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Thursday, September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

One year ago today: September 1, 2021, this month’s band.
Five years ago today: September 1, 2017, Korean torture radio.
Nine years ago today: September 1, 2013, it’s a buzzer.
Random years ago today: September 1, 2004, , happy face.

           Bonus, I did “win” that bid in North Dakota. I thought it was in Tennessee, where it was posted. Anyway, the title is passed to me in a process that will take two months. Then, surprise, I have to wait one year for the deed because of local bylaw. Then I can redeem(?) it for my $1,800. However, this reawakens my interest in tax deeds (as opposed to tax liens), because I can last these crazy waiting periods. This morning, we take the scooter shopping. The hot spell is back with zero cloud cover. I wish the batbike was driveable, it’s been parked for nearly five years because I still can’t make left turns.
           Now I have a sore throat. Whatever it is, I’ve got enough to put me in a mood. I finally got underway at 9:00PM and wound up knocking off for the day at 3:00PM. I got nothing done. I’m no further ahead, I made no money, I fixed and repaired nothing. But my mood remains so I’m going to do a housewife and complain how I was busy all day and should be paid extra for it.

           6:00AM Wheeled out the garbage and made two jars of lemonade, then fell back asleep until nine.

           9:00AM I made coffee and pancakes, then answered my e-mails while jotting down a shopping list of groceries. I wrote two responses and then took a video of the birdbath, hoping to record the cardinal. While that is happening, I loaded a box of books and took one more look through the parts bin to find out I have the correct coupling to fix the kitchen cold water. I marked where the cuts will be but the heat said not today.

           10:00AM Laid out the parts for the bathroom faucets and test-fit the couplings, I think this will work fine. I put an extra layer of stretchy tape over the sink drains and marked where I’ll cut all the drawers evenly deep, where now they fit around the drains. Howie was outside so we talked about getting the hotdog cart over here and he gave me a hand unloading the table saw from the fan. I threw a tarp over it, explaining I don’t have a space cleared for it inside yet. It’s not a Craftsman, if that’s what I said. It is a Skilsaw.

           11:00AM Found six more pallets in excellent shape and loaded them in the van. Shopped for a deburring tool and I’m glad I bought that big roll of solder a while back for $6. The same pound of solder now is $55. I priced out the tablesaw and did not get as good a deal as I thought, depending on if you believe eBay. I got the correct deburring tool, which now costs $11.

           12:00PM We have a mini-sinkhole across the street. The city crew is on it but only because it was big enough to damage a car. It’s sixty feet from my place and I have no such insurance. But the other guys have more to worry about. I had to drive the long way around, noting Agt. R was again not at home. I went straight to the shops, not even time to check the thrift for casters on this chair, which is very comfy by the way.

           1:00PM Grocery shopping, this time at Sav-A-Lot, where everything is picked over before you get there. That and Dollar Tree, my rule is don’t buy it downtown unless one of these bargain stores don’t have it. I spent half my time in each store at the checkout, I swear people wait until they see me before crowding in line just before I get there.

           2:00PM Unload and stow the groceries and regret I have not got around to replacing that big A/C in the front that got fried by lightning. The work crews now have the whole street blocked off. I made ravioli for lunch and decided not to try working outside in this weather. By the time I sat down, it was 3:00PM.

Picture of the day.
Cairo, today.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           My new term for vaccine deaths is “aptitude cleansing”. The drug companies have announced a fifth booster shot and to my disbelief people are lined up for it. Recall last year Bed Bath & Beyond boycotted Mike Lindell’s pillows? That’s anti-Trump and now they are closing up 150 stores and laying off one person in five. It’s go woke go broke in action, Scotty. They’ve been in trouble for ten years due to Wal*Mart and Amazon, denying there is any connection to that political move. But I know because of it I would never set foot in there and they potentially lost half their clientele with that idiotic move.
           Here’s better view of the new table saw. The apparatus on the left is a build in router table but it looks in the way. Skil would not make a mistake like that, so I’ll download the manual. Thinking this would be a great time to put a dado blade on the old saw, the only brand of blade available is the Irwin, priced at $90. I’m thinking. Those wooden boxes I made for the tools was a smart idea.
           Did you hear about the water crisis in Jackson, MS? The water plant broke and the city petitioned for $1 billion to fix the system. Instead, the Army Corps of engineers showed up, host the lock off the pumping station, and turned the valves back on. Service is restored. Nothing will happen to the Jackson scam artists as they are all ethnics.

           I was not happy with food prices, particularly soda now costing $1 each for the convenient size. In another test, I saved up a dozen orange juice bottles and filled them with home made lemonade. The trick to great lemonade is to make it with warm water so the sugar dissolves and you can freeze it after. Should this meet my needs, the lemonade costs around 50¢ per gallon. For company, save up your old spaghetti sauce jars with the metal lids and serve ice cold. After 3:00PM we had a downpour so I used up the time really having a deep nap.
           The city crew finally left with the sink-hole barricaded ff. I was only too happy to point out to them that the pattern of the hole matched up exactly to the 5G cable vault installed across the street. The one that semi-blocks my driveway if I avoid it. Shown here is the plate over at the bottom and how the soil around the vault continues to subside. It’s now late evening and I’ve go a sneezing fit happening, so what say we watch a DVD. Or maybe an on-line documentary if we can find anything worthwhile. Like A.I., the world no longer develops inventions for good, only for profit. Then whine that things never get any better.
           Biden just announced a pay raise for federal employees. If you can’t win votes, you can always buy them. I call this the Canadian formula. Use taxpayer money to stay in power rather that running and improving the economy.

           It’s dark and we have a new resident owl. I hope it’s a big one, we have too many wee carnivores in the grass who find their way inside too often. I’m not equipped to take any pictures at night and I can’t ID most birds by sound. Several sources have revealed that police have been using Starbucks data to profile people. The companies provide the police say the info cannot be used to identify anyone. Nonsense. Just look for the location where the phone is at 2:00AM every morning. It is also revealed that this use was not disclosed in criminal prosecution cases, placing the defense at a disadvantage.
           This blog has warned about this abuse for decades, the police only neat a warrant if they plan to use data as evidence. Otherwise, they just use it to set you up. Whenever the police say they were on “routine patrol”, get suspicious. The software is called “Fog Reveal’ and you can read the 31 page manual at that link. Groups of morons in Colorado found themselves locked out of their networked thermostats during a 90ºF heat wave. I’m the guy who keeps saying old programming is better than new coding. Let’s talk about Voyager 1.

           Now out beyond the orbit of Pluto, it will reach the Oort Cloud in the year 2315. It is still sending data from its memory bank, which is an 8-track player from the 1960s. The probe was launched in 1977 and earlier this year began to malfunction. It used to send pictures which was shut down after the probe took the famous “Pale Blue Dot” photo of 1990. After that photos used too much power and now sends only data. Because it was programmed in Assembly language, NASA was able to correct the code and restore service a few days ago. Voyager 1 is now 15 billion miles away and traveling 40,000 mph away from the Sun.
           For the record, Voyager 1 was built at the end of the American quality manufacture era. Before that, even household appliances lasted 50 years. Voyager used TTL chips, some the same model as I tinkered with in 2012. The joints likely held this long in space because they did not use the new lead-free solder of today.

           Viewing the sheer volume of pictures from times like September of 2006, I have a plan. Those pictures often match the blog entries for the time period but the task of inserting them into the correct blog is beyond the time that I have available. I’m trying to think of a way to post those pictures by the month, rather than by the day. It would mean many repeats, but it puts the pictures out there for all those future historians who discover this gem of a blog. I’m working on it but this is going to require a lot of coffee.
           Logistics would have to be worked out. There would be no control over repeats unless I spotted them and many scenes are repeated from different angles. I do not know if there are limits on blog uploads. And, there would be no corresponding records at this end of what was posted. Right now, every blog post is a copy of the original stored safely here away from Google. Publishing mass pictures here would be something new and different.
           I’ve published the first batch, you can view them here, my guess is these 90 pictures represent around half of what is available. Otherwise, the odds of these scenes being published before they are lost is zero. Note my picture taking skills of the time compared to today. This is not the finished product, but a test run. Some of the photos are sorted by week, making it possible to maybe post then underneath the blogs. The chore of embedding them is too much.

Last Laugh