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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13, 2022

One year ago today: December 13, 2021, a nothing day, obviously.
Five years ago today: December 13, 2017, a retarded spectacle.
Nine years ago today: December 13, 2013, a shot at a half billion.
Random years ago today: December 13, 2012, Stella at library.

           Everything recent got sorted out, so there is nothing to report. Instead, you get a list of the top ten one-liners (sort of) that made my list. Enjoy this video, it's truly the high point of the day.

           With the list, take your time. If there are any repeats, tough, I had a long day.

1) the library said they had some new books on the Titanic. I told them they must be getting pretty waterlogged by now.
2) I invited a gal on a first date to the gym. When she didn't show, I know we wouldn't work out together.
4) To be frank, I'd have to change my name.
5) Steven King has a son named Joe. I'm not joking, but he is.
6) If mother laughs at father's jokes, you have company.
7) The grass is greener on the other side but at least you don't have to mow it.
8) The deeper the pit, the more chance you have to learn to fly.
9) This homeless guy had a sign, “This could be you,” So I put my money back in my pocket.
10) Love is telling somebody to go to hell, then worrying if they got there safely.
           Some trivia. Monopoly did not originally come with tokens. Players were urged to use then-common household items, such as thimbles, chess pieces and buttons.The most popular token is the little terrier, the least popular is indeterminate, but would probably be the iron, the wheelbarrow, and prior to 1937, a howitzer.

Picture of the day.
Chinese sleeper rail car.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           One priority this trip was to map out how to run things here if I'm in Florida. One example is the ATMs at Tennessee banks. True, what I say is not a big concern, but the machines will not accept more than 25 bills at each deposit, I'll mention this again tomorrow.. We had a deposit of $1260 dollars that had to occur. See how them bankers get their cut? Those fees add up to billions pretty quickly. We has 62 bills, so I'll leave the the denominations to the reader as an exercise.
           There is a complete mismatch between deposits, daily withdrawal maximums, and the dollar cap on money orders. I spot the pattern instantly, do it their way and things go easy. As they lull you into a false sense of security. Years ago I learned to never let a bank think you are relying on them.

Last Laugh