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Thursday, March 30, 2023

March 30, 2023

One year ago today: March 30, 2022, proof of insulation?
Five years ago today: March 30, 2018, a permanent majority.
Nine years ago today: March 30, 2014, it was routine.
Random years ago today: March 30, 2008, a wasted afternoon.

           There’s a free Elvis show at The Factory. It’s millennial free, meaning there is a $49 fee to get in the door. After that, the thing is free. Mr. Trump, would you like another 10 million free votes. Bring in mandatory jail terms for this brand of fraud. The world awakes to the news that Russian, France, and China have begun trading petroleum in their own currencies. This stems from the Biden administration blocking Russian access to SWIFT, the system big banks use to settle cross-border transactions. In layman’s terms, it means a big-nation move away from US dominated petro-dollar payments. I once tried to buy shares in SWIFT, but only banks are allowed.
           As if Biden needed another nail in his coffin, he stated today that queers shape the soul of America. Only sincerely sick individuals still support Biden or his gang. The question is when will he go too far? It has to be soon as everywhere there are growing signs of organized resistance. Mind you, the biggest problem around here is I have finished half the coffee in the house. I know a crisis when I see one.

           Here is today’s study. This is the circuit board from one of those el cheapo lawn light gadgets from the dollar store. The spare parts inside are worth more than the device and I needed the pieces. Over time, I’ve taken a look at those 4-prong transistors, the orthodox count is 3. So they are some special order, and I examined the circuit in detail. If you’d like a great example of gobble-de-gook bullshit answers, go on-line and ask what a 4-leg transistor is. Some experts will tell you it does not even exist. (Normally, there are two types of transistor, NPN and PNP, look it up yourself.)
           This design is ingenious. In the sunlight, it uses a solar panel to top up a rechargeable battery. When it gets dark, it turns on the LED. Yet the circuit has no light detector or switch between the two separate functions. So, thinking it through I am suggesting an answer. The solar chip itself is the switch. The directions say to leave the device in the sunlight a full eight hours before use. That was my clue. That might be an NPNP transistor. You can barely see it, as I’m holding on to it for this picture, but there are the four legs.
           Now, in sunlight, the panel produces a voltage that would drop as it gets dark. So The only “detector” needed is enough voltage to push the PNP part of the transistor so that solar power goes to the battery. When that voltage drops, the battery voltage activates the NPN portion and the battery power goes to the LED until sunlight next day turns on the PNP. I found this fascinating, and a very clever design.

Picture of the day.
Transgender musician with “good wardrobe”.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           For the first time in my life, I got the sustained and deliberate “old guy” treatment. Not first ever, but note I said sustained and deliberate. Called ageism by the people who name such things, it’s something you’d brush off. But this time, I had got the call from the Reb to pick up dog food, so no messing around. The kind I wanted was not there so I asked the staff when it would be available and was told it was delivered on Thursdays. It’s when I pointed out it was Thursday I got the snark. I’ll supply no details because it is a place I pretty much have to shop or drive twice as far. Folks, it had to happen sometime.
           Elliott, my inventor pal, has dropped completely out of the picture for two years now. That’s the second “first” for this blog. He did not like this blog because it records events that don’t fit his recollections, which for most people is pretty normal. That’s why things get written down.

           Elliott had a quirk whereby if you ever so much as mentioned something positive about yourself, he know somebody else who had already done it or had done it better. Usually, that was not the issue but he never missed an opportunity to point that out. Kind of like Billie-Bill. While convinced what he composed was original guitar, if you dared to say you played a bass line you’d never heard before, he was quick to point out everything possible on a bass had already been played. And if you still thought you’d independently created the bass line, why it was just your washed-out memory playing subconscious tricks on you.
           I suspect what such people have in common is deep-down they know they have never come up with anything original or know they lack what it takes and have a need to denigrate others who might. They simply do not grasp the concept of duality which happens all the time in the world of “originality”. Look at law suits over recorded music for all the examples you want, for instance, “My Sweet Lord” back in the 70s, was it

           The picture is just for balance. It shows a 2200 ohm resistor. The only connection here is I am finally learning to calculate voltage drops. Each component is a circuit “uses ups” some of the electricity. Once I learned that you only need four or five sizes of resistor, I would put in the one that make the LED shine the best. In this circuit, it is limiting the power to the transistor base. When I get home, I plan to keep increasing the strength of the resistor to find the one that uses the least power for the operation.
           Trivia. For those who don’t pay the phone bill on time, Boost Mobile will now re-assign your number if you are even 30 days overdue. It was once two years to give enough time for the old assignment to go dead.

           Here’s the Titanic hoax theory for those who’ve not heard it before. The ship never sank. The owners knew it would never turn a profit. It’s true the Titanic had a fake funnel. The wild tale goes that the Titanic’s sister ship, completely some years earlier, had been involved in a collision. It was repaired but facing a big court case for negligence. If only there was a way to make the passengers only think they were boarding the Titanic when it was really the Olympic The plan was to take the very-sinkable older boat on a one-way voyage, where it would then be scuttled for the insurance.
           Then dang, along came that iceberg, which was not covered by insurance. Anyway, the theory is it was the Titanic that went down but it was really the Olympic. Back at the shipyards, it was really the Titanic renamed as the Olympic that sailed on. Got it? If not, you don’t follow how insurance really operates.

Last Laugh