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Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 16, 2022

One year ago today: October 16, 2021, tar.
Five years ago today: October 16, 2017, the survivors are . . . .
Nine years ago today: October 16, 2013, that’s “tonneau”.
Random years ago today: October 16, 2011, my site that never was.

           The USDA is asking people with vegetable gardens to register in a national database. A few idiots will comply and the rest will then be forced. It’s always the stupid who suffer most, so that one we’ll just stand back and watch. Every meaningful occupation in the land already requires a government license and the hoi polloi does not suspect a thing. They strangely think that the government license is a stamp of quality. Right, like the driver’s license makes for good drivers. Good morning. I was up late looking at sprites and data statements.
           I took the doggies for a morning walk in the rain, it was surprisingly warm. The Reb is much better, but that still does not mean I trust steroid shots of any kind for any purpose. Give me a good book and a mug of strong coffee, which seems to cure 90% of anything I come down with.

           The Yeti 500X is here and shown charging. It seems a very well-made unit, plainly a generation ahead of others I’ve seen. Since it is a rather ordinary lithium-ion battery, you are paying for a lot of electronics. For instance, the manual says this unit can be used while being charged, it simply offsets the difference by altering the charging rate. It also does not require any regular deep discharging and is designed to be left plugged in. The package is slightly smaller than a regular car battery and at 13 pounds, I can see how people would take it camping.
           The manual is (mercifully) written by an educated English speaker. It gives a good and tactful overview of usage. I liked the explanation of what was efficient. There are transformers inside, the most wasteful being the AC inverters. They mention some people ignore the custom charging outlets on the front panel and actually plug their phone wall warts into the AC outlets, duh. The front LED panel has a display that tells most people what they want to know: how much time do they have left with what they have plugged in? My small bass amp in idle mode read 56 hours. (One hour later, that is down to 50 hours and that’s what I’m testing.) (Two hours later down to 45.)

           Testing will take a while because of inaccuracies and it becomes important for the planned trip of Fall 2023. Last time it was damn cold. There are many camping devices that work on 12V, but I’ve always walked past them because they represent a danger of being forgotten and draining your car battery. The Yeti completely removes that consideration and I wonder if this can be used to boost a car. My needs are pretty simple. A light, a computer, and a fan. For cold weather, there are heaters and blankets available I may look at again. Every such blanket I’ve seen has an annoying 45 minute cutoff timer.
           They make various cooking gear but to me those are money-saving efforts that I don’t need. If you have money to travel, you probably have money to avoid packing food and cooking. My computer gear would include a DVD player, mobile hotspot, and any goodies to keep me connected. However, there is no convenient way to sit upright and have a small table to work on. No airplane trays in the van, some millennial missed his big chance.

Picture of the day.
Quebec, Canada.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It was a dreary afternoon, so I took the time to study the A.I. demo I’d like to program. It turns out Qbasic lacks a “look-ahead” command. For clarity, it has no command where you can look at a pixel’s properties from a distance, digitally speaking. This only delays things because I’ll have to substitute a 2D matrix, with a row-column correspondence with every pixel address, and it means reverting to lo-res. Like many a programmer, I dislike the method most languages use for dealing with matrices but I have no better solution. There is a persistent error is caused by mistaking the addresses for the address contents, both often being numerics.
           I’d like to fix that fence panel in the back before I leave. The weird neighbor is like my family. When you are busy, he finds some reason to walk his dog just to see what you are up to, but when you want to ask him if I can work from his side of the fence, haven’t seen the guy in a week. I’m ready to head back as the cool weather is due any time now. Like Texas, it isn’t gradual, rather one day it turns cold and stays there.

           The MSM strains to block videos of the Biden motorcade in California and now the stadium booing his wife in her home state for daring to show her face in public. Get ready for the libtard bloodbath next month. With 84% of Americans against what’s going on, there will be hell to pay when the regime tries to steal the election, as they are plainly planning on doing. Things are heating up fast. I found around six videos of old Jill at the stadium but all had the booing crowd sounds erased.
           Facebook, or whatever it’s calling itself, continues to plunge in value. Makes zero difference to me, but once again my take is that it reveals the degree to which connections and luck play the biggest difference when it comes to American success. Few things are funnier than watching rich kids try to strike out on their own and land on their asses. The Zuck poured billions into the Metaverse and if something doesn’t change, it is fizzling fast.

Last Laugh