silo. Some have already noticed the tiny written card in the window. That’s the one with the broken glass, but the frame required so much restoral I dared not remove the cracked glass. So the sign just says, “Don’t even think of crawling through here.” They would find some unhealthy spikes in their kneecaps.
           I’m still unpacking and getting back into the yard. Everything is neglected, but I have a plan. You see, that lawmower has a bad blade. Leave it bad and use it to chop into the jungle around the yard. That’s a plan. First big change is the radio Lem donated for the kitchen. This is the unit that can be left on a timer and plays at my usual morning coffee fix without having to always reach up for the switch. Anything that makes mornings easier is welcome around here. This morning was a world band program on an aspect of women’s prisons I had not thought much about. It stems from a 700% increase in women going to prison for property crimes. They did not specify the crime, but we’ll presume it isn’t shoplifting.
           The article claims that prison time is unduly hard on women because, get this, they age in prison and that is a factor when they get out. Just you watch, they will soon be claiming it is cruel and unusual, despite the sentences generally being half what men receive. Morning radio is, I find, more competitive for such material and now I’m less likely to skip a favorite show. They played a tune that took me back to age 12, but not for the music, for the memory. You see, back then where I was, there was nobody to teach you the I-IV-V progression. I had sort of figured it out on piano. Nowadays it’s the first thing they show you in music class, I think.

           The song was “California Sun”, a 1964 effort by The Rivieras, whoever that was. The important thing at the time was the new kid in town had the 45 and a record player. If you combine listening to this tune with my long-term blogs about music, you would hear a good example of the how and why of this song. My untrained 12 year old brain could pick out the parts. The drums were easy, the keyboard part (which back then we called an “organ”) was an arpeggio, and I could show the guitar guy how that was done, sort of.
           The arrangement had a lead break. It will be entirely too easy for history overlook what a tremendous hurdle this was at the time. Figuring this song out from scratch without a bit of help from any quarter. It took me days of trial and error to figure out that C# chord in the chorus. I knew nothing of guitar patterns or pentatonics but I figured out a lead break where all the notes fit and taught each note to the guitarist. You are correct if you assume I was not happy to find out years later this was 15 minutes worth of lessons. Some callous folks say that it is better to learn it all on your own, I differ. All that means in the long run, no matter how hard you try, there is always somebody ahead of you because he didn’t have to waste time reinventing the wheel.

           At the time, it was so difficult to do all this that I figured for sure this was my ticket to California. Back then all the girls were slim and pretty and the beaches where they congregated were world famous for babes. Ha, have you seen those beaches since they were diversified and integrated? Sigh, this was the generation before me and somehow they gave it all away for nothing. Here’s a total babe from the 60s. The only people who would want to destroy something like this are, if you ask me, hate-filled and bitter. Well, by the time I made it to California, all this was long gone anyhow. You’d have to pay me to go to the beach in Florida these days.

Picture of the day.
Ruhr area factory setting.
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           The lawnmower pawls would not spring out into place. These are the wee flanges that engage the starting hub when you yank the cord. I removed one and the mower will start with the other. I did not have any training on this feature, but I presume if the manufacturer could get it to work with one, they would have by now. It’s mosquito weather. I now have the fogger, which I thought I’d try. Nope, I forgot to pack the van I moved the seats all the way forward, so it will have to wait its turn. I got a welcome back note from the guy who wants to use the backing tracks. That is just not my thing, plus that need to play the song exactly the same every time. I know somebody out is there doing the A.I. thing on this but it’s kind of late to make any money off me now.
           And the most expensive county in the world is now Norway. The tax system has flattened most incomes to around $20 per hour but the leap in prices was not far behind. I’ve switched back to Boss Hogg because they are the least corrupted by the paid COVID broadcasts. The disease is real, if mild, but the whole pandemic thing was an embarrassing stunt. For a condensed version of what this blog has been saying for years about Trump, visit The American Thinker. I stress I am not pro-Trump, I am anti-woketard. And Europe has finally moved to put a stop to the recharger mess that has plagued us since the 1980s. They’ve made the USB-C the standard, which in turn makes the devices into a standard five volts.
           As for Pelosi’s husband getting the DUI in California, all the records have suddenly disappeared and the police reports have been locked away. I rarely watch Bannon because he takes too long to make a point, but he has called out Pelosi and several J6 committee people to provide documents. I don’t know the mechanism, but they must produce the documents or say they don’t exist, both moves will cripple their planned attack on Bannon. His offense? Saying things they don’t like.

           The $60,000 VW EV is heralded as an updated replacement for the old VW hippie bus. No thanks, it isn’t even close. This is nothing more than an electric SUV. There is a reason so many of the beloved original vans are still around, though I’ve never seen one on the Interstates. Volkswagen could have done much better. With disapointment, I read the news of the breakthough gel that is helping heart attack survivors. It does nothing for my situation. Rather it is a compound that holds cell injections in place. Formerly the treatment had most of the cells rejected before they could work. The gel keeps them in place long enough to begin beating in unison.

           Want to read something truly disgusting? Try the Bazaar article on Jill Biden, the doctor who isn’t a doctor. It goes on about how well she is “holding up” while her husband destroys the country. The article is written in an ambiguous way, saying “Biden” without specifying if they mean her or Brandon, such as a passage claiming no one but “Biden” has more experience with sorrow.
           Next I read a list of money-making ideas for millennials. Every one was some kind of scam. Underinsure your car, credit card loans, get paid to watch videos, the kind of BS you used to find on the back pages of Popular Science and comic books. My all-time favorite was the guy who did the survey, “Would you pay 25 cents to be two inches taller.” Apparently, a lot of people would.

Last Laugh