One year ago today: August 12, 2020, too obviously a stooge.
Five years ago today: August 12, 2016, I used a water level . . .
Nine years ago today: August 12, 2012, Demopolis, Alabama.
Random years ago today: August 12, 2009, Coconut Grove.
It's not official. I may be here longer than planned and the weather turned Florida muggy a few days back. Seems I can't win this trip. The Reb may have turned her ankle. Please, hope for not broken, that is a $5,000 minimum in the USA. She was at a fund-raiser and tripped on a rock. And before you know it, I'm walking the doggies myself. Conspicuous in this neighborhood where we always walk them together, just you watch. Matters get complicated, since I'm repairing the shed and my van is in the shop. You know how your windshield costs $200? Mine costs $400. But it is done and sure looks nice. So does this view of the organic food section at one of the eight local markets.
Ah, did someone back there just say looks aren't everything? They are to me, babe, if I'm the one on stage and you ain't, but I'm talking real estate. I took a drive to view a listing in Tulip Grove. I don't know the area except we drive past it to get to the recycle. Listed at $169k, this is that same area where several similar-priced houses came up at once. That spells something wrong, so I looked in case it is something I can live with. Instead, I got a mystery, but I'll tell you the clues and you tell me. First clue, the property does not match the photo on Zillow. However, this is common with new listings and the real thing is somewhat nicer than the photo. Later, but before posting, the picture was replaced with the correct view.
They are single-family dwellings and there is no HOA. TMOR, one of the top concerns when purchasing a house in the USA is to avoid an HOA, that is, a "Home Owners Association". It sounds like an organization to protect and manage a neighborhood but over time most of them have degenerated into political groups dominated by a minority in the district for their own good. They indulge in favortism, nepotism, and all too often wind up working against the individual households that live there. The common example is how they can forbid you to paint your own fence in your own back yard by claiming it would harm the neighbors or devalue other houses. Even should that be true, there are other laws and regulations already in place to deal with it. It is better to just avoid an HOA and look at the neighborhood yourself.
By mid-morning, the ankle is likely just badly sprained. This puts a halt on all other plans, including a celebration we have been anticipating for two months. It took that long to get the reservations. Dang, it was an anniversaty event which I can't say, so maybe next year. I don't like saying things that way at my age. Any good news? Well, the smaller doggie lost his harness. I asked where the Reb walked them and went back on my own. Retracing the steps, what luck, I found it lying by a curb, located by guessing where in that huge parking lot my Reb would have chosen a spot. How's that for compatibility. (In reality, don't base anything much on photos, we both know how to pose, ha!) And I'm not going to say a thing, but when injuries that should heal in a few days take a few weeks, I've learned to ask, are you a vegetarian? Of course I understand the slower process is much better, don't be silly.
At the wind turbine factory.
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We have the Lidell symposium, a fancy word for a meeting concerned with one topic. The silence from Trump, but for the rare post, continues to baffle many. I say he is sticking to his plan of letting the leftoids hang themselves. It also means when he returns, there will be even more damage to repair. But the fragmented Republican party seems to need something ugly shaking in their faces before they unite over anything. If that is Trump's tactic, he's learned the value of the flank attack. I'm not saying he didn't know that already, but in 2016, like a lot of Americans, he found out the Democrats are experts at trench warfare.
For clarity, you may find the statistics interesting. In all of mankind's history, depending on your criteria, there have been around 300 major battles which had a victor and a vanquished. That's an important distinction, somebody won, somebody lost. So we are not counting inconclusive seiges and campaigns here. The question is, of these 300 battles, how many were won by direct frontal assault against the enemy's main forces? Only around five or six. In other words, over 95% of battles between strong opponents are won by other means. This is for sure what Trump has learned.
There's no ignoring politics in this climate. Those who still deny election-rigging are hooted off the stage. Pictures of counterfeit ballots being offloaded from China are all over the web. Politicians who try to discredit Mike Lindell are laughed at to their faces. And Texas becomes the first state to soundly defeat Democrats who tried every trick in their book to block a forensic audit. More sources are at least mentioning what this blog has pointed out since 1980, that the Leftists don't stop at infiltrating politics, they also control key civil service positions. This means it is not enough to just expose the fraud, but sadly, that's where Lindell is failing and the commies know it. Lindell still represents a huge problem for the Democrats, however, because his revelations and accusations have become increasing for them to keep denying with their canned narratives.
It is interesting to note the Democrats in Texas tried to use the filibuster to block the audit, while at the national level have worked tirelessly to stop Trump from using the same tactic. It is now so plain that the radical left has to manipulate their perceived advantages at this point into blocking the majority who are against them. They work by keeping the majority arguing between themselves and by forming the largest minority. If you want to see where that leads, look at Canada, where everything is dictated from the top down. It was pulled off so smoothly in the 1960s that hardly a single resident of that country is even cognizant enough to realilze, much less admit, it's been going on.
No need to blab to me about Canada, I worked for a company based in that country for many years. It was phenomenal to listen to Canadians brag about how free they were. But you'd have to see it first hand to believe how brainwashed they were, each and every one. They claimed they had free speech, yet saw nothing amiss that in order to do so, they had to show several pieces of picture ID to an armed anonymous policeman recording their names and addresses. Canada is little more than a prime example democracy gone wrong. Of how blurry-eyed mass indoctrination via a controlled education system can produce the illusion of a free people. There is not a single Donald Trump in all of Canada today who is not in prison.
One more thing. Just after I mentioned there is no single database where you can easily track how each politician voted on any given issue that is EASY TO USE, guess what? Somebody announces a watch list of similar nature. But, again, this is, again, just a coincidence, again.