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Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022

One year ago today: August 29, 2021, 1-1/2 tunes.
Five years ago today: August 29, 2017, fixing the floor.
Nine years ago today: August 29, 2013, Al Bundy sez.
Random years ago today: August 29, 2010, remember G’s Place?

           Nice guy that I am, there are no pictures of the plumbing I fixed this morning. At least it went well now that I know what I’m doing but I’m glad I did not become a plumber. New stuff running in, fine, but repairs, you can have them. There were three problems. One you know, the kitchen sink drains don’t have the required slope, so grease eventually clogs then pipes and has to be shaken out by hand. In the bathroom, I have one pipe just a tad too short so remember to tighten it every few months. And the first sink I put in, I trapped myself with two female ends that need joining if I ever find the proper fitting to do it. Right now, it is secured by that dandy stretch plumbing tape that works fine but allows slow leaks.
           It’s now past ten and I’m deciding if I should continue and reroute that bathroom supply. This calls for a half-hour coffee break while I mull that one over. As before, even indoors, I don’t like to start any project that may not be completed by dark. It would seem half-hour breaks don’t help but they’ve saved me more than once. I also gave the birds an extra treat of rice that got old on me. If you put two servings, one with oil and the other plain, they will prefer the pile with oil. I built an experimental feeder this afternoon.

           Here is that excellent chair I salvaged. Except for those casters, it checks out. This is a well-made piece of furniture. I know, I used to build them. The next picture is my soggy sawhorses. They were set out in the sun to dry, forgotten, and now they are soaked, along with the piece of carpet behind them, which now must be thrown out. I used the back door of the shed to work in the silo and missed these out in the rain.
           The bathroom radio comes on automatically. Toyota, I think, is developing a Bluetooth towing system. The vehicles are not connected, but the towed unit has a receiver that duplicates the drivers controls with the appropriate delays and all. It sounds fun, until the time you are hijacked by some hackers or you get two speeding tickets instead of one. And we enter the era of “pre-bunking” which is supposed to fix the effort required by debunking. Except who’s to say which is the better agenda?

           I chose no, don’t start, maybe tomorrow. What a month, I’m tired because it is August, I think. Checking Tennessee prices, house prices continue to drop, but in places I cannot afford. Familiar? Yep, it is 2008 again, price high but nobody buying. However, the expected drop last time was so government controlled and manipulated that I no longer trust market indicators. I fell asleep for a nap and noon and stayed out until 5:00PM, with all the shed lights and fans running. But, when you set things up right, it makes little difference. My utilities are still paid five months ahead—probably more because when I’m not here the bills drop.
           Babylon Bee reports the Artemis launch is delayed because a female astronaut forgot to fill the rocket with fuel after the last trip. Says NASA, “We’ve lost count on how many times we’ve told her to make sure the rocket is gassed up after she uses it.”

           The radio shows the Trump raid has two opposing views when it comes to the redacted material. One side says it is censored because it covers up political corruption that motivated the raid. Now that’s a tough one to beat because statistics show 84% of people feel that way. So, how does the other side counter something like that? They say the blotted out material is evidence against Trump in the January 6 “insurrection” and they need it kept secret while they prepare their case. Which they have been preparing for so long now nobody much remembers because they’ve found nothing and staged too many fake witnesses.
           It’s grown petty the way the anti-Trump people are behaving. They are trying to use the system on which they have a firm lock to stop him, but nothing works because he is not part of that system. They refused to let him copyright “Truth Social”, his media site, saying the world “truth” was not eligible. Even the raid back-fired. Result? Five times as much traffic to his site. DC is doing everything they can to bash Truth, including apparently going after the banks that do business with them. Pure desperation. And I normally view desperation as what happens to people who pull a fast one and fail.

Picture of the day.
Singapore shop-houses.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The long slow rains for the past 36 hours show the silo roof may not be secure. It is tarpapered and covered with tin, but inside I see a spot on the flooring that must have been wet. That’s another chore. I spend several hours working in the silo, designing a squirrel-proof birdfeeder made from several other designs and the Chinese hat baffle I made recently. The silo, though cramped, turns out to be an excellent work spot. The shed is fine, but it was made for big jobs and to get out of the rain. It is always dusty and has a dirt floor if you drop any small parts.
           My appetite is crazy from the physical activity upsurge this month. I’m being careful to keep all under control. I still prefer to cook all from scratch. I admit to using timers. Three of them. Two electric, one analog. Why the analog? Because it ticks. It’s the one that reminds me there is something that needs checking during the process. I may bake a cinnamon cake later. For now, chicken and rice. With onion, curry, and a dash of ginger.

           Here’s a reminder, I am not a Trump fan. I would support anyone who makes liberal blood boil. I do not believe Trump has what it takes to get into office and exact the maximum penalties for treason. I think he will chicken out on his support base long before he hands out life sentences or worse to people who cheated on the election. I think certain people, not named here, deserve the death penalty for what they’ve done. Trump seems to have not sensed the mood in America has changed and people are tired of being nice to the left. They want revenge through justice—but not the justice of the Democrat controlled court system. It’s like they are saying give them a trial and then hang them, like that Mel Gibson movie.
           Hence, I support Trump mostly in that he is not one of the swamp. I am not on his social site. Why? Because it is not safe. It requires a membership, which entails a traceable IP address using an e-mail address. There are no guarantees what will happen when that list is leaked, as all lists eventually are. The left has amply telegraphed their willingness to conduct witch hunts and they’ve held 600 people in jail without a trial for some 18 months. Don’t be the next victim.

           How are my birdies? Mrs. Downey sings a lot, but she is still alone. Here is her special diet from the Audubon people. Being lonely doesn’t mean she can’t be well-fed, though I caution her human counterparts against the same philosophy. The finished cardinal feeder is experimental only, I do not know if they will take to sitting on the wire rather than wood. It is tricky to get you a picture, since the unit is mostly wire and clear plastic. I tried and the double window was the least cluttered background available.
           The components are visible if you squint. There’s the hat, and the wire from another failed unit. Inside is the small original birdfeeder that the cardinals had trouble landing on. I tried various methods of attaching branches, which they appeared to like, but the squirrels ruined them trying to tip the feeder. It’s half full of seed here, until I check for any surprises. Myself, I made a big meal of rice, the cooler weather made that possible without boiling myself in the kitchen. Then, time to set out mouse traps. Something has been raiding the bait meant for smart rat who is getting brazen in the attic. But she has to come down to find any grub, and I will get her soon.

           Getting near the end of the book, “Gold Coast Pioneer”, we find Mr. Hortt now visiting many places I know and also that he finds interest in the same things I do. Instead of golf courses and such, he visits the mill where Bolivia stamps coins and examines the old bridges. He did some excavations out west, again staying in the finest hotel or with well-heeled friends. I can vouch for the accuracy of his descriptions. He made one of the early scheduled airline flights over Cuba to South America, a time when the planes flew lower and there was something to see.
           He goes to another gory bullfight and visits millionaires in Bagota. But there’s a topic where we’d disagree. Their help is not staff, but servants. While he describes the wondrous plants and architecture, one can only wonder what a paradise South America would be today if it had not been the Spanish who got there first. They seem to invent or produce nothing except the odd artist for every 100 million of them that are born, a fraction the rate of other societies. Everything else is borrowed or copied.

           A new book from claims A.I. will never rule. I say that’s partially true. It won’t rule because it isn’t A.I. That which passes for A.I. will, I say, exercise control over the masses that amounts to rule. There is a disturbing trend for people losing their jobs due to the recession too consider it the government’s job to step in. Can you imagine a world where bartenders can’t be fired?
           Sadly, where the millennial version of A.I. does exist, it is already being used to take advantage rather than its intended purpose of alleviating drudgery. This always certainly leads to militarization and at this time the world is in chaos thanks to leftists. We’ve seen often what happens when one country has even a temporary advantage.

Last Laugh