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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 14, 2023

One year ago today: March 14, 2022, sarcasm welcome.
Five years ago today: March 14, 2018, $6 discount.
Nine years ago today: March 14, 2014, reserved seating.
Random years ago today: March 14, 2008, some lady managed it.

           That was JZ on the phone at 6:00AM. He’s still caught up in the Miami runaround and may be for life. That would be a major disappointment for a guy who should be out here, where every single woman within driving distance would be his oyster. He’s become what around here the eligible females would consider a catch, I mean have you seen their other options? When 35-ish women hit on me, there is a definite imbalance in the system that he should be cashing in on.
resources are handily twenty times greater than my own. If he goes the distance another two or so years, he’d be a real contender in these parts. There are other retired men but face it, they don’t rate as competition. JZ doesn’t say but I know he regrets not learning music years ago. Today we’d be the Polk County superstars.

           Google has mucked around the system again, older pictures are not displaying on some browsers and operating systems. Usually you can get the display by opening the picture in a new window but that’s nothing but a hassle. Up yours, Google. Hindus never understand the old Ann Landers maxim, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. This will pass but it makes getting some of my regular features more of a chore, such as the Yesteryear links. It is usually the pictures that remind me if I’ve already landed on a given page.
           Two of Israel’s largest banks transferred out a billion just before the closure of Silicon. Facebook announces another 10,000 layoffs. The mining institute in New Mexico is building drones out of actual taxidermy bird parts, but why? Now the important reports. See this photo, it shows the oiling and maintenance work on the tools. This week is run the gas chain saw, a chore I plan in advance. One such step was to cut a root out of the work shed, it’s been in the footpath too long. What’s the delay? In Florida be careful what you cut. Slice through a supporting root and next hurricane you may be wearing that tree. It’s important enough here is a picture of me pointing at the root.

           That led to another topic, the pictures we take for granted here, yet this was never a visual blog by intention. For that reason, I’ve included a contact or proof sheet of the 43 photos taken this afternoon that provided the material for today’s blog. Of these, maybe 10% or four of the pictures will make the grade. I can’t speak for the resolution but maybe you can enlarge it enough to see a process that happens almost every time you see photos that support what is reported in the posting. This does not happen on its own.

           What happened was the Reb called to say she is feeling much better and no need for me to rush. Great, because she is aware of how weather affects the amount I can get done and spring is prime time. If you notice an uptick of daily chores, this is because we had an improvement in efficiency. Good heavens, it certainly is not because I’m able to work any harder.
           An example is the burn barrel. Because it burns down to coals in under two hours (as opposed to well over 3 with the incinerator), I don’t have to plan a half day off. Today, I burned three loads of yard scraps and cuttings while working full speed (for me) the whole time. This included watering the plants and tidying up the red shed. Part of said efficiency is an increase in the number of times I walk past the new table saw area. It is easy to stop and take care of small chores. Like spray painting, filling the air tank, punching nails, stacking boards, mixing chemicals, and using the right tool because now it is handy. I like my nice new saw table.
           I have the desk camera rack and realized I needed a camera angle from off to the left. This mean drilling a diagonal hole. I have no jigs or tools for it. If I figure something out, it will have to wait until this afternoon. Anyway, here are the pictures taken just today to maximize your blogging experience.

Picture of the day.
Welcome to France.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Ah-ha, got it here is the piece drilled at around 45°, by hand. First, I drill a tiny pilot hole at the angle I want. Then, I took apart two of the hole saws I’ve got, discovering one of them is broken. But I removed the longer drill bit and aimed it down the pilot hole. This took an hour to figure out and set up, and I had to grind a small flat spot on my drill bit so the set screw could grab without spinning. I carefully let this longer bit follow the pilot hole until the blade started to bite and I guessed right. This photo show the plug being removed.
           The stand is just a few scraps of wood, you have not see it yet. Be patient, I want more work done on it before I consider it finished. As for the camera port, the trick was using a drill bit twice as long as the one that came with the circular hole saw. Around this time, mid-afternoon, my thoughts turned to that small box of Miller beer left in the coldest spot in my fridge.

           This is how I imagine retirement work to be. When I was around twelve, we were sometimes allowed to drink cold beer when we helped with carpentry work. To this day, I prefer beer in a cold bottle. It is not the same beer, you know. Often it was home brewed but that was not necessarily any better as it depended on ingredients, of which rice was quite common. So imagine me trying to work in the hot, hot sun knowing just fifty feet away there is an ice cold Miller just waiting for me. Unable to take it any longer, I dug out the box to discover there were five beers in there. Now there are only two.
           Here is the scene of my contentment. A Miller sitting on the table saw in the late afternoon sunlight. A different drill for every need and crazy Tampa radio keeping me informed if any new music worth playing comes along. There are two that are growing on me. I’ll let you know.

           Meanwhile, the slaughter of Whites continues as so many Americans have not yet realized we are at war. As for Florida, we are quite content to sit back and watch them damn Yankees march themselves off to hell. The problems splashed on the media are not perceived as national, rather as characteristics of the Yankees and their satellite California. But it won’t take many more ax murders (did you see what that Mexican did?) before some sort of organization begins. And the world already knows what happens when White people get organized. They used to call them Crusades. Note, the battles took place where the bad guys lived, not a thousand miles away in London. I’m just sayin’.
           One more thing. In a courtroom, lawyers are allowed to lie. They are not the one under oath. Funny how so many people don’t know about this.

           Don’t you hate lame attempts to police the Internet? The fact is, if they wanted to restrict viewership, they should have built that in from day one. Today I’m talking about that idiotic age restriction on youTube. You know the one, confirm your age. So they not only want to track you, they want to timestamp your computer ID. Here’s two versions of the workaround, one for Genexers and one for smart people. When you see this symbol, here’s what you do.

           (Remember this convention here, that [ ] means you type exactly what is BETWEEN the marks, but not the marks.)
Method A:
look at the URL, you will see it begins with the call sign then “” followed by the video play instruction. All you do is type in the abbreviation “Not safe for work” just ahead of the word “youtube”. That is [] becomes []. Note: this takes you to a site that asks for a membership.

Method B:
This method bypasses the entire youTube block subdirectory, I love it.
Typical address: notice the trigger is “watch?v=”
Replace [watch?v=] with [v/] to become to go directly to the video.
           Yes, this is old hat nowadays, but many of my original readers still prefer these hacks to spending all day trying to understand HTML strings that none of us were raised around.

Last Laugh