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Thursday, July 28, 2022

July 28, 2022

One year ago today: July 28, 2021, white, blonde, blue, sigh.
Five years ago today: July 28, 2017, floorboard anniversary coincidence.
Nine years ago today: July 28, 2013, a generic post.
Random years ago today: July 28, 2012, sidecars & calories.

           Up at 5:30AM again, and no, it’s right back to bed. Except for breakfast and coffee and some calculations, see addendum. I’m not recovered yet and time is getting on. Yet, by mid-morning I’m back in the ring, rearranging my disk so I can play and record tapes more conveniently. Tapes remain my favored long-distance recording device because their inconvenience means they remain used for only one purpose. And in between, a little Morse code which I never can remember unless I use it, relearning it after each interval. One good result of insomnia and a sore back, I’m $370 under budget. Let’s go shopping.
           Here’s a clip of firing up the fogger. This product finally works for the mosquitoes but it has a couple downsides. One is the need for careful mixture because this sprays on everything. The other is inconvenience. It isn’t a handy device and the spray really does have to be applied every two weeks pretty much on the dot.
           She’s blistering hot out there, I was surprised Wilford showed up early, but he explained he had got a hand truck for half price. Brand new, so we quickly moved the concrete stairs and blocks into position and agreed to meet up for a few beers later. Without that truck, we would have been mush in that heat. Now, he likes to hang out at the craft brewery, which I don’t care for. Candy-flavored beer isn’t my choice. However, they are stuck for entertainment a week from Friday. Too bad Wilford didn’t keep up with our duo, it’s only a three hour gig.

           This has me at odds. Could this be a break for me. I only have an hour of guitar music and it is pretty shaky. But I easily have the other two 40-minute sets as bass solos. And I’m tops at audience patter. I said I’d think it over. I sure do wish it was more than another 30 miles away, though. I’d grab it just for the experience. Tell you what, I’m ahead enough on moving all that concrete that tomorrow I’ll see about rehearsing a three-hour show. I’m not as bad as this new DJ they have playing nog music in the country bars.
           Silver jumped 6.24% in one day, when it is 60%, give me a call. Feeling above par, I headed out for a major grocery shop and got myself a shadow. Who remembers that terrible lady from the Playhouse Theater back in 1992 that glommed onto me? The one with the adenoids? I was a volunteer to meet women but instead they kept pairing me up with this dweeby broad at the wine festival. I began to suspect she knew somebody. If I recall, I finally quit because I could not stand her. There she was today plus 30 years, following me up and down the aisles, humming to the overhead. Gag.
           And make that $350 under budget. I paid Wilford $20 for the effort, which included getting that pack of shingles put around back. As happens, I got totally absorbed by the navigation material, no noticing I’d fallen asleep and it is now late afternoon. Some of the notes in the margins revealing I’d read this same material back in 2014. I’ve done most of the pieces, I’ve not done the whole procedure anywhere near enough.

Picture of the day.
Hoh rain forest trail.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I dug out the old 14” electric chain saw. I’ll know in a bit if it is still working, and if not that explains why it was left out in the lean-to. If she fires up, we’ll have a nice looking front yard within the hour. Looking over my song list, I could do the three hours under the right circumstances. But if I flop, this is a small town.
           This photo from the Webb shows GLASS-z13, the most distant galaxy yet. As the Webb has just begun operations, “the record is not expected to last”. I repeat my suspicions about the accuracy of red-shift as we know it today. There have been many points in history where a new theory overturned what was previously taken as gospel.
           I’m no expert and don’t claim to be, but there is something in all I’ve read over the years that says red-shift is not as accurate as they think. Okay, like Newtonian physics, it covers most of what is directly observable. Something is missing that causes all these readings of truly distant objects to be miscalculated or misinterpreted.

           I regret letting my navigation hobby lapse. So, let me calculate where the sun is at this moment, using the outdated Almanac I have. Even with this inaccurate data, the procedure is still the same. It is 06:26:36 AM on July 28, 2022. The Sun is at 275º 0.7 and 18º 58’ N of the equator. Where is that? We’ll go online bearing in mind all those sites are severely screwed up because some people can’t grasp Mod 60 arithmetic.
           We are in the Sudan, northwest of Khartoum. The nearest habitation on the map is sixty miles away, named Al Atrun. I presume inhabitants since they list a hotel on The GP itself is in roughly the center of the Libyan Desert which extends into Sudan. Careful of your navigation tables, because before long it will be tomorrow in Greenwich.

Last Laugh