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Sunday, October 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

One year ago today: October 30, 2021, that’s Cash.
Five years ago today: October 30, 2017, rapid-fire disclaiimers.
Nine years ago today: October 30, 2013, Altus Motorsports, Oklahoma.
Random years ago today: October 30, 2016, saw-horse anniversary coincidence.

           My, the whole cabin smells of banana muffins and coffee. That works for me, I’m going lumber hunting for an hour at 11:00AM, see if I can find some sheets to cover the north side of the silo. The church finally took my advice and cut down the dangerously overhanging branches on their side, but they also followed my example and piled the debris along my fence. Knowing them, it could be there for weeks. Two hours later, I got the lumber. What? Two hours!

           Yes, it is pegboard that been exposed to the elements, but it will do just fine for sheathing on the shed. This will force me to set up the new saw. Now explain what took so long. Easy, once I removed the pegboard, underneath was a beautiful but old and scratched table base, possibly solid oak. I hightailed it home for some tools clear a spot. Then a major session of taking out a hundred screws, then to work with the pry bar and sledge. I now have eight or so pieces of beautiful lumber, whatever it is. I have the tools to strip and clean it. It is much too nice to build boxes.

           It is tongue and groove, if you see a picture, I got up from where I am now, thoroughly exhausted. I could crash another eight hours at this moment. Instead, I either have to move that lumber or cover it. I see the afternoons are clouding over again. And I think I’ll haul out the chain saw and trim more of the tree limbs onto the pile they nicely put on my side of the empty lot. Let them haul it away, since they are so ambitious. If they think it was the hurricane, that’s fine, I’ll let them have the satisfaction. Upon closer examination, the wood is probably oak and it has been upgraded. It’s finger-jointed with no knots. Hmmm, I’m thinking fancy shelves or even an overlay on my bathroom counter, which seems to absorb anything I coat it with instead of getting waterproof like I want.
           News from Texas. Bryne is settled in and describes the property as 2500 acres of woodland used for cattle-raising. Beef, not diary, and you have to buy the whole cow. He has one of nine rental properties and full run of the place except during hunting and fishing season. There is also lumbering on the property. I say he got out of Del Ray Beach just in time. The entire Florida east coast is using inflation to double the rents. East Texas is much more relaxed. He’ll like it, just bear in mind it is a lot of small towns and not everything can be found locally.

           From Punta Gorda, here is the fishing boat, now lifted right out of the water by the hurricane surge. This was a month ago and the crews are just arriving now to pick up the pieces. The boat was badly damaged, I have no news on insurance or repairs. A lot of the nice old trees on the property were snapped off. I’ve offered to help but it seems they are on top of it. I knew it, the libtards are cranking up their fake ads just before the November elections. It’s not working and you can thank the Internet for that. You see, in years gone by, when they made fake announcements, the lie was not discovered until after the election, at which point they just ignored the facts. They have not changed with the times. While they control most other media, they have not yet taken over the Internet. Truth is available almost instantly and the radical left is too slow to change. Hence, the stunts they pull now are readily uncovered, mostly same day. The leftoids cannot react that quickly and they’ve waited too long. The elections are next week.
           In yet another on-line disappearing act, there was a REIT fund I was following simply because their claims of 33% returns seemed fishy. Caltier. I did not log in, as a membership is required. They are still heavily plugged by ads, especially Firefox. But the site behind the site has disappeared and domain name is for sale. Was it a scam? Oddly, no, they have a different suffix, Trust a millennial to come up with a brain-fart like that. I’ll leave the box checked to see what comes up with that. I can’t see them failing as I’m not that easily fooled. If they have just changed names or something, I may do a sample investment anyway. I could care less if I get ahead one way or another.

Picture of the day.
Cloth wall.
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           I’m going to play dumb and ask if these are papayas. What else would grow on a papaya tree? That’s the rub, old boy, I’m not certain that is a papaya tree. The guy who ID’d it is a Democrat, so there is no distinct yes or no about it. At least he didn’t use up some of my minutes thanking me for asking the question. Thusforth, I’m thinking protopapaya is a better term. Any one know how to tell if these things are ripe? Normally, the plants I buy have no will to live.
           On-line says when they have turned almost completely yellow, still other say when still a quarter green. None of the six articles I read specified how long between the time the fruit appears until ready to pick. Instead, the make great efforts to tell you the tree will bear fruit up to nine months after planting, which is not the information you want. Typical of today’s on-line experts. Full of themselves instead of information, they know more about what you want than you do. I’m returning to Tennessee soon and would simply like to know when this fruit is scheduled to ripen. That has eluded at least six experts.

           With glee I listened to reports of Facebook losing nearly $700 billion in valuations (which is not real money, but still). These “gig” organizations run on cash flow, not exactly a solid business strategy. It leaves them nothing to fall back on and that’s what you got here. I am the opposite, no single interruption can wipe me out and I’ve made sure some of the conditions that might cause a threat are contradictory. That’s one of the reasons I live well on 1/5th the income you think I do. And toward that end, I used the new nail punch on a 2x4”, which is the thickest lumber I would intend to clear. The tool is not that sturdy. It does the job, as these photos show.
           It can take two hits to push the nail all the way possible, as seen here. The nails still have to be extracted. But with this piece of lumber costing $6 or more, I can easily clean 8 boards an hour under easy conditions, so that is worthwhile economically. The pegboard is moved to the back yard for cutting and I will have more than enough to cover the side and back of the shed. If I give the impression I’m busy all the time, that’s an illusion that derives from this blog not recording what does not happen. But yes, when I’m up and about, I’m usually doing something. Today I put in around three hours. That’s max for me on a good day.

           While away, I did not keep any meat in the fridge, so I’ve been completely out for a few days and I’m used to veggie food more than I ever planned. I ate a package of peanuts which declared gluten free. Reminds me of the question why has mankind been eating bread for 5,000 years and now suddenly a bunch of Americans get allergic to it. Fortified with this meatless dinner, I gave the nail punch a good workout. It will also punch out nails that have been cut, a common sight with pallets. The plunger will countersink the nail just enough to catch with the hammer claw on the other side.
           I’m slowly planning out the jig. I’ve chosen the two slowest stages, which are centering the pieces of the I-beam and getting the legs to stay steady when that first screw is drilled in. This requires some thought in an area where I have no experience. The jigs I have in mind will probably look like sawhorse “skeletons”. I do have experience with pilot holes. For sure that would be a priority.

           The Brazilians have learned the art of American vote fraud. The favored candidate had an 11 point lead when suddenly thousands of ballots appeared, all for his rival. A pattern all too familiar since 2020. I wonder if the populace will stand for it? The local commie party is hugely in a rant about ballot box watchers. These are concerned citizens who set up and watch for ballot harvesters. It must be working as the outcry from the Bidenistas is growing. Although there has been no violence, not even any confrontations, they are already screaming that this is “voter intimidation”. What do I think should be done? Nothing, but read today’s addendum anyway.

           In another of today’s expert posts, this bible thumper was going on about how 70% of the men in ancient armies who used a sling, were left-handed. This was his theory of why David slew Goliath, that is, that left-handed people were better with the sling. Duh. I don’t study the matter, but I say the real reason is in a battle line with each man holding a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left, each man was expected to protect the one on his right. So nobody wanted to stand next to a southpaw and that’s they gave him a sling instead of a sword.
           To be fair, I considered the option that the left-handed sling might be better to hit the enemy from on side, but that’s too iffy. Plus, I am not so sure the slings are as accurate as claimed and, in my opinion, relied a lot on showering the enemy rather than sniping at individual targets except at closer ranges. I’ve seen kids playing with slings that can hit a man-sized target at fifty paces. I’m not disputing the rock would knock the wind out of a man, but without hitting something sensitive, killing him is another matter. Then again, my life has never depended on it.
           Having time, I watched a sling championship. These guys are pretty good. They used bigger stones than I imagined. They could knock down heavy targets, such as stacks of wood. I guess that means the sling is deadly, though I’m not completely convinced it could kill except to the head.

Last Laugh

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