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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

One year ago today: August 16, 2021, a Nashville Sunday evening.
Five years ago today: August 16, 2017, where’s Edison, Florida?
Nine years ago today: August 16, 2013, I quit drinking milk.
Random years ago today: August 16, 2007, a pizza, sigh.

           Today’s lesson cost me $57. I have the gas chainsaw back and the problem was bad gas. Ah, some might think, I mixed it wrong or left it to separate in the tank. Wrong, the gas was drained after each use and the motor run until it stalled. The problem was the store-bought gas, photo shown here. This product is crap. It is mixed wrong and uses the wrong type of oil. It’s $28 per gallon, but I bought just this one can. It was enough to gum up the carb. The ratio is closer to 58:1 of gummy oil, which coated the carb. The ratio is critical, below 40:1 the engine may seize, above 50:1 it doesn’t vaporize right.
           This leads to another story. The mechanic is your 100% backwoods redneck hillbilly nice guy. He reports in the past two years he’s had around 30 motors that required repair from this brand of fuel. He is also an ardent Trump supporter and I’ll wager a crack shot. He has no illusions what will happen if anyone dares to harm Trump. On the return leg the city put up a detour sign and that part of down is designed without any regular east-west arteries. I had to drive 14 miles on an empty gas needle. [Damn] millennials, [they] put the sign up miles past the last alternate turn.

           I still can’t shake the doldrums, but America is nicely charged up that today will be the end of the widely-detested Cheney lady who heads the J6 committee. I care not, since most Americans don’t really listen to fat ladies, but I do see this as the test run for both November and 2024. Plus, it will show America in higher detail more of the dirty tricks that have been used for so long now. TMOR, I’ll describe how the cheaters work it. Primary elections are where the registered votes of a party choose who they want to run as representative in the next election. Republicans vote for Republican candidates, and Democrats vote for Democrat candidates. What could go wrong?
           Well, suppose you have a rotten Republican (a RINO) like Cheney, in office. To get rid of her, a new candidate must win against her in the primary, which is held today in Wyoming. The challenger has a Trump endorsement, an almost guaranteed win. How does Cheney cheat? The public is too aware of ballot-harvesting for Cheney to try that. Instead, the Democrat party has their members go falsely register as Republicans long enough to vote her back in. Problem, in Wyoming, there are barely enough Democrats to pull this off even if they all voted. Which is practically impossible.

           Personally, I never heard of Cheney until I saw the memes likening her to Miss Piggy. What I saw was mainstream reporting of food shortages and the supply-chain crisis. No such thing exists around here or any place I know of. There are no empty shelves or anyone going without, so it seems to be another hoax. But to what end? Maybe they mean next year and one American in ten thousand ever thinks that far ahead. The party in power is only there because they plainly took advantage that many Americans trusted a system that had once been trustworthy. Not no more.

Picture of the day.
French country band (Quebec).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           In the end, I got all my shopping done and found a new barber. I stopped at the Thrift for a visit and then the old pre-COVID coffee shop. It was the last of my energy to work the crossword. Who do I meet there but Kahren. I guess she used to work there and sometimes visits on her day off. Then I stopped to visit my real estate agent. Our upbringings have a lot in common with the one major difference is her parents put her through college. Mine booted me out into the cold and wild. These days I cannot wait to get home where it is cool and comfy. A late siesta is better than none. I’m so tired I did not check the Wyoming vote situation.
           Actually, let me go check, nope no partial scores yet. I think two more hours to go. Unless there is open fraud, no way. She talks like this is a nothing vote and hints about running for President in 2024 despite recent polls showing her ratings a 2%. I admit, when I read that I had to go take a look and she really does share features with Miss Piggy. Here, see for yourself in this photo.

           England has begun an ad campaign stating the payback period on solar panels has dropped from 16 years to 4 years. Not made possible by a scientific breakthrough, but by increasing the cost of electricity. Pure political genius. TMOR, when you hear “points” it is shorthand for the percentage of people who responded to a survey. To cheat, one side has to know what the other side’s count is and do a calculation of how many ballots are needed. Too many creates suspicion, too few triggers an automatic recount.
           Later, the results are in and Miss Piggy is out. Worse, she lost by nearly 40 points in a contest where 5 points is considered embarrassing. It is lost to nobody this is an omen for what is coming in November. She was played up as the most popular and effective candidate of Trump but thanks to instant news on the Internet, the media was unable to push that fantasy as in the past. Right up to the last hour, the leftist mainstream media pumped out polls and press that the race was too close to call. This normally is a setup that they intend to cheat. This is why you so often see a losing Democrat suddenly come from behind to win by an unbelievably narrow margin.

           This has implications. It destroys one of the left’s major tactics and amplifies America’s belief in the power of a Trump endorsement. If any voters were uncertain of a Trump win, this signals they can now vote with complete confidence—unless the opposition resorts to drastic measures. Many see the raid on Trump’s house as just that. I never liked Cheney because she so obviously lies, I could care less she doesn’t like Trump. I think this is a disaster for the Democrat party and just a hint of what is going to happen to their lesser candidates. They must be very worried. They spent a lot of money on Cheney and Trump spent peanuts.
           My guesswork remains unchanged, that pro-Trump people will regain control of the nation’s purse strings and cut off funding for all the programs that the Bidenistas are cramming through. They thought they had until late 2024 to pay back their donors and now must play their hands within 90 days. If I was Trump, I’d ramp up the security. Oh, and the “news” that Trump [illegally] had “more than one passport” is a leftist ploy. High-ranking politicians often have separate diplomatic passports.

           I’ve never built a circuit using MOSFETs. But I have had several H-bridge circuits overheat on me. This harks back to my studies on Aruduino-controlled motors, the background that to this day forms most of what I know about electronics. The H-bridge is a four-transistor arrangement for controlling diirection that a DC motor spins. It’s conceptually easy but I thought to do a half-hour of research on that heat problem. It’s related to voltage drop, the amount of electricity it takes to operate a component. It takes almost 1.5 volts to operated two transistors, which is a good chunk out of the standard 5V power supply.
           Enter the MOSFETS, which do the same job much more efficiently. How? I don’t know, the practical side of this hobby disappeared when I bought this cabin. The research side stayed on and today I see that Arduino has finally addressed the problem of no display. You cannot pick up an Arduino and know what is on it, if anything. They now market a puny LCD display that plugs on top of the board. These are called shields for some obscure reason. The shield is not just the LCD, it contains a series of control and display buttons which I am exploring now for the first time.

           I’m unlikely to build this circuit for the simple reason that it uses libraries. This are snippets of code that are downloaded for specific functions, like the LDC display or the button keypresses. I hate them for the reason that they demand you put complete faith that somebody you don’t know has done the job right. That is a mistake that Tesla, NASA, and most medical techs can tell you has fatal consequences. The only way I’d find libraries acceptable is if the link had the capability to display the code. Shortly later, I found a youTube Video that shows the MOSFETs connected to test gear like I’ve never had. I lose the video around the half-way mark, that goes beyond my limit.
           My use of PWM is not to control speed as much as position. This uses a different type of motor, of which I have a small boxful. The controller can turn the motor to a specific position and hold it there. I was fascinated by the Etch-A-Sketch clock. In years of occasionally remembering this gadget, I have failed to come up with something novel on my own.

Last Laugh