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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

March 29, 2023

One year ago today: March 29, 2022, 15 miles in Florida.
Five years ago today: March 29, 2018, the deck that never was.
Nine years ago today: March 29, 2014, hero Dave.
Random years ago today: March 29, 2013, one ticket buys nothing.

           Whee, another round of layoffs and a prediction A.I. in its current form is already capable of replacing 18% of the world’s workforce. Interesting cycle, you go A.I. and lay off workers. Then there are fewer workers to buy your product and you lay off more. Actually, that is the version taught in accounting texts and it has never quite worked like that in real life. Plus, A.I. is most likely to replace the bottom of the workforce, which are the illegals and such.
           Yet another company is announcing a hydrogen jet project. This one says it will cut four hours off the flight from Europe to Australia, but like everyone else, they have no idea why that is important. In science news, have you heard of structural color? It’s what peacocks and butterflies use instead of pigment to make colors. With nano tech, some Florida outfit has invented a paint that is at least five times lighter using suspended aluminum particles. Who’s interested? Airlines. A 767 uses a half-ton of paint. This new stuff would weight just 100 pounds, according to Wired.

           The Reb had company so I took the opportunity to get everything else done, including finishing up that electric cable, which took two hours. They’ve made that a non-economic undertaking. The electric end pieces cost 5/7ths as much as a new cable and each install required 8 small screws with a tiny long-shank screwdriver. This is sincerely the most exciting picture you want to see from here this morning.

Picture of the day.
Long-exposure fireworks.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Having spent most of the afternoon on-line, I’m at a loss for bloggable material. Thusforth, to provide amusement for my patrons, I’ve compiled a short list of items that vegetarians, such as my ex, never eat. Together, these items are either high calorie, genetically modified, come in polluting packages, are poisonous to pets at long-range, or cause contrails.
banana nut muffins
chunky peanut butter
diet ginger ale (in the small cans)
instant mashed potatoes
butter (except Kerry Gold)
port wine
raisin toast
ground turkey
cheddar cheese
maple syrup
brown gravy
           I’m also guess that vegetarians, who would never touch the drink themselves, must know lot of heavy coffee-drinkers. Anyway, these commodities evaporate at a phenomenal rate from both kitchen and cupboard.

           The book “Rorke’s Drift” (excuse my habitual wrong spelling “Rourke’s” is 350 pages long. At only page 135, the battle is over. So I’m guessing I’ll be reading a lot of statistics. The 104 men fired 20,000 rounds. That’s 40 for every Zulu killed. Actually, the rifle was so inaccurate (Martini-Henry) that most Zulus were bayonetted when they tried to pull the rifles away from their adversaries. While the Zulus had rifles, many of the same model captured near Isandlwana, they thought it worked by pointing in the general direction of the enemy. They had no concept of aiming at individual targets.

           Recall Reverend Pawlowski, the Alberta guy? The Canadian media says he “makes a nuisance of himself” by giving sermons and defending basic human rights, such as protesting government wrong-doing. The government-owned media may have shot themselves in the foot for publishing details of a conversation he had with the leader of Alberta. She basically admitted something I said forty years ago, that there is no such thing as a fair trial in Canada. Once the system decides you are guilty, which happens at the point they decide to lay charges, the rest is posturing and theatrics.

           A crowd of Indian-dot drunk men bum-rushed a girl’s college in Delhi. Hey, I’ve been there [in India] and women are either virgins, prostitutes, or wives. No Saturday night bird-dogging allowed. Took me all day to find a cold beer in Delhi on my 21st birthday. Rape is the only way most of those cow-piss drinkers will ever touch a young, pretty woman. CNN continues with the “bird flu” narrative but there’s a problem. If the increased prices are due to production costs alone, as claimed, how is it egg producers like Cal-Maine are reporting a 700% increase in profits? Gotcha?
           Or how about Vancouver, Canada, scrapping the 25-cent user fee on single-use cups? Turns out it was not any outcry from Starbucks or anything. But the 1/3 of Canada who are welfare bums were being the most impacted. Seems the firefighters in France have joined in hand-to-hand combat against the police in at least one video. Remember, it only takes a few defections to turn the tables.

           Here’s an idea to chew on. Most guitarists I know and many bass players use TABS. I’ve discussed them here before, it a picture of where to place your fingers on the strings. Well, there are two primary groups of patterns. One that uses open strings and one that doesn’t. Ergo (a term for therefore that I wish would come back into vogue), why are there dozens of different tabs for different keys? Invent a tab that works off whatever starting position you want. It’s the only thing that changes between keys.

Last Laugh