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Saturday, November 19, 2022

November 19, 2022

One year ago today: November 19, 2021, Empress Vina.
Five years ago today: November 19, 2017, off to the Opry.
Nine years ago today: November 19, 2013, Memphis was expensive.
Random years ago today: November 19, 2011, a nest of Arduinos.

           You’re up early, probably because so is the neighbor. He broke the neighborhood rule and started noisy work at 6:30AM. It was still dark. Big power saw and pounding clanking on metal. So I got up, groggled into the kitchen and tore open a bag of blueberry muffin mix. That went in the oven, then a bag of garlic biscuit mix. Whoops, it was another bag of muffin mix. Now I have twelve. Would you care for a muffin? It come with all the coffee you want. The first batch had an egg. Go for the second batch, I added chopped almonds and topped them with sesame seeds. I found I don’t wake up that well to any schedule but my own. Here’s Mr. Red Junior from last evening, stopping by for a drink.
           What’s this on my feed? A survey that shows 88% of men don’t like and would not marry a woman with tattoos. I concur, that includes the purple hair snot ring bunch as well. It is not just dislike, it seems most of the same men hate them. So why are so many people getting them? I say it is not that many, but that they are social misfits who flaunt them, so you think they are many. Let’s see, hated most from worst to least: neck tattoos, chest tattoos, then tramp stamps.

           I missed it, but apparently Trump was responding live to yet another leftist investigation, when all seven major networks cut off the live broadcast at the same point. I’m always the last to know. Anybody have any idea what he was saying? And the noisy neighbor quit for the day at 10:00AM. How nice of him. Glancing for things to do this Sunday, I’d heard one of the 20-odd Concorde SSTs had been bought by a Florida museum. Wrong, it was a mockup of the exterior only, and was bought by a church who hung it from their ceiling. Apparently there is one in Seattle, but I won’t be there until next year. Lots of people won’t be at Disney, whose stock has fallen 44% in the past year. For those who may not know how serious that is, consider this: when a stock falls 10%, it must gain 11% to gain back to where it was.
           If, like myself, you find most modern graffiti to be boringly repetitious, you are right. Here’s a video that categorizes the styles. To me, graffiti is witty and written on washroom walls. It takes a generation of ass-enders to spoil it. Most graffiti these days is the author’s name or about as unoriginal as it gets. No message, no humor, just paint. Holmes, the blood test lady, got the full 11 years. I’d consider it excessive except that she played the wrong hands, the poor little girl in a world full of rich and powerful men. There’s something about that you just don’t get away with after a certain age. She is now 38, shacked up, and even got pregnant while awaiting sentencing. I still think if she was a man, she’d have got 20 years. It is odd to see usually soft-on-crime sources (like the Washington Post) support the sentencing, so there is more to that story.
           Canada is toying with the idea of mandating psychiatric medication for anyone who refused a mRNA vaccine or any vaccine. Sounds eerily familiar.

Picture of the day.
Skiddaw House, for sale again.
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           Great, I fell back asleep until 2:30PM. It’s 70°F out there and I should be working, but let’s go shopping first. There I am, driving along and what do I find? A traffic cone, suitable for the vortex of my planned shop vacuum. Once again, Florida demonstrates there is no such thing as a quick shop. Instead, I got a lot of supplies and priced out the copper and plastic tubing for the air and vacuum. It’s the fitting that will double the cost but they’ll run just over $100 each plus any lumber I may have to buy. Let that wait, since I know I could get a call from Nashville any time. This odd picture shows the two shed doors open to form a path to the neighbor’s yard. Remember that large gap between the yards? I use it for storage, so these doors were planned to allow access. It’s telling how much life has slowed down when that becomes news, but what the hell.
           I glanced through the books again to make sure no surprises just before Xmas, that is, right after I pay my property taxes. Nope, but my largest single expense remains electricity at $120, followed by auto insurance $105, property taxes at $65, and other utilities $61. No, food and entertainment are not on that budget. So, to stand still in Florida costs $360 per month or $4,320 per year. That still beats Miami-Dade where doing nothing costs around twice that, not including rent. I still derive 100% of my income from outside the area where I live.
           Listening to NPR, I see that Trump is an inept traitor who single-handedly destroyed the Republican party and a red wave. Kind of makes you wonder why they simultaneously say he such a powerfule threat to “democracy as we know it”. Looks more like the left-wingers are dumb enough to think they can have it both ways. I think it may be all those canned Twits just venting. They are a sordid bunch.
           Later in the day, Trump’s account as reinstated. I don’t follow Twitter and never used it, though I do watch the stats. Within 15 minutes, his followers grew to a million and even that pace is quickening. Of the dozen ways to interpret this, my take is that once Muck threw out all the deadweight at Twitter, he faced a number of issues including having to use existing Twitter software. Until his people can maintain it, he’s wise to wanting advertising revenues up by keeping a high profile. Trump always works for that. Four hours later, it was approaching 10 million. The finishing touch is Musk did this on Joe’s birthday.
           At the same time, the Bidenistas love a distraction. The war and the pandemic were not working except on the minority they already have programmed. No new converts. They know when Congress makes a move, most of their agenda is toast. Yet, they are not objecting as I’d expect. Something funny is going on.

           What’s this? The US Navy is training celestial navigators again upon finally concluding that their electronic systems were subject to EMP and such. The problem is the incoming recruits don’t have the math skills and have to be split up into small specialist teams. Costs a fortune. They should have just read this blog and got the jump on that situation.

Last Laugh