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Friday, August 12, 2022

August 12, 2022

One year ago today: August 12, 2021, of 300 battles.
Five years ago today: August 12, 2017, my A/C’s fifth anniversary.
Nine years ago today: August 12, 2013, life smart; book dumb.
Random years ago today: August 12, 2004, a ‘calendar’ entry.

           Some manner of record, I was on the phone for three hours. Can’t say, but there is a development, after which I crawled back into bed until nearly noon. I finished reading “Darwin’s Radio” and I’m throwing that book in the trash. The last half is about people losing their jobs, falling in love, and problems of pregnant women that nowadays have a name for every slightest variation. It’s that the outside world is probably not anywhere near as interested in the details as the person involved. The chain saw isn’t ready and the entire patterns outside say it will be an afternoon of total rain.
           That’s today’s journal unless I do out tonight. I did some shopping, then right back here to listen to all the birdies and go over my song lists. I have around five tunes that are iffy on presentation so I’m hoping I’ll find replacements that are easier on me. Yep, that full version of “You Are My Sunshine” brought $16 in the tip jar. Turns out so few have heard the full lyrics.
           Here is the latest in Communist Chinese air force hardware. To those in the know, it is a carbon copy of stolen American technology. One thing ou cannot copy, however, is the mistakes. That will be the downfall of these weapons in a hot war. I wish I know the correct name for this error, where you copy the creation but can’t copy the creator. Last day I should have answered that when asked why don’t I just train somebody to play bass and I take over on the guitar? It don’t work like that.

           The Reb & I talked about Charleston. The downtown hotels want $1,400 for four days, one of the worst rip-offs in America. Where the most expensive thing you do is sleep. Because we’ll take the dogs, we’d both prefer something smaller with a kitchenette, so we are looking a few miles out of town instead. All American hotel chains are an expensive rip-off in the context of just wanting a place to sleep and shower. They are priced for people on expense accounts not concerned with the cost. But $350 per night plus hidden fees is excessive to me.
           I bought ten pounds of chicken for the week and got in the door 30 seconds before the rain. Pretty nimble, actualy. The radio news says the Bidenistas are going bonkers trying to justify the Trump raid, including feigning objection if you call it that. They say it was “executing a warrant”. Nobody wants to hear that, it was a political attack in the nation’s eyes and they will not live it down. Brace ourselves for a whole new family of meme.

Picture of the day.
Beirut International Airport.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Dang, rain until nearly dark. I watched the news feeds and I wonder if the raid on Trump’s place is what awakened the legendary sleeping giant. While I don’t trust anything Twitter posts, there has to be something behind the groundswell of support when they say anything positive about the guy. Voters are incensed and nothing is going to convince them the raid was not a political attack, with 82% of Republicans and 72% of independents reporting “increased motivation” to vote. In the same order 76% and 54% believe Trump’s political enemies did the dirty deed. American justice is based on equal application of the law and the radical left has upset that balance. Woe to them in November. There is a joke circulating that Trump sent Biden a thank-you note.

           Quite late, I drove over to Bartow to see who was playing. It was another Guitar Center soloist with the Standard 22. It was okay. I wasn’t planning to stay but folks kept buying me drinks. A lot of people who know me as an entertainer over the years showed up there and this was my lucky night. I did not get out until just before midnight. You know it is one of the reasons I avoid playing where I visit. My second girlfriend, Angelface, could tell you about this. She became a hairdresser. So what happened every time the gals got together?

           Does anyone else like reading code? Here’s a link to Chasing Your Tail. It’s coding for an app that searches for nearby cell phone ssid info while you are moving or driving. If it keeps picking up the same number, it’s a indication you are being followed. Here is the main loop, it only has my attention because it is the way I would code the same thing. All it does is call subroutines, or whatever the millennials call subroutines.
#### New
if ssid_probed_for in five_ten_min_ago_ssids:
print ("Probe for {} in 5 to 10 mins list".format(ssid_probed_for))
cyt_log.write ("Probe for {} in 5 to 10 mins list \n".format(ssid_probed_for))
if ssid_probed_for in ten_fifteen_min_ago_ssids:
print ("Probe for {} 10 to 15 mins list".format(ssid_probed_for))
cyt_log.write ("Probe for {} 10 to 15 mins list \n".format(ssid_probed_for))
if ssid_probed_for in fifteen_twenty_min_ago_ssids:

print ("Probe for {} in 15 to 20 mins list".format(ssid_probed_for))
cyt_log.write ("Probe for {} in 15 to 20 mins list \n".format(ssid_probed_for))
##### End New
           [Author's note: in the above code there is another clue that author has programming experience. He has avoided fall-through. This is how C+ coders fake a CASE command using nested if-thens. Look at the last two lines of code between the comments. The Pass command is really a go-to. This segment would work without the last two lines, because if the previous conditions were not met, the sequence would "fall through" to the next line of code. A very stupid method because it is invisible. The last two lines spell out what is to happen and that is how I know this guy has been exposed to real programming.
           The code still contains errors that a true programmer would not miss. For example, there is no provision for several potential errors. For example, what happens if the data is less than 5 minutes? The code should do nothing, but that should be stated. Also, there is an overlap at 10 and 15 minutes. If data said 10 minutes, is it meant for the first log or the second log? There are also links in the code that are not spelled out. Nonetheless, this code stands out as one of the best examples I've seen of a coder at least trying to pretend he is a programmer.]

Last Laugh