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Saturday, July 2, 2022

July 2, 2022

One year ago today: July 2, 2021, beware of job titles.
Five years ago today: July 2, 2017, Broadway tunes, yuck!
Nine years ago today: July 2, 2013, I felt like typing.
Random years ago today: July 2, 2011, gas was $3.59 under Obama.

           New York may soon have a law requiring applicants for a gun license to turn over a list of their social media accounts “to verify their character & conduct”. Where are the people with nothing to hide? What could go wrong? Unverified reports say Rittenhouse may squeeze that LeBrom bigmouth for over $100 million. We get plastered with news that a vegan mother starved her kid with a fruit & veggie diet. Nope, I’m not buying that, there is some other side to that story. The Reb called and we got the lawn mower going on one try over the phone.
           She’s with mechanicals the way I am with names. Unless repeated instantly and constantly, don’t ask me in a week. That’s a huge compliment, by the way. You can go through it with her once and she can do it. As opposed to the type who pretend they don’t get it so you’ll do it for them. I’ve dated a lot of women like that. Once each.

           Here’s the oregano plant, or a cutting thereof, now trained to flourish in its own container. This shows the leaves from dawn today, shiny from the morning dew. This plant turns out to be quite hardy. Being easily lifted out of the window box from inside the house, these leaves are trimmed and put on the stove to simmer. Think of it as kitchen aromatherapy.
           In Nature, the oregano must be a natural insect repellent and the birds also avoid it. Should I look that up or do a Class of 2020 and always have something better to do? I glanced at several web pages. Other than an okay flavor, oregano has no other properties of note. It’s closely related to mint, basil, and other green herbs, native to the Mediterranean area. None of this will be on the exam.

           The King of Norway produced a thoroughly disgusting video of “ethnic diversity” in his country. Happens when you live in a palace and don’t have to deal with problems at street level. It’s the stale “we are all equal” theme. That reminds me, I’ve opted to mix my insecticides in a separate container. There is something wrong with how the tank markings display the quantities, I’m certain they are designed to minimize the mixtures. I was met with many mosquitoes in the well-sprayed north side, a treatment that is supposed to last two weeks, not three days.
           This time, rather than measure the chemical to the water, I’ll measure the relative amounts, starting in two batches. That’s 1-1/2 fluid ounces per half gallon, and I may add a drop of food color as an indicator is something is going wrong. According to the package, the correct mixture works out to 85:1 and somehow that doesn’t seem right. If the markings are also out, I may be spraying more water than I think. And woe to the critters at night, I think I have a pair of rats, a common problem in Florida. I set out three traps, including the standard spot in the attic.

           The old mailbox is uprooted, see photo. It was never even painted. It’s a wonder though, how it knew to wait for me to have back pains before it keeled over. It’s on the work bench around back with a layer of primer. The fun part is lugging it back and forth, these mailboxes on a post are not designed for ease of transportation. My can of exterior primer dried out on me, so paint it is but so what if it only lasts twenty years, according to a Reader’s Digest questionnaire, I’ve only got nine left. That magazine has gone beyond downhill but I still have a subscription from when it was worth reading.
           Here’s some late flashes. The President of Brazil called Biden a thug and said Trump was the elected President. Eight years ago Joan Rivers died from calling Obama names. I’m probably not the only one noticing the much better organization of the resistance. While still leery of outfits that do a little too much parading with masks, it is evident the radical left is not at all going to have it all their own way this upcoming election. Just for the record, there are no Democrat States, only around 25 large cities that have a Democrat majority. This is where you see all the funny stuff going on—but it also tips off the resistance where to watch.

           Next rumor is a truckers strike, but of the sort that cannot be busted up by big government tactics. A simple agreement between truckers to not take any deliveries into the Washington, DC area. Kind of let the people causing the shortages find out first hand what it’s like. The plan is to have truckers refuse to take anything in and I like the plan because it is totally passive. And easy to monitor any AOL who breaks rank. For their own safety and protection, I mean.
           It’s a brilliant plan. The standard tactics of the authorities falls to pieces. Nobody to arrest, or harass, no reason to call out the goon squads. No funds to confiscate or leaders to vilify. No counter-protests, no undesireable ethnic presence. In fact, any reaction they pull will be to barefaced to conceal and with the hardships they’ve caused others, they can expect no sympathy.

Picture of the day.
Railway drawbridge, Australia.
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           The mini-fridge is connected under the work counter in the shed. That’s lower than I thought, I may build a base up another foot. Who likes having to crouch down to get a Bud on a hot day? The unit is rigged up for Florida duty, shown here getting bug screens, or actually critter screens to keep vermin away from any comfy spots. This frees up some space where I plan a work counter. Before, the wall unit seemed best. Then I fixed a couple small motors. If you don’t want to play Hercules, you’ll put your work where you can walk around it.
           Next chore was raking the dirt floors, more physical labor that works the back. It’s done, plus a turned the dolly varden siding around so the other side will dry in the sunlight. I may be lucky enough to salvage a good portion of that.
           On to the sprayer. Yes, the markings on the cans and tanks are inaccurate. The metric conversions are only approximate. I mixed all to exact specs and put marks on every container. I got a quarter of the yard sprayed before the battery gave out, so I’m inside with coffee and cookies. I’ll finish it if the recharge doesn’t take it past dark. If I forgot to say, that sprayer can hit the length of the workshed, which is at least 16 feet. Maybe I will stand a chance against this mosquito season. The package says the treatment persists two weeks. I can tell you right off it is a vast improvement over spray cans or hand pumps.

           It also has the power to ruffle leaves and rustle grass so you do less gymnastics to coat the undersides. It is three times faster and I’m pretty happy with it so far. Due to the faster work, I’m taking more time to really go after the mosquito areas. Here’s something you’ve not seen before. The fanciest hand-painted screwdriver rack in Dixie. Well, she did say I could find something to do with it. Some of the unpainted surfaces will be exposed when I’m done, but I’ll settle for uniqueness. I’m back on the way to recovery but not up to speed, call it a full day after maybe four hours of light duty. Hope you got your exercise. Or I should say got your productivity up.
           Those bass strings are more of a challenge due to a weird peg design that means cutting the string before beginning to coil. I will have four new strings, not the white DR model I wanted and have been waiting nearly six months for. Thus my five-string will have four new copper threads and one somewhat tarnished old chrome B string. And my amp equipment has trouble with that low B. In one hour, I’ve managed only one string.

           To demonstrate the grip the Democrats have on the media and the civil service, 46 out of 50 states have conducted recounts and confirmed Biden lost the election. Yet not a single word in the mainstream media. It’s more serious than just a wrong number of votes. Biden is threatening to shut down Texas oil production by closing the Permian field pumping. However, he would have to use the EPA to do so and it seems they just got defanged. Still the fact that he would try shows the sheer desperation in DC.
           That Cheney woman may have come up in survey showing only a 1% approval rating, but is that rumor or humor? Reading the text of the Missouri voter ID law, it spells out what “election authorities” may not do. It is also a slap in the face to the Democrats who inanely continue to crow that non-white people don’t know how to get and use ID. Contemporary polls show that if Trump runs in 2024, he would have a 40 point lead over any combination of opponents.
           More talk of huge gold strike in Uganda. The number being kicked around is $12 trillion. But all sources are government-controlled, so I’d wait. That amount of money would cause serious upsets if it hit the market all at once. I’m doubly guarded because that country recently experienced a boom when it announced the discovery of oil which has not yet arrived.

Last Laugh