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Saturday, October 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

One year ago today: October 29,2021, everything important.
Five years ago today: October 29,2017, Clewiston by noon.
Nine years ago today: October 29, 2013, at the Bookonier.
Random years ago today: October 29, 2019, on the road again.

           Now that Halloween has been totally commercialized by America, this once-obscure holiday has become an interesting destination for girl-watchers. You see, because the rental costumes were mostly designed in the pre-GMO food days, they don’t fit fat broads. So, if you want to see advertising with actually sexy white women any more, you can shop for Halloween gear. Enjoy, it is only a matter of time until these sites go woketard. I mean, have you seen Victoria’s Secret lately, the fat-is-in bunk? I haven’t, but I read the news.

           What’s this? The Salvation Army isn’t doing so good this Xmas. How will the MSM pin that on Trump? Or will Joe, with 10% for the Big Guy, bail them out with taxpayer bucks? Like Twitter, it seems some people think attacking Whites is going to put themselves in charge. I’m having great fun posting memes and really mean quips about the shakeup at Twitter. If the term “benchod” goes mainstream, I had a major hand in that. In terms of individuals, but not total hits, my audience is significant.

           The plants didn’t do well during my trip. I guess I know what not to grow. It was an easy morning, watering the plants and I completed unloading the van. Following up on last day when I noticed the bed was far easier to slid out than put in, I removed the passenger headreast and saw the seat will indeed fold all the way back, if you know how. But as a footrest, it is too uneven to sleep on. But my bed-sled is not. A few measurements says I need only modify the sled and remove the legs. If the bed frame fits, and it looks likely, there’s my camper van for one. It solves several issues, but not the one if I want a passenger. No big deal, the Reb doesn’t camp except in a real trailer. But the dogs are going to love this.
           I’m still too zoned to start any big projects. Instead I tended to repairs and the birds are happy to see me back. The Son of Red is not the dominant bird except for a bluejay that favors the birdbath. My peach tree is not at all looking green enough. If I get the energy, I’m going to see how one of the new lock miter bits work. I’m going to sooner or later need two router tables, which will happen as soon as I find a way to make an easy box and that is my hope for the lock miter. Leave that set up, as I’ve long since settled on 1/2” stock. The other sizes are too weak or too heavy for my needs. I also need a better work bench but not right this moment.

           Lining up the lenses from an old broken set of binoculars, I threw together an astronomical telescope. This inverts the image and flips it left to right. As a lad, I recalled how this was solved by a third lens, but do you think in the entire Internet I could find the goods again? It’s there, but it is blocked by every piece of junk article that is a nightmare to filter out. I’ll get it, but the struggle is your classic example of what happens to a good system when you allow majority rule. Just like the real world, you can’t climb the ladder of success because of the hordes of AOLs blocking the way at the bottom.
           Here’s view of a photolithography arrangement, using somewhere between 30 and 40 lenses. It’s used to focus a laser on a single point when creating computer chips. All I want is the arrangement of lenses that flips the pirate captain’s image back right-side up. They use lenses, not mirrors, and I’m after that information. Instead, I get bullshit like this one site that says astronomical telescopes are evil because some observatories are located on “land stolen from indigenous peoples”.
           The sad part is, people that uneducated will soon be a voting majority in the USA, and they will vote common sense out the door. They actually think the Indians are indigenous all the way back.

Picture of the day.
Island in the Azores.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I got some recycling done and checked out the miter joint bits. I was ripped off. You know the drill, there is not a single person I know in the world to ask these things and know I’d get a straight answer. That certainly includes the Internet, where I found the bits. They stated the shank size, which I knew was a bit larger than what I have. Instead they are four times the size and there was nothing to indicate this is requires a rare and expense type of collette. I’ve been millenialized, but I’d rather learn for $29 than the other way. The birds know I’m back, especially the cardinals who learned from their parents to squawk and I’ll turn on the bath.
           The bath is an instant attraction. Here’s some shaky video, hey it was at the extreme telephoto range and handheld. There are three birds if you watch closely. First show is the wee new birds I already forget, then in comes the bully, a blue jay. Momentarily, you can see a small titmouse, a nervy sort, but he’s quickly gone as the bluebird takes his time. Three birds, the plaster flamingo does not count.

           How about Elon Miusk firing all the COVID employees who spouted the jab narrative. What’s really going to hurt is when he fires the upper management for just cause. You see, they have written in multi-million dollar termination clauses. Benchod was to get $80 million if he was fired—except for just cause. The reason this is serious is the East Indian mentality, and I’ve been there. They view American society as a degenerate free-for-all so my estimate is he is at least ten times that amount in debt. You saw the telltale signs of this when Musk wanted to back out of the deal just a few weeks ago. Benchod nearly shit his pants.
           Now, if Musk is inclined to teach them a lesson, all he has to do is delay the game. Even if he eventually has to pay up, the interruption in cash flow will ruin the bastards. I think he should. Back where they belong, these people have big reputations as the ones who slapped the American president in the face and got away with it. Getting fired by a “white monkey” is loss of face Of the countless hells in their belief-system, losing face is the worst.            If you have an extra half-hour, why not watch this video of a Democrat-run city. Then re-think my solution that as a condition of receiving welfare, they must relocated one each to a small town with a population of less than 2500. Problem solved in no time.

           I’ve mentioned it often enough but beginning of next month, there will be some changes to the blog. Nothing serious for now, as an example, you may see more repeat photos. Mostly last laffs and so on, as there has never been a proper record of which photos have been used. It has become too time consuming to check back and those who use the Internet know pictures don’t come with dates. One thing that will not change is any concession to Google formulas. Take for instance, the date of the blog. This is typed a minimum of twice a day. Once on the originals which are filed here, and again in the blog date field. Why not use a formula?
           Simple answer: Google screws you around too much. Part of blog ownership is you do not ever want to get stuck going back in time to make changes because Google mucked up something else. Thus, in this blog most features are hard-coded, like that date field. That means over the years (I spotted the issue since day one), I have typed out the full date close to 14,000 times more than the average person. The paragraph indents, line breaks, and photo frames are painstakingly place by hand every day.

           As you go back in time, you see the increasing number of links that dry up. This was never explained to me back when. I had read that Google kept copies of everything and thought I was linking to something more permanent. Now, with Twitter gone and Facebook on the rocks, who’s to say Google will survive the mid-terms considering they are as equally corrupt and run by people who think they can get away with shoving Whites around.
           Other changes are being made permanent, again most will not be noticed. The daily pictures are staggered left and right down the page will remain as one of the earliest lessons I learned about blog presentation. The white outside border around the pictures stays, but any interior black edging is gone unless it is in the original. This is because Google can change background coloring without notice, and they’ve done it before. The style of indenting every paragraph including after lists is retained. I know you appreciate that many of these style commands have to be inserted each post, but you are worth it. As for me, I’m amused how often Google has tried to duplicate these blog features with CSS.
           Another [now] permanent rule is that paragraphs are in groups of two or three, with never more than 80 characters per line. This makes reading easier, [a tactic] which I borrowed from my typewriter days. The grouping of the paragraphs has nothing to do with subject matter, it is all because it is easier to read on a screen.

Last Laugh

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