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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

July 27, 2022

One year ago today: July 27,2021, those French again.
Five years ago today: July 27,2017, whaddaya mean return address???
Nine years ago today: July 27,2013, millennial “no-see” lens.
Random years ago today: July 27, 2004, 758k the first day.

           I overdid it with the repair and now I’m down to half speed. It’s 4:56AM and I’ve got myself a hot chocolate. This had me reading some stats while Tampa radio assured me there has never been a more important time in history than now to make the right decisions. The average family is spending $450 more per month to survive than last year. Biden grows desperate to pin something on Trump in a quandary Joe made for himself. Oxford again announces yet another study that proves addiction to gaming is mentally mentally harmless harmless, duh.
           It had to happen. I’ve been lying down all day, unable to move except by necessity. But I have running water. Not like invalided, I could get around if I wanted and I made a great breakfast, but here I am in recovery mode from work that was mostly routine.

           Here’s a misleading pic of the birdfeeder, in that it conveys that my yard is one big happy bird place full of cheerful visitors. This is more like a small moment in the morning I call “Titmouse Breakfast” and other than these and the red cardinals, the other birds don’t share all that much. I’m feeling sad about the lady woodpecker who is by herself. She visits this same feeder when it is quiet and has a call similar to the cardinals. By noon I’m still not moving around much.

Picture of the day.
Dutch thermal greenhouse.
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           It’s now mid-afternoon and I wonder if I’m coming down with something. The Reb just messaged me a warning and she’s right. I have never gotten sick according to formula. Home time for me, where I looked at the current state of treasure hunting. Alas, it is not good and it’s getting worse. The problem is people laying claim to treasure found by others. I see, you might say, both sides of the coin. But I do not agree that a state or government automatically owns the find. I would agree they should have first dibs on it, but only to the extent they have to buy it at the going rate. The concept of people laying claim to what they did not know even existed is too “middle eastern” for me.
           You get little news today, I nodded off for siesta and did not wake until 9:00PM. Hello? Anybody home? I cook most things and have not been grocery shopping since last Wednesday, so I’m out of everything. Except coffee, we are rarely out of the essential food grouping. By now I’m wide awake and sat down with a book to review my favorite part of celestial navigation, the calculation of the GP, or geographic position. The location of the Sun at any given moment of the year. Sadly, printed copies of the correct Almanac are no longer commonly available.
           Looking as far west as Alabama, I found very few decent properties for sale. It is curious to see this huge upsurge is people posting images of family and back to the simple life when the cheapest places like that are $300,000. There’s an equal number of articles that go on saying it is your fault the other guy dropped out of school, took a dead end job, ran up debt he could not pay, never kept up with his educations, and got hooked on drugs. You just better smarten up.

Last Laugh