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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7, 2022

One year ago today: December 7, 2021, remember SPAD lenses?
Five years ago today: December 7, 2017, fifty years, Eatmore.
Nine years ago today: December 7, 2013, now-junkified.
Random years ago today: December 7, 2007, Taurus tire problems.

           Happy 39th, Eatmore. First headline is Rod Stewart's 11-year-old son had a heart attack. They say suspected, but when you are 11, such things aren't speculative. Old Rod called anti-vaxxers “killers”. Hey Rod, sorry for the kid, but you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. The Georgia election was openly stolen and the world laughs as the most heavily armed citizens in history stand there and do nothing. But all that's lacking is the right leader. He's out there. As for Rod at 75 having an 11-year-old son, you non-entertainers can eat your hearts out. This is one of the new pills for the little doggie. Somebody in the vet industry has finally, after a century of trial and error, figured out how to make pet pills small enough that the doggie can't see to balk.
           Comcast, the ultimate purveyor of the annoying, intrusive ad, is now plugging an app that let's you skip over the blurbs by paying a monthly fee. About this time, the raid let up so the doggies and I were out to the lake for an hour. And made it back just in time. JZ called and sure enough, he's got himself in a pickle this time. But it ain't over till it's over and money talks. Which reminds me, I picked up the tab for the vet visit y'day, and have not yet informed everyone that is their Xmas present.
           The Reb called to say she is not staying as long as planned. Like myself, there is nobody I still know back west, though in my case it is because I've outlived them all or don't associate with them. Sounds right. Bryne's move to Texas is the first time in ten years I currently know anyone back in Texas and twenty-nine years since the last person I went to school with moved away. I was last in New Boston in, what, 2012? That's in East Texas and the closest spot to where I live now that I would know it to walk down the street. Most people have heard of East Texas and West Texas, but not North Texas. I don't think there is even a song about that place.

           Do be careful, that news bulletin from Greenland that reports 2-million year old DNA. It is not discovered, it is merely sequenced from fossil remains. No worries about mammoth stampedes yet. Then there is the invisiblilty cloak developed in China. At this time it only fools cameras, not the human eye. And cameras will get smarter, but I like the concept. At night most cameras work in the infrared range. What the cloak does is channel your body heat to materials that emit the rays differently. Think of it as a camouflage pattern in the coat itself. Clever, but the patterns and movement would not fool a human, and A.I. Is closing that gap. It's a bit ironic that the biggest woke department stores (Wal*Mart & Target) are the hardest hit by organized retail theft. NASA, in a lame attempt to prevent astronauts from having sex during the 18 month flight to Mars, has proposed an all female crew. Mercifully, they did not publish any photos of what these women would have to look like.

Picture of the day.
Last photo of Beatles together.
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           There's a feature in both my vans that took some getting used to. On the passenger side, the windsheild post and rear view mirror form a block just big enough to hide a car coming from that direction. As a cautious driver, I avoided several potentially dangerous events until I got used to leaning forward and looking around the obstruction. Today I read the most dangerous interesection in England was deemed so for this very reason. This graphic is from their report, showing a bicyclist just emerging from the blind spot.
           It's flooding in the area, just not up way up here on knob hill. The power keeps cutting out intermittently while I'm trying to set up a tracking spreadsheet fo that REIT investment. I talked with my estate admin and she's interested but like myself a month ago, unaware and rather distrustful of things on-line. I use the rule of 72 to check for reasonableness and today I found out why 72. In reality it is 69.3 which is the natural log of 2. You can't really beat using 72. And the reason is because 72 is the nearest number that has so many divisors. Eight, in fact, of the first twelve small digits.

           It is too early to recommend this investment and I'm still annoyed at the amount of time it takes them to place new funds. Up to 15 days between the eTransfer before it appears on your statement. To be fair, they do record the transfer right away and so far have backdated it to the correct time. Yet this is a mature fund and they should know that is not the best way to do things. Admittedly this is a minor point for those who do not understand the significance of such vigilance. It is wise to remember that, although it is the rich who benefit most from the way things are run, it is folks like be who are probably second most.
           In the fund's defense, everything else seems in order. The plan is to bring the initial investment up to $10,000 and thereafter make 84 deposits toward a target income in the middle of 2030. My heralded “found money” account is allocated right there, as there is little need for it any more. It saved me a dozen times and now maybe it can be put to use this way. That's three long conversations in the past month about this headline how soon everybody will become a renter. This places them totally at the mercy of the system, a financial return to the feudal system. But it would put a stop to real estate dynasties. When you die, the property reverts to the landlords, not to your issue.

           Here is a nice picture for those who have nothing to hide. Canada is a free country, mainly on the basis that everybody who lives there is indoctrinated from birth to believe that. The reality is the bureaucracy in Canada is complete and pervasive. Except for criminals (and I suspect the problem is much bigger than admitted), every molecule of value in that country is on a government file somewhere. My interest is because I know some Canadians who staunchly declare the place is paradise. A few of them donated money to the truckers and used their credit cards and on-line accounts. And not one of them yet realizes they are on the hit list.
           This could prove interesting as I advised them both against these cash transfers and, many years ago, against complacently setting themselves up. Suddenly they all have something to hide, but they have long lost the places to hide it and the know-how to keep it a secret. These are some of the people who called my group paranoid when, back in the 90s, we decided not to place our identities on-line. Funny, innit, they are now the ones living in day-to-day fear of their bank accounts disappearing and that early morning knock on the door.

Last Laugh

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