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Friday, October 14, 2022

October 14, 2022

One year ago today: October 14, 2021, she was in great shape.
Five years ago today: October 14, 2017, getting used to expenses.
Nine years ago today: October 14, 2013, come on for a test drive.
Random years ago today: October 14, 2010, best small bingo in town.

           Dang, I missed probably the most dramatic footage of Chook’s life by not double-checking my satchel. I carry the camcorder in it’s own case and I regularly check it is there by squeezing. I got fkaed by a roll of tape. I’ve never seen the water park nearby, so we drove though the woods and found an abandoned RV park on the side of the hill. Excellent doggie terrain, so we climbed to the top. It was a super dry day and the dogs were thrashing through the leaves and rolling on the grass.
           When we got to the top, Chooks began rolling but also sliding. I reached for the camera and it was gone. You’ve seen how otter slide down into water, with their paws folded? It was like that for around 60 feet, he was nose first upside down in a universe of his own. And I was left there holding a spool of plumber’s tape. Sigh, conditions will never be so exact again. In compensation, you get this somewhat dramatic picture of JeePee in his outdoor coop. It’s been [whoops, whatever was in this space got deleted].
           What I did finally see was the water slide. The only time I’d been along that route before was in the dark and I managed to miss the entire enormous structure. Somehow, years ago I’d taken a wrong turn on a boat ramp road and never bothered driving that way again. The dogs and I were out there three hours, during which time I also bought some lumber to fix that fence. That’s if I can. Normally that is a two man job as those sections are eight feet long.
           Trump is saying the Pulitzer Prize should be taken away from those who pushed the false Russia hoax narrative. He’s right, the entire story was manufactured in a Democrat-backed attempt to blast Trump before the 2016 elections. Subsequent inquiries show the entire affair was a political attack that originated with the Hildebeeste, yet the Pulitzer people insist the awards stand. That would be the 2018 awards. Anyway, as I’ve said, since these left-wing activists consider themselves the legitimate media, they are not going to change, so Trump’s best option is what he said in 2015. Change the law to make it far easier for victims to sue for slander.

Picture of the day.
Aramco work permit form.
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           For reasons unknown, my spam blockers won’t display reports coming out of California that the population majority there has taken steps to separate and form their own state. That’s real news, because the general feeling is that California is not a libtard state, rather a demonstration of how a libtard minority will manipulated matters if not basically taken out and shot as soon as they rear up. It being Friday, I finally drove over to the “world famous” pub on Donelson. The most interesting thing there was me, second was how they fixed their fence. It’s same as mine over here, but they plainly had a much larger budget. They had a band that was second-rate for Nashville, but top-tier for most of the rest of the country. I tipped them five bucks, which was all they got by the time I left.
           I can recommend the place for atmosphere, it’s largely a working class hang-out, and in that part of town work means construction, driving truck, or the cement plant. As for world famous, that’s what the sign on the door said. Good luck finding the place, there is no sign visible from the main road. No doubt a place like that can get really hopping and the stage design says they get some serious acts in there. Just not tonight. It was the Crossroads band, who can only play what the guitar player manages, you know the drill.

           I cleared out and stopped by at my old favorite, Shooters. The staff is all new and they lack the spirit for the job that the former people had. They’ve made it plain they want a dollar tip every drink and that is not friendly to the regulars. As normal, the place had nobody I’d be interested in meeting, so I took out my notebook and wrote three letters. This was a matter of great interest to these two black ladies sitting across from me. So I bought them a round. It was some kind of green drink that cost $8 each.
           Back to California, the news feeds have completely blocked any mention of the pending political rift. It would be huge news for the biggest libtard state to have 80% of their population call it quits. It would mean a majority of the citizens reject trying to vote people to make things work and would rather walk away. Such an event would be devastating to the Democrat party with the elections just weeks away. All I’m getting are headlines about water shortages and an earthquake warning. In one sense, that is great news if they’ve gone to such lengths to censor it.

Last Laugh