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Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 3, 2022

One year ago today: December 3, 2021, 10,000%.
Five years ago today: December 3, 2017, the non-porch.
Nine years ago today: December 3, 2013, Seattle war houses.
Random years ago today: December 3, 2006, I didn't ask.

           We're back on-line but I've got an incompatible monitor for the Win 10 video output. Everything is wide-screen and the available resolutions don't help. We were off to the computer guy this morning with the doggies and got the driviers for my wifi card.
           Like many, if the device works when I first plug it in, the driver disk gets filed somewhere in Florida. Proof they never did make a law that all devices should have the drivers built in. I'd make a law for a universal default driver. I mean, if Europe can outlaw Sony-style rechargers (the ones that only fit one device each), we can do something about assholes who write proprietory drivers. Good morning.

           It was a vacation day for the doggies. The Reb had a craft show from early morning until late night, so we had the day to do as we pleased. This involved eating a lot of chicken and touring the down by van and memory foam. Due to it's unusualness, this photo of Chloe gets top billing. The heat lamps behind her are in the turtle cage and that glow is toward the infrared. I guess cats can't see it because this is her majesty sneaking up to her dish in the dark.
           While finding the drivers, the computer guy and I talked twenty minutes about something over which I know very little. Cryptocurrencies. I get the concept, but was never clear on the supply and demand that makes for those price fluctuations. Here is somebody who has done it and that makes all the difference. He's got an aversion to teaching, which I understand. In any case, I get more listening to him describe what he does.

           His suggestion is and I'm reading up on that now. Hmmm, while the trades are anonymous, the fact that you are doing it is not. That means in the long run, it is some kind of setup. Like the police who allow gambling across the river. It's illegal but it keeps all the criminals in one known spot. He makes good money lending crypto, which he says averages 41% return but beware of thieves. It's likely a huge draw for hackers and I've affected by how many times you hear of these outfits being crooks or going belly-up. The paradox here is that I have a budget for speculation and as you know that did not work out on currency exchanges, where everybody was some kind of scam artist.
           This took us to noon, so I stopped at the plantation place on Lebanon Pike, out near Donelson. I confirmed later Chooks had never been there. It was a sight to see, he went bananas at the horse barns. The sign says no horses there since the 1930s. To Chooks, it was just another stroll until he got a whiff of something near where the old barn lumber was near the ground. Gives a new definition to nose candy, the doggie could not get enough of whatever comes from small cracks in the boards. Dang, because of the cold, I'd left the camcorder in the van. He was rolling and sliding down the lawn grass, then racing back for another round of this , I dunno, canine aromatherapy?

Picture of the day.
Pearl measuring guage.
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           On the way back, I stopped and got a ten-pound bag of chicken quarters. Into the pot they went, the relevance here is how fussy these dogs are. They are fed a diet that's good for them so chicken when they smell it, results in such focus. Where normally they are so spoiled they must be coaxed into the kitchen, they were underfoot playing orphan. So, I cut up some pieces and mixed it with their dry food. Of all the little imps, they spend a half hour digging out the chicken bits and ignoring the pellets. Worse, I shredding the chicken with a fork and they got some small pieces of bone. They instinctively drag these pieces away, leaving bits and pieces that the Reb will find. But boys will be boys.
           Which is where this picture tells a story. Here they are growling at something unknown in the street. The tale from the trailer court is I once knew a guy who trained his dog to growl at the closet door. When he had company, he had the dog trained to wait until he left the room a few minutes, then pace and growl. The dog's name was Columbus. Maybe it is the Lewis Grizzard burglars who come by once a week to steal the garbage.
           Since ten pounds takes all the big pots in the house, it's like a small assembly line. With an audience, so I keep handing them pieces to cut down on the begging. Two hours later, the lucky duo had, by my calculation, four chicken quarters between them. This means they won't eat their dry food, which contains all the vitamins and fish oil additives I'm supposed to make sure they get. I've been outsmarted by the critters. How do they know when I'm not paying attention? I tried bribing them with broth, usually a favorite. They just looked at me. Fooled by the pets, I can hear the Reb thinking, “It doesn't take much.”

           What's this? I'm out of the loop 48 hours due to a computer malfunction and I miss the news that Twitter committed treason. The van radio was on, but that's mainstream and I never heard a peep. It will be the same result, no arrests, no trials, because the Democrats own the civil service. Ain't nobody going to give up their cushy jobs just to do the right thing and keep their promises. Still, there will be no justice unless the entire left-wing infrastructure is destroyed and as Trump found out, these people are not going to give up a cushy job and pension just to keep some promise they made the day they were hired.

           Have you heard of the “Energy Performance of Buildings Directory”? That's the part of the 2030 plan that addresses people who already own their houses. They want everybody renting, not owning. So this new law means homeowners recieve notice that their “older” houses are required to be renovated to new and expensive efficiency standards which is known they cannot possibly afford. And, it turns out Fauci's daughter was working for Twitter.

           Of what I've read, the item about cryptocurrency that makes most sense is called “staking”. This is a pool of crypto that is used to guarantee or back other transactions. Maybe I'm wrong, but my impression is this is like the digital Ft. Knox, in that for whatever paperwork floats around out there, you hold the commodity that gives it any real value.
           Reading on globalization, I found the origin of the term “keyword” as we use it today. It was an historian returning to Cambridge after WWII. He found those who had stayed and those who had gone no longer spoke the same language. He returned to a school, and indeed a country, that had been taken over behind England's back while her men were away fighting foreign wars. No, doesn't that ring a bell?
           I'm also forming a new statistic. The Western history books are prediposed to state Hitler “caused the deaths of twenty million”. First lop off the fake claims, which leaves fourteen million. Tof the remainder, that number includes massive death tolls from causes such as the Allied bombing of German cities, the terror squads in the Red Army, and the US atomic strikes on Japan. It seems hardly accurate to blame those casualties on Hitler and it now looks more like the German forces may have been directly involved in maybe 15% of the totals. What's more, those deaths were military casualties on the battlefield against forces engaged in combat.

Last Laugh