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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August 3, 2022

One year ago today: August 3, 2021, inflation coincidence?
Five years ago today: August 3, 2017, the cruise line musician.
Nine years ago today: August 3, 2013, “I need a workshop.”
Random years ago today: August 3, 2005, failed toothpick display schematic.

           Mystery solved, the price was a misprint. Not $33k, but $333k, however demonstrating that I’m on top of the situation. It would be nice to have some real help occasionally, that’s all. I’m in sleep mode, more than ten hours per day, another privilege of ownership. These price drops give me a chance to review and it reveals another way things are different over here. Since I do not use credit cards, I don’t see any advertising or changes for that nonsense. The Reb reports the airwaves are currently blasting “Wave 5” mortgages. I think that’s what she says.
           Today the planned task is to take down the saplings. I was to get the chainsaw fixed, but the guy said phone first and he wasn’t in. Trees that grow by roots have to be nipped off below ground level with bolt cutters. That explains my lack of gusto. My filter also let through new classical recordings and instead I got something that typifies the hypocrisy of the third world. It was symphonic, with the full orchestra section, but adding amplified rock instruments and choir vocals. You can’t get much more western than that. It was theme music to anti-European military parades in North Korea. They hate us but there was not one Korean instrument on that massive stage.

           Remember these IBM “golfballs”? I do, but not from usage. When these contraptions came out in the 60s, only big offices had them. They were expensive and heavy. By the time I required typing for computer entry, I went direct to computer and printer, thus missing the whole experience with Selectrics. I’ve more than once been called a dinosaur because I did not know how to use these clunker machines. I liked the way they corrected mistakes, by lifting the vinyl letters right off the paper. Early “IBM” computers and most printers were so unreliable, I kept a typewriter for backup until 1991, when I donated it to Marion, who still was not sure about using a computer for her Great American Novel.
           Another reason I dislike Selectrics is because if you did not destroy the ribbon, it could be fished apart and read. Some say that’s paranoia, but the true reason is quite simple. Like most people, I don’t write anything I shouldn’t. That is so wrong on two counts. One is that you do not know that will applyin the future. Two, not being a little careful breeds slack habits that one day when you need privacy, you’ll not know how. The Selectrics were involved in a spy case in Moscow but I don’t think the tapes were involved.
           The election in Arizona solidly brought in the Trump candidate, but the left wants two more weeks to count the mail-in ballots. By that time, they will know exactly how many cheat votes they need to win by the usual very tiny margins. Why small margins? Two reasons. They can claim the difference is too small to warrant a recount and they don’t want to go over the realm of believability. In 2020, the some Democrats said they would support punishing Trump supporters. Any that are still using IBM Selectrics are natural first targets.

           FireFox features yet another “official” study that proves yet again that traffic jams are not caused by a tiny minority of truly stupid and inconsiderate a-holes. Invariably, they place the blame on everybody—as if everybody have some latent compulsion to come to a complete stop on a 70 mph interstate. The motive is clear, it’s the first lesson learned in kindergarten. The brat who can blame everybody can continue being a brat. I often wonder if the pricks who cause traffic jams are the same ones who do these studies.
           And kiss one more good thing goodbye. Remember the airport lounges for members only? It was nice. A far higher class of bums and sleazes, and they left you alone. But you know the loser mindset, they don’t want their own lounge that excludes you, they want rights to access your space. Calling it the “democratization” of the lounge, they can now walk in and force their stupidity and chaos on you. In reality, the good people just move and allow them the leftovers.

Picture of the day.
Abandoned motel, AZ.
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           The extra sleep time did wonders. I was out there cutting the saplings and raking the yard for over an hour. The trees have to be cut below ground level, so it is hands & knees with the bolt cutter. I got everything cut that will fit between blades, but opted not to go buy the electric chain saw today. I need to locate a source of 20% coupons and I’ll check the library tomorrow.
           I’m amused by the spate of advise columns telling people how to behave now that money is tight and times are bad. Amused, because I know there is a level that if you fall below it, you will never recover. All the advice presumes the hard times are temporary and all you need do is tighten the old belt long enough, then you’ll be okay. Wrong. There is what I’d call a critical bottom layer of what it takes to survive in America nowadays. That includes all the rip-offs and taxes that continue even if you don’t. So, let’s take a random look at such advice.
1. Apply for a grant. Apply and starve to death waiting.
2. Buy cheaper car insurance. Find out it covers nothing.
3. Get paid for on-line surveys. Make $100 per month.
4. Consolidate credit debt. Dig your hole even deeper.
5. Buy extra over-draft protection. Really prove how stupid you are.
6. Stop overpaying Amazon. That one is beneath comment.
           It’s hilarious, because by the time most people have blundered into the trap, they’ve already done the above self-scams to exhaustion. Another consideration is that to even try any of these half-measures, you have to have enough income to get there. Truly impoverished people won’t. And what about those who were born into the situation where even the above shortcuts are lofty goals? That, I could tell you a lot about, it’s called first-hand experience.

           I dunno if you want to watch this news report, but I hold self-defense in high regard. The police, as they have allowed themselves to become, are never there when you need them. Their hands are busy handing out traffic tickets. The video is from Saudi news sources, showing events in Brazil. The government there, decades too late, have finally allowed the killing of motorcyclists who rob & kill. This would not work in America, where the criminals could sue you, but the times they are a changin’.
           Next we have the laff of the week, a citizen calls 911 to report a federal agent at his door. Try to keep a straight face as the prick (because he is in violation of the Constitution) squeals like a swine. “I have a medical condition.” “My wife’s pregnant”. Absolutely pathetic. I’m surprised the first cop didn’t plug him when he refused to get on the ground. It’s not clear if they wound up tasing the bastard, but if so he deserved it.

           Wiki is again begging for money. I don’t contribute, as it is risky giving any personal details to people known to support countries I don’t think should be supported. And their publication is too anti-white and anti-German for my likings. Who remembers the rule of thumb that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something? I laughed because those hours have to be what I called “directed”. Turns out I was pretty close. More recent studies confirm those hours must be accompanied by other factors such as feedback, environment, solitary practice, and the ability to reject “wrongness”.
           Aha, to me those are all part of what I meant by directed. The contentious one is how to determine wrongness because it is a minority view. It is drummed into us to be nice to the less fortunate. Take your average dumb bastard. Pressure is to be nice, but look more closely. Most people go beyond nice and are treating him better than average. That is, treating him the same as everybody else is not good enough. Thus, it is wrong on many levels, including a waste of time, to be nice to such people. To become an expert, I say you must have the ability and strength to go against what you know is wrong even if it gets you in dutch sometimes.
           And Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Chinese who objected to her presence in Taiwan were afraid because she was a woman.

Last Laugh