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Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 4, 2022

One year ago today: August 4, 2021, early D-party endorsement woes.
Five years ago today: August 4, 2017, one hour per receptacle.
Nine years ago today: August 4, 2013, healthy, but sparse.
Random years ago today: August 4, 2005, my first Internet rental unit.

           The chain saw is in for repairs, it could take a week. Not that it is expensive (yet) but the guy is swamped with other work. During our quick chat, I got a ton of new incoming information. I also took along the weed eater. Two pieces of info make the blog. First, the premix fuel. You know the stuff, that sells in the cans priced up to $28 per gallon. It says on the label the mix is 50:1 or 40:1. The mechanic says those can no longer be trusted. He pointed to a few dead motors saying they had all seized up from using that fuel. Mix it yourself. I have been, but the first batch on that chainsaw was the storebought.
           Look at the label on the weed eater. He pointed to the emissions sticker and read out the compliance period. Shown here, it is 50 hours. That, he says, is how long you can expect this tool to last. The minimum repair is $37.50 plus parts makes it not worth it. Next time he suggests look for a motor that states 200 or even 300 hours. He can fix it, he says, but you might get 25 hours on average. I looks like I have yet another spare motor to take apart if I ever find the time.
           So to review, that’s two lessons this morning. Mix your own gas and read the labels for the motor compliance period. He confirmed my spark tester works right, that you can count on the plug working right. And I’ve resolved to find some way to check the compression. From the questions he asked, it is important enough and I might have saved myself a 35 mile round trip.

           That old expression of being so far behind you think you are ahead has a millennial twist. It happens when you are so far ahead the millennials think you are behind. I hand-write personal letters, so I must be old-fashioned. I don’t tweet or put my profile on-line. Why I must be a dinosaur. Another proof of my antiquation is I like movie theaters. Must be because I have not tried home theater and hooked up a huge PA to vainly try to duplicate the theater experience, even though I know movie houses are disappearing.
           Are you watching the Arizona vote counting? What a joke, and the authorities are just standing there abetting the crime. To steal an election, you have to win but not by a margin just larger than to trigger an automatic recount. The problem is, until the other side announces their totals, there is no way to calculate the margin so you must stall for time. That is done with the mail-in ballots. Somehow, it takes much longer to count those because the concerned party has made it so.
           Many craft breweries are shutting down but not as I would think because they produce lousy beer. It is because their product is generally flat and needs to be injected with carbon dioxide. There is a shortage of the gas, of course I mean the kind sold in metal canisters. No explanation for such a supply crisis, but when beer is in short supply, you know there’s a national crisis. The good news is this is Chocolate Chip cookie day.

Picture of the day.
Rock wall anchor system
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           This photo is a classroom safety pod. The idea is in the event of a shooting, the entire room packs into the container to wait for the cops to establish a perimeter, set up a radio network, and finish their donuts. I dunno, and automatic weapon emptied into that door port could really rattle around inside. Of course, the bad guy only needs one hostage and the teacher will open the door. Anyway, in Democrat America, this is what is considered a good idea. You let the crime proceed until the authorities show up to save you.
           Unable to leave the yard work until the gas chain saw is returned, I sprung for the electric model. Very light duty and the same brand as the one that gave out. Portland, which is Harbor Freight. My rationale is I bought that first electric to attack the jungle at the time and when you tally it up, that saw went beyond expectations. It did everything from topple the old Mitchfruit tree to slice up the 69 foot dead tree into burn-size pieces and all that finally broke was a known weak plastic part.
           This new saw is a redesign that addressed a lot of problems. The grip is safre and the blade is held by a big fat fist-sized turn-handle you can use with a glove on. The whole chain assembly is neater, allowing the chain to be tightened by simply loosening the handle and giving a tug. No need to find special wrenches and grow a third arm. No pics of the saw yet, and none of the yard since it was not as bad as when I moved in. All the shaggy growth is down, including much of what had grown through the fence into the church yard. And what’s left will be gone when the big saw gets running.

           Just over two hours but in the shade mostly. That earned me an ice cold Yueng-Ling of which I am partaking at this moment. I have some news. Cousin Leslie is dead. I only met the guy once when I was ten years old and he was eight. I was contacted by Texas vital statistics who have advised me to check on the estate, but Leslie was so spoiled rotten he amounted to nothing. That’s the only child who had one room for his bed and another room for all his toys. Knowing my uncle owned two houses way back then, I’m certain Leslie had a fun and easy life. Sorry to hear, but like I said, I never knew the guy. Don’t get any hopes up, they always advise all blood relatives to check on the estate.
           Let me grab another Yueng-ling. I don’t mind work that gets you dirty. Sawdust, oil, dirt, doesn’t bother me. But sweaty work and that was today. Sweaty and gritty. That’s why I taken to keeping beers in the cooler, so I don’t go downtown. Not that I would without the twenty-minute shower I only quit because I was getting thirsty.

           The states are again announcing a plan to go after robocallers. They are finally talking realistically in the sense of getting to the core of the problem There are two cores. One, the phone companies that host the calls and two, the credit card companies that process the payments. Method one is easier, so they are again trying that. I say again because it has never worked before because the robocallers and providers just register new companies and start over.
           Microsoft has, for the 857th time, announced the successful testing of a hydrogen fuel cell and the metaverse real estate market went bust. People who can’t afford property with real money are doing no better paying for crypto property with crypto money. There’s a lesson in there somewhere. And that LA intersection accident with the car doing 100mph, that was either suicide or self-driving.
           Some journalists hooked an RV to a $90,000 electric truck and found it would not tow more than 100 miles before needed a recharge. In sad news for the climate change people, the Great Barrier Reef is rebounding in spectacular fashion from one of its natural cycles.

Last Laugh