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Monday, June 7, 2021

June 7, 2021

One year ago today: June 7, 2020, still trying Forex.
Five years ago today: June 7, 2016, he’s “tricking” people.
Nine years ago today: June 7, 2012, earlier Arizona matters.
Random years ago today: June 7, 2007, my best speakers.

           I’m out in the yard. I think one of my potted plants is in the family way, see photo. Maybe 30 minutes at a stretch is my sunlight limit. Then it’s back into the north bedroom to cool down. That’s where the office is located these days. So far I’ve moved a wheelbarrow of lumber, dug some plants, raked some dirt, and cleaned some inside the shed. Not exactly a morning’s work, but we should soon have a decent dry storage spot, finally. Like the work shed, it is also a retreat. I’m still searching for a better source of documentaries. I average two on-line per week, no longer relying on other sources. Quality has declined because of docutainment, with maybe one or two new concepts or discoveries per hour, but still the only source of such tidbits these days.
           I watched one on the Islamic empire of the Middle Ages, which not once mentioned it is an empire that arose mainly because nobody else gave a hoot. It’s not like they took over the Eastern Roman Empire, sure they had a few battles, but the rest of the world had it’s own problems and the next thing you know there’s a bunch of guys named Muhammad running things. Some empire. But when they got as far as Budapest, Europe said that’s far enough and it’s been downhill ever since.

           Another phone marathon and I’m to put together a budget. This has a twist. It’s part of the requirement to have the new business venture qualify you for a rebate. They want a budget, that’s what they’ll get. Carefully tailored to hand over what they expect but with no basis in reality. There is a conflict with security and the software we’ve chosen. A lot of the information input requires Google Chrome, the worst of all privacy and tracking malware. I will set up a separate computer for those operations. The brand name we chose is the leader in this field, but it is clear they did not consider anything but expediency. Wait, I found an old tablet with no files on the drive—the only type of drive you should use when running Chrome.

Picture of the day.
Uruguay pharmacy legal weed.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           As we move closer to some form of venture, I see that many on-line businesses have utterly embraced the eFAG model. Fortunately, I know a workaround for most of this. If you want to store business info on My Drive, or use do data searches on Chrome, go right ahead, it’s your funeral. For a business with no physical inventory at our end, publishing remains top of the list. The modules are now using specific services, such as Amazon and Kindle, which require memberships, so I’ll need time to set that up in Tennessee.
           The daily journal ancestry of this blog means you get some info on this process. I put up some money to access this training, which if completed successfully, gets me a rebate of $500. I’ve long since guessed which part of the training they think you will skip over, so I’m dedicating four hours tomorrow to practically memorize those. One is they want you to go through tons of ads to find what is selling best. With books, that is not what you want because it is wise for beginners to instantly reject fiction. Harry Potter will wipe you out.

           I’ve got the red shed done except a tiny spot on the peak. These special sheets need to be overlapped 7”, which I miscalculated. So I make a special 20 mile round trip to get that single extra. The white shed, I may do over. The instructions said a greater slope, but I was in a rush. I was unaware a shallow slope caused two problems. One, standing water at even the tiniest flat spot, and debris won’t wash away in the rain.

           Ha, lack of evidence has forced the Democrats to change tack on the January 6 hoax. It has now shifted from “insurrection” to the invisible. Electronic beams and cyber attacks which kept some old lady up at night. Bwaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha. There is another possible reason for the shift. Turns out some leftists are worried about just what a probe of the matter might uncover. And the $4 gallon of gas is not doing these commies any good.
           The Texans are exerting their state right to override the central government. They are arresting the really bad ones and shipping them back. The never-Trumpers have sunk to new lows of irrelevance and VP Harris sewered her career by sending more jobs to Central America. In England, on June 21 is supposed to be “Freedom Day”, the government intends to put all 55 million people’s private medical records on one big database. Major scraper alert. Meanwhile, white people who do not donate their organs receive government letters accusing them of being greedy.

           The DC people reacted as thought the Texans were disobeying orders. It’s quite clear the state has the power to do this, not the central government. Besides, DC hates it when their gradual encroachment on people’s lives is challenged like this. It reminds me of a close call for me in the 9th grade. There was a flag in front of the school. Like everyone around, I felt taking it down at the end of the day was a voluntary position. Until this fat lady teacher showed up. She announced the duty would be drawn out of a hat. I would have nothing to do with this, calling it a setup. This was a more serious term in those days, strongly implying wrong-doing.

           Against my will, my name was entered into the lottery. A kid named Dwayne Rarick was picked. End of story? Nope, it was argued Dwayne, being a farm kid, had to catch the school bus. Sure enough, the farm names were removed and the second draw got my name. That flag stayed up. I was lectured on how in the Great War, men were shot for letting the flag touch the ground. At this point I played the card that I had a part-time job. It worked. That incident confirmed me as an anti-liberal.            Participation should never be compulsory. Some argue that lets individuals benefit from the system without input, to which I say since anybody can be accused of that in some form, that argument is invalid. Got that? It’s like telling someone they should not be free because they did not die in the last war fighting for it. All displays of patriotism should be pure volition.

           That begs another question. Why is it Biden sends expensive armies overseas to kill terrorists, but if the same terrorists illegally walk across the American border, he gives them a free bus ride into your neighborhood?

Last Laugh

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