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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 17, 2022

One year ago today: August 17, 2021, dogs love memory foam.
Five years ago today: August 17, 2017, protests & counter-protests.
Nine years ago today: August 17, 2013, learning solar power stuff.
Random years ago today: August 17, 2020, , a perpetual plumbing problem.

           I awoke to a crew digging up the street. Not for repairs but to install 5G cable. It’s the orange tubing shown in this picture. They have a gronk did a hole every thirty or so feet and somehow pull this cable through the dirt, I did not stick around to watch. There’s lots of work here and I’m going to take a half day off to collect all my phono jack (guitar plugs) and determine what I’ve got that can be salvaged. Over the decades, I’ve got more than 30 cables with something not working. These are known by a variety of names such a patch cables, instrument cables, ¼” plugs, and as luck would have it, I have a small box of the plugs from that massive blowout at Radio Shack so long ago.
           It was another morning of logistics and I may have an opportunity to visit Texas for a couple of days, albeit in the east where I’ve hardly ever been south of Texarcana. It’s the return leg I may find tricky, there are no direct land passenger routes since the area got diversified. Here’s the morning’s activity since that was all that happened. I fixed a base for the workshed fridge since that has become quite popular. I got some repairs done and a load of laundry. More measurements for more shelves as the silo becomes finally full of really important things like who knows. It’s not organized but as long as I know it’s there, close enough.

           This is needed, I suppose, since simply putting stuff on the shelves is a form of organization. A lot of the time is finding various pockets and getting them all together. For instance, I’ve discovered I own around 12 D-cables, these are the ones used to plug in the power on computers. Why 12, when last year in Tennessee I had to go buy one? Because, I was disorganized, that’s why. Oh, and I finally located my spare music extension cord, now I have an extra. It’s moving along.
           By noon, it was too muggy to work more than a half-hour without a break, yet the real feel is only 102ºF. Maybe getting rid of Cheney was such a relief all of America is taking a break. Why mention her? Because she’s gone insane, saying she may run against Trump in 2024.
           Oh, would I like to find the AOL who coded my smart phone and introduce him to a cattle prod. This one isn’t as bad as Alcatel, this one only requires five keypresses to use the speed dial. Finally, I braved the heat and cut up that last log lying in the front yard, testing the gas chain saw. These look like trees but they are just the limbs and cut into sizes that I can lift onto the yard cart. I hesitate sometimes with these photos because they do not show the 45 minutes of backbreaking labor involved. Each section had to be manhandled out of the dirt and onto a brace to be cut.

           Bryne called and we may be going to Texas, but we don’t know when. Moving is bloody expensive business in America and in the end you wind up paying rent in two places. There are moving companies who store, but you’ll probably wish you’d just done the rent.

Picture of the day.
Metal walls.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Aha, there’s the chainsaw with the shop tag still attached. I know you realize and appreciate the changes that had to happen for you to get such timely and relevant photos most every day. Even the habit of carrying a camera has to be learned. The saw is a distraction at this point, as I’m cutting trees that overhand the neighbor’s yard. All are fast-growing camphor trees if you like that aroma. Too bad only when cut, not when burned. The saw made quick work of the cutting, now I still need a couple hours to clean up the area. You can see the neighbor’s house from the trees now. One lime fell on my fence and it now needs to be propped back up.
           In case anyone thinks I’m saying Florida only jerks me around, what about the cable guys today? I say Florida will also cause YOU to screw somebody around and it is uncanny. The cable workers follow the water lines to run their wires and guess where one of the fixed positions for a splice station came out to? Come on, guess. Well, you see, once in my entire life I cut logs and piled them last week at that spot. There is a picture [below] showing them trying to dig behind the logs, but no dice. Around an hour later, they had to move the logs and the huge brush pile shown just peeping in on the left. Around eight feet high and heavy. There you have it, folks, until today I though 5G was wireless so it could nuke all the birds. What a telling commentary on the millennial and woke generations that by 2022 they are still installing their wired infrastructure utilizing human labor.

           The fallout from the Cheney disaster begins. It’s the first important event of the mid-terms which I don’t pretend to know about. Ah, but people I know. It is not just an election. Millions of dollars and an entire Democrat propaganda mechanism were drawn into the vortex. Others who endorsed her are already getting their own backlash. Her political faction invested billions to keep others squabbling between themselves. Now even the worst fence-sitters can see they are not alone and are part of a group too large to be singled out as has been hinted at multiple times by the Democrats.
           I don’t think confrontation is necessary for one simple reason. The Democrats exist by promising people free stuff in return for the money it takes to stay elected. Once in power, the Democrats rely on shaking the money out of the system. The illusion is that their empire, knows as the Deep State, is too big to fail. The reality is if you can cut off the money supply at any part of the process, the whole rotten structure will come crumbling down. The Democrat policy relies so totally on a huge cash flow that they have no strategic reserve. These are interesting times.
           That brings up a peculiar situation between myself and certain types. I don’t usually make friends with libtards and thus do not have the same problems as those that do. Why? Because it has more to do with the entire woke mindset. It is rare to find independent-minded leftists. While in my books, there would be nothing odd about a person who supported welfare but opposed voter ID. In leftists you get the hive mind. They are all for and against the identical things. You can’t show me a Democrat who loves queers but wants to close the border. Being all the same, it makes it easy to reject the entire person after knowing their stance on one or two issues. Using their own words, prove me wrong.

           I found that missing extension cord after a week. It had to turn up but I still looked everywhere. This morning I went to do a load of laundry. All I can say is next time be careful where you set down the laundry basket when you are done with it. I got inside and ran some research on the early Morse telegraph system. He wasn’t first, many of us knew that, but why did he succeed? Well, it’s called a repeater. Beside the telegraph key, you see another little brass structure. It is a primitive form of amplifier. Early telegraph failed because the electricity gets too weak in long wires to drive the receiving apparatus. So, the weak signal was boosted by an external power source.

Last Laugh