One year ago today: November 8, 2021, yard work.
Five years ago today: November 8, 2017, I buy a terabyte.
Nine years ago today: November 8, 2013, coldest yet.
Random years ago today: November 8, 1982, the Unsuccessful Man Syndrome.
Skip the eclipse. I went outside at 4:30AM and no Moon was visible in the normal arc of sky over my place. Mind you, there was a red glow to the east, but it turned out to be just some Eurocrats fuming that the new Italian prime minister cut off the flow of illegal aliens. Trump has advised the Republicans (not the ones in the rising Patriot party, but the ones who need a good arse-kicking, that they should deport all illegals let in by Biden. America says no, deport them all from the past 30 years.
Here’s JZ walking over to the river, near where the boat was tied up. This is approximately where the swimming pool used to be. The lot is over-run with iguanas. We drove around to the far side of the boatway, his uncle lives over there. JZ’s brother has a fishing boat moored way over there that hasn’t been used in a while. We tidied it up a bit and noticed the rear boat ladder is missing. My opinion is most of the boats in that area are status symbols that rarely get used. I could see myself renting a boat, but buying one sounds plain dumb. The area to the east of the subdivision is now billionaires. It is unlikely ordinary millionaires could afford it any more.
We awake to news the vote counting machines have malfunctioned in Arizona and Pennsylvania. That the mail-in ballot counting has been extended to a full week. And attempted Federal of voting stations by Federal goons. They are pre-announcing that they intend to cheat and get away with it. That is possible since the Republicans did not prepare despite having lost of time and money to do so. The Powerball lotto draw has been postponed. They are not allowed to draw until all the ticket information is collected and validated. Some states were too slow to meet the deadline.
Yet another after-the-fact study shows that people who eat genetically modified food are fatter and die younger. Duh. No study needed to tell you they are also lower IQ, lazier, and lack inductive reasoning skills. And a single ticket won the $2.04 billion, from California. The odds are actually much lower than the big prizes suggest, at 1 in around 300 million. You don’t know what quantum dots are, but you may hear a lot shortly. Very high frequency light waves are so small they will travel through atoms of seemingly solid material. Quantum dots can see them, thus, they can see through walls. This is not the same technology as laser-radar. There is also news of artificial blood, as written in this blog back in the 1980s. Somewhere.
Famed Seelow Heights.
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It’s mid afternoon and the blue states have their fraud machines running full speed. Counting machine malfunctions, voting sites running out of paper, people told they’ve already voted, etc. All the same locations in the same states, same tactics, known in advance. In Pennsylvania, the gas company dug up streets for “repairs” on routes leading to Republican district voting stations. It’s not like the politicians are the only scumbags. The laugh is on Amazon Music users, who must now pay $9 per month to select individual songs. The answer, you morons, is obvious. And I don’t mean learn to like real music.
Facebook is one of a dozen major corporations laying off big chunks of their workforce. Worse, there is a tacit agreement not to hire anyone who has a history of working for those corporations. They are tainted. Forbes writes women are reshaping the cybersecurity industry. Instead of having felons arrested, they will sit down with them for tea and work out a solution. India wants $100 billion annually for “climate change” where a quarter of the population is below their already abysmal poverty line. Canadian hospitals can and do let people die if they refuse to get vaccinated.
This is a rare day, I got no work done. This lethargic feeling will pass, instead I listened to German videos. One tune was so familiar, turns out to be the original version of Hanky Panky by the Raindrops, who you never heard of. They were an early 60s group. Most who recall the tune would think of Tommy James, whose real name was something like Tommy Jackson. I followed his music career as my contemporary although he had some advantages. He was 8 or 10 years older, a child model, and nobody is sure who his mother is. Estimates of his worth vary from $2 to $8 million, a pittance for a famous entertainer. He got mixed up with Roulette records, a mafia outfit who robbed him blind.
However, I’ve never bought the theory that he did everything on his own. There is no doubt he had tremendous help from family, even if nobody knows who that family is. I know I would have settled for it. What I learned today is that he essentially stole the tune, “My Baby Does the Hanky Panky”. Arduino uses a knock-off of C+ code, meaning it is yet another variant which used similar commands to do different things. Idiot code. Finally, there is talk of a command generator that used plain English or next to it. Sadly, talk is all I’ve heard.
The Leftoids have only begun the fake ballot sequence now that the voting patterns are established. They have a problem this time, as you probably guessed. Ever since Trump exposed their methods, they are forced to cheat in the open. They are one-trick ponies, always doing what worked in the past. They seem almost incapable of revamping their modus operandi in less than 20 years. Most of them seem to never have heard of Twitter as a political forum until Trump arrived.
Well, unless they can cheat everywhere, this election so far has been a liberal bloodbath. Only in a few predictable areas id the D-party winning. Even then it is by narrow and predictable margins. They can report COVID deaths in real time, but need weeks to rig an election. Nowhere is their vaunted pro-Joe landslide. Mind you, things right now are just at the stage where they yanked the rug on Trump, so no dancing in the streets. Yet.