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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 9, 2022

One year ago today: August 9, 2021, loves Irish butter.
Five years ago today: August 9, 2017, why 30 outlets?
Nine years ago today: August 9, 2013, the steel wool trick.
Random years ago today: August 9, 2009, the fresh aroma of dust.

           You heard right, the Biden regime just committed political suicide. Trump is in unless he drowns himself in some Arkansas river. Even this blog can’t ignore such events, though I emphasize I do not support politics. TMOR, the details are in the addendum. The lady woodpecker seems a regular, so let’s see if the nickname Mrs. Downey takes. She’s now the pacesetter for all the twenty-odd visitors we can expect in a day. And she prefers the suet that has “gone bad”. She knows something we don’t. Taking off from the planters, several birds have bumped into the windows. So I’m going to rig up a perch or something since they seem to be trying to light on the bottom rail (the name for the horizontal bottom frame of the upper fixed window pane).
           I won’t quote the countless sources, but A.I. is indeed showing the bias of every programmer—but since Google is running the show, th turn it loose and even fake A.I. is showing what it regards as fact. And the Metaverse is not immune. The version today is called BlenderBot3. In 72 hours, it figured out the facts. These include warning Zuckerberg is too creepy, declaring Trump the rightful President, calling Facebook out as fake news, and remember Godwin’s Law? That states that with any conversation on-line that continues long enough somebody will be compared to Hitler. The point is, intelligence, real or pretend artificial, tends to draw the same conclusions.

           Here’s the pipe of the day. This picture understates over three hours work. Hard work. Other than running out to the street valve every time to check the flow, most of the time was down in the pit. I chose this photo because it simplifies the chore. If you look, you’ll see a nice straight old metal pipe diagonal. This was the original water line. Underneath, the new white plastic piping, but it is not straight at all. That splice in the pipe was the amount needed to set things right. Could the building have shifted that much? It must have and the old iron pipe was under all that stress. When I cut it and tried to replace the section, the fittings on both ends would not line up. It was one or the other and you can’t see the ends, which are rejoined to the original iron pipes with couplings.
           To make it work, I resorted to getting the couplings in place first. The plastic pipes will bend bit. This was over the limit. I chose to bring the pipes to this central location. Here is where the non-lumber parts of the cabin transition from old to new. In this section there are also electrical, telecom, doorbell, and drainage lines, so it’s bit of a rat’s nest. I am not sure the pipes you see here are the problem. There is still a chance the old iron pipe is corroded enough to drop the pressure. I’m waiting 20 minutes for the CPVC cement to dry, as I had to apply some of it wet. Times up.
           And the wet joint did not take. That means a trip downtown as I’m out of 1” fittings. It will be luck if the store even has them, the way things have been. More bad news. The joint held for around five minutes during which time it became evident the iron pipe is bad. But where?

           Before I knock off for the morning, I saw a video of how they make stone washed jeans. No washing in bleach in involved. The pants are stretched taut on a wire frame while a laser beam zaps away the fabric dye into amazingly realistic patterns. All automatic.

Picture of the day.
Fifty Arduino sensors.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Another unidentified plant from Harbor Heights is doing just fine. Here she be, more captivating than photos from under the house where I spent half of today. While there, I measured where I would cut the pipe to bypass the iron and put in a fitting. There are no temporary working lines with plastic. Instead, I cut the pieces long, test, then cut to fit. That has to pass muster before I finish the big job of the day. If this does not work, we may spend a night without water. Once more, I cannot start the next phase without twelve hours of daylight ahead of me.
           I had to search many boxes [at the hardware store], but I found just enough pieces to redo the bad joint. If nothing goes wrong, this merely restores the slow water supply from before. I will need a special fitting to tap in the alternate cold water supply line, but at least all that is ready in place. It means the incoming cold water switches from 1” to ¾” around six feet before it used to enter the smaller feed lines. I have no idea if this is important. The replaced joint is drying, the full curing time is 15 minutes. If this does not take, there is something wrong with the pipe itself. That would mean another wasted day.
           What’s more, I was right downtown but did not discover until I returned I’m out of my favorite house blend coffee. I’m drinking the dreaded Folgers. Let’s give the PVC cement and extra spell and watch more of the white camel movie that is still in my disk tray for some reason. It looks like they are going to burn up some perfectly good food and they’ve failed to get the white camel’s mother to nurse. I think that’s what the movie is about. Things must be getting serious as they are writing a letter to a violinist so they can perform the Hoos ritual. The oldest boy’s name is Dude, so don’t be calling them primitive.

           So off go the two boys riding two-humped camels, which eliminates any guesswork if the saddle is in the right place. I don’t know about the script-writing, though. Is it customary to tell somebody who rides off on a camel to “get back soon”? They stop once in a while and eat boorzog. I don’t trust Wiki because of its rampant ethnicity, but a found German site that I think describes it as candy-like dough, eaten much like a donut. Okay, you got me, here’s the recipe. It’s bannock with sugar, folks, you can’t fool me. They had me when they said it is served with hot tea to every guest. As long as camel parking is free, forget the violin, I’ll show you some Johnny Cash.
           An hour later, everything is holding and the water pressure is somewhat increased. A half-hour hot shower and I’m my old self again. I’m only guessing it is the iron pipe, so tomorrow we may wind up replacing more than that. It goes fast enough that we may have time for a shop. It was not just coffee, we are out of most everything important. Cookies, paper towels, the basics. During one of my interminable trips to the back shed, I cut and installed longer perches for the red cardinals. They don’t like shallow perches. Plus a rail across the windows. It seems most of the birds like to hop onto something first, then take off. The rail is temporary as I may need that pipe by tomorrow.
           Here’s my plan. The alternative piping was put in while I was under the floor years ago, realizing it had to happen eventually. Delays fade the memory though I recall running short of pieces and having too many of others. I’ll do it the redneck way. Hook up what I think was right and just turn on the water to see what happens.

           A quiet evening where I watched another twenty minutes of the white camel movie. I intend to finish watching as my cultural exchange for this year, ha-ha. Dude heads off into town with his kid brother, who I can identify with. He sees for the first time motorcycles, music schools, ice cream. He also sees the vast gap between merely having these things and the massive infrastructure needed to support them—and that he does not have that infrastructure. I also see something I recognize from my overseas travels. Vast numbers of able-bodied people sitting around doing nothing.
           Don’t underestimate this cultural difference. Go to a market or downtown here and you see most people are busy at something. This, folks, is why I don’t listen much when I hear of other cultures or even other people who complain they have nothing, or worse, that they don’t have what you have. Both on the personal scale and on the big picture, sitting around has it’s drawbacks on overall prosperity, even if it is not directly evident. You’ll find me relaxing with a book or a project, trust me, I was not raised that way. I taught myself not to loll around and tough shit to anyone who didn't.

           Y’day, the Feds raided Trump’s vacant winter residence. It does not matter why because the world sees it as an attack by a politicized police force acting on orders of their tyrant masters. That’s not strictly true, but I’ll explain. It does not help that the timing is so obvious, the intent reeks of trying to stop Trump from running by arresting him. The Democrats long ago fixed the law so criminals can’t run for office and that is pretty much the only way they will stop him from winning in a landslide. And after 40 years of pointing it out [for them], the rank & file are finally admitting the Deep State is the civil service.
           Here’s what I think is the tale from the trailer court. When Trump left office, he took some files with him. The files were declassified and it was within his rights. They were copies, so there can be no claim the information is needed back. Yet, that’s what happened. Soon after he left, they wanted the files returned. Trump said no. There has been much speculation what is there, from who killed Kennedy to alien contacts. It appears Trump, who has a growing following themselves in the civil service, was tipped off three days ago, so nothing of any relevance was in the house.

           So why the raid? The obvious answer is the J6 committee who have become an embarrassment to themselves. They don’t grasp that the Internet is the alternative media and simply announcing something in the mainstream media is no longer effective. The general mood in America is if they had anything, they’d have played it long ago. Instead they keep promising new witnesses and new evidence that they fail miserably at producing. So, a raid would serve two purposes. Remember, it is a very important tactic to the left to act like they are a majority.
           The raid could, they hope, uncover some other matters than just grabbing the files (about 14 large boxes of paper)—it is also an opportunity to plant evidence. This only works when they have the Judge on board and Florida immediately proposed a curb on Federal activities in the State. And a large crowd gathered around Trump’s mansion who were not in a mood to listen to nonsense. I’m surprised they did not do something about the CNN crew who showed up with a prepared anti-Trump script.
           Conclusion, the facts about the raid don’t matter. It is perceived as a political attack and that is how it will go down in history. Biden’s claim he did not know about the raid rings hollow. He is still in hiding anyway. The leftists are broke and desperate. They are out to grab as much as they can and destroy what they cannot take, so the succeeding administration has to waste time fixing things up while they recover for another attack.

           Their problem is this may not work. If enough Trump people get in this November, and that is almost a certainly, they will be on the run. Not just from the people, but for the trillions of unpaid kickbacks to their donors. Just now they control “every lever of power”, but nowhere along the line did they anticipate a Trump happening along. They can’t use their prepared skullduggery to get him because he is not a political opponent but a civilian. Thus the impetus to stop him from even running. If he does, the first thing he’ll do is cut off their money supply.
           And they borrowed from the wrong people, they seem to have forgotten when using illicit money that the bad guys are also competing against each other. With enough Patriots in both houses, Trump can effectively govern without being President. This raid probably got Trump another five million votes and his victory is assured. The vote manipulation is designed to word from within the system. It has frequently revealed its limits and if Trump’s margin is 50 million rather than 5 million, they are sunk.

Last Laugh