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Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 3, 2022

One year ago today: July 3, 2021, even the ads suck.
Five years ago today: July 3, 2017, that Starbucks thingee.
Nine years ago today: July 3, 2013, Zetia doesn’t work.
Random years ago today: July 3, 2012, club chip inventory.

           An early start, I have the bass strings completed but not yet tested. Wait until the neighborhood wakes up for that. The chore made me realize my twenty-something bass tuner is nearing its final days. Maybe closer to thirty years, I know I had it in the 90s. It has trouble with that low B, although it is rated to display that range. It’s tuned to the octave, which I dislike. Ah, but a nice mug of hot chocolate on a cool morning under the air conditioner makes it mostly okay.
           A small aircraft crashed near Cape Town. Instead of helping the pilot and passengers, local mobs of blacks robbed them and looted the airplane. This, folks, is why talk of equality never gets anywhere. There is too large a gab between individual and group behavior. When you have no food to eat because you killed all the farmers, you get to thinking people rich enough to have airplanes deserve to get robbed.

           Now that the Reb has me trained to talk on the phone again, here’s the latest. Not only are my tough days behind me, my intention to work must take a different turn. I’m releasing the funds for her to attend a seminar with fancy hotel and make a weekend of it. While I stay right here and manage some yard work. The recent fall put me out for a week, so even if I again recover as well as I was doing, I have to allow for this to happen again. And that means a business I can do that does not require muscles, shoulders and back. Fortunately, I foresaw this back in the 90s and have several options for pushing a pencil the rest of my days.
           And I’m investing a better method of contacting people with tax overages. I’ve received a semi-firm offer on the hot-dog cart for $1,000. If that comes through, it goes straight into the business as extra operating capital. In terms of capitalized expenses, I’m now worth half what I paid for this house and have not put through a single big deal yet.
           The hot dog requires somebody with a lot of get-go and honestly, that’s not me and the person I thought was energetic was more so disorganized it seemed that way. I got up early this morning and put another coat of paint on the post box stand. Am I really writing a journal or looking for an excuse to siesta?

           It’s difficult for me to watch how slow I’m moving and keep reminding myself even this level of activity was once a goal. I rigged up a small clothesline in the laundry and packed away some loose gear. No the biggest morning’s output. Pancakes again , it was, and I made a batch of rice or a few days ahead. This warranted an extra noon nap.
           This picture is an eBike delivery vehicle about to hit the streets of London. Due to the size and configuration, we can assume this words in pedal assist mode. I would be very interested in something like that, my main beefs about bicycles are they are too easy to steal and have no secure place to keep stuff. As par for the millennial course, there is no pricing information available.

Picture of the day.
Plymouth Rock.
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           That’s it, one more hour and I’m done for the day. I think I’ll rig up a screen to sift the rakings. Out in the big workshed, most anything dropped on that dirt floor is a goner. So just a frame to make sure I’m not throwing out any sockets, which are now $5 each. The other pic below is a knot of kudzu vines, which I have to tackle shortly. The NE corner of my land is under attack. Meanwhile, I’m still looking for a spot to iinvest and there are parameters. I have a small next egg, so I don’t want to use it as a down payment or entrap it like that. Anyone who has, say, $20,000 kicking around, can tell you how little that is to invest, but my plan remains a little different.
           It is also a difficult amount to borrow. And I well remember that somebody, somewhere, has an inside track on these tax sales, scooping up the good ones long before the public sees them. My stragegy is still to take advantage not of the money, but the fact I have it an the other guy doesn’t. Remember, I was born into and raised in this system created by others. Anybody has a sob story of the deals they lost because they didn’t have the liquid cash. This becomes more important as it looks like DC may consider imposing cashless transactions upon us.

           It would not rain, just spit, which kept me on small jobs all afternoon. I finally built that small screen to sift the dirt and a ton of small repairs from broken kitchen utensils to my old paint mixer. Spray foam has a shelf life and both my remaining cans, some still in the wrapper, had to get tossed. I should be happy the projects all went well the first time, I guess. Otherwise, I’m not finding anything that moves the needle today.
           An unsettling situation in Colorado is being downplayed, but it is serious. The police used a “reverse keyword” search to locate suspects. This is not about that crime, but that the police scanned millions of people’s searches without a warrant. The Constitution forbids this, no matter how good the excuse. For one that right to privacy is lost, you will never get it back. The police have a huge backlog of unsolved crimes, they don’t need to be dabbling in semi-legal probes.

           I have the bass strings adequately stretched and the desired effect is great. It would be better with the white neon strings, but instead four regular brass and one almost invisible rusted out B. There are just three notes I tend to play though I’m new at this setting. Later, I decided to watch “Righteous Kill”, about these cops who kill rapists and such who beat the system. Most of it predictable, especially the “Jabba the Hutt” nightclub scene Except for a couple places in Bangkok, I’ve never been in any clubs that look like that. Why would I want to watch single mothers dancing in a hanging cage?

           Enter a new concept to me. While familiar with tax lien sales, there is something I did not consider before. A redeemable tax deed. I don’t know the exact workings, but you buy the property for the tax lien. The previous owner has a fixed time, usually one year, to come up with the tax plus a 20% (est.) penalty to get his land back. From my viewpoint, people who can come up with instant cash don’t usually get delinquent on their taxes in the first place. Something has come up in Tennessee for less than $2,000 and I’m inclined to find out how it works. The hard way. This would serve a number of purposes.
           Those would include a hedge against inflation, the learning of a new system, and the process of registering property to our business, to name a few. These deals usually depend on how far I can talk the seller down and clear it with the Reb. If I croak, she’s the one left holding things that are far from easy for the newcomer. Beware of on-line advice for the same reason as ever: the people who write articles, whether experts or not, are woefully inadequate at conveying that knowledge, and I found a real doozie from Georgia.
           She’s a lawyer in the business and published a fairly academic article—but to a novice, the material was incomprehensible. Why? Because she did not understand the proper use of pronouns. There are two people involved, the owner and the purchaser. She refers to both as “he”. Worse, later she calls both the old owner and the new owner as just the “owner”. She was at a further loss with proximity, that when you use a pronoun, the person’s actual name should not be more than a sentence or fifteen words away. She would write three paragraphs and assume you still know who “he” is. It’s a shame our system still graduates such morons.

           That weird AOC woman who wants to date me has published (and since quickly taken down) a post advising Democrats to keep restrictions on small businesses because an economic recovery now would help Trump get re-elected. The few business closures and job losses, she says, are a small price to pay to keep us from Trump. Things are not at all going well for that lady. And her cohort, the Somali turban lady gets jeered out of the arena by her own people.
           There is a photo out claiming to be the best of Venus yet, but I could not find the source. I don’t often quote sources, but I do check them before any appearance here. It’s an amazing sight, with distinct cloud banding in blue that seem like Jupiter.

           In a creepy move, California has reportedly passed laws making it difficult to contract out work. That puts thousands of truck drivers out of business. The knee-jerk solution is to move to another state, but that costs a tidy sum. It appears the thrust of these laws is to make the company hire the drivers as employees. That would jive with my warnings from the last century that there would be a crackdown on small cash-flow businesses. The last such business to fall would be live entertainment. But I would have no objection to playing for food if it came to that.
           And way down here, the progress of the Jan 6 Committee. They are operating in a 1990 mode where things broadcast by big media were hard to counter. A person or project could be permanently sabotaged by the time the facts arrived. Not so with the Internet, their witness that who said Trump had 12-foot long arms (to grab the steering wheel) did not last a day. This show trial is a joke heard round the world. Everyone knows this committee was established to arrest Trump. Why? Because years ago the Democrats put a law in place that a person who had been arrested, even if acquitted, cannot be President, or some dirty trick like that. Something like that, don’t quote me exactly, but they have to stop Trump from running and this is their best shot.

Last Laugh

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