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Friday, March 31, 2023

March 31, 2023

One year ago today: March 31, 2022, the then-new doggie fence.
Five years ago today: March 31, 2018, highly pampered . . .
Nine years ago today: March 31, 2014, Windows 7 sucks.
Random years ago today: March 31, 2017, security issues, etc.

           Remember to press F5 to bypass most youTube ads. Current stats say 53% of the world is not connected to the Internet. Therefore, they conclude we live in the information age. I suspect if we eliminate from the measure the too stupid to do anything with the information, it’s more like 5.3% who are really connected. I was up early to check on Caltier, since there is no definitive place to find out information on how they pay out. I was hoping for a quarterly payment, as these funds average up to (the meaningless “up to”) 17%. Nope, just another dividend that was less than last month. On a $9,000 investment, the dividend was $22.
           So, the happiness is confined to discovering how the fund really works. I see that a longer cycle may be needed to spot the performance trend. But it also means I’m looking at alternatives. One that stands out is GroundFloor (no link) but I’m hesitant. They extend renovation loans to people who flip houses. A slump in that market is long overdue. Later, I ran the numbers on Caltier and it has been below budget three out of four months. However, I remind the reader that does not mean I lost money, only that I did not make as much as projected.

           This will result in very close examination, but meanwhile, let’s take the doggies out for a long van ride. They don’t lie on the memory foam, they plunk down and don’t move. We wound up at a campsite near Golden Bear Lake. I’d been nearby years ago, without knowing it since in those days the whole territory was new to me. It was quite the romp, we moved fast due to a tornado warning. This tree, probably non-native, was at the lake, showing the danger of being caught outside. Next, I have a short video that covers my investigation of the 4-leg transistor. What a pity such a clever idea is used only for plastic novelty items.

           What is being examined is how the battery has drained toward morning and lacks the power to rapidly recharge the capacitor in the RC part of the circuit. What gets me is I cannot find the capacitor. But I’ll get this. Maybe it’s the transistors causing the flash to be slow enough to perceive? If so, that shows a high technical ability to dope the ceramic so accurately.

Picture of the day.
European street art.
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           We did not do the Karaoke. I really lacked the energy to go downtown and the Reb had a chair tip over at the studio. She fell and bumped the edge of the table, ouch. I must soon head back so we opted for a big dinner at the Thai place. She had the yellowtail which she said was perfect, I had a large curry dish that had a hint of licorice. Walking out after dark, I found this object in the parking lot. I mistook it for a cell phone booster, neither of us recognized it. Duh, golly-gosh, we must be a couple of real hicks from back in the toonies. Either that, or we just don’t know as much as some people do about filthy, disgusting habits. Your conclusion marks your character. What we do know is how to calculate crowdfund dividends to the tenth decimal point.
           I noticed the recharging port and then the aroma of mango, so I remembered the vape shop in the same mall as the restaurant. Ah, I looked up to see this is worth around $15. So I will return it rather than saw it in two for investigative purposes.

           JZ called, other than Easter dinner, he’s got no plans for next weekend. I might stick around an extra day or two to visit. REIT is a term now in his vocabulary. Once again, I’ll try to talk him into getting out of that cesspool called Miami and out to where there still exist healthy, normal, women who have day jobs. Sigh, I recall when Miami was a good destination. Now it is third-world with trash blowing in the streets and every available woman over 24 is hooker or going to become one. I pretty much know the only time JZ gets to the library is when I’m around. I have a theory on that when it comes to women.
           I think that women subconsciously learn to avoid men in a group as a first choice. And it is probably associated with gang behavior. If even one of his buddy’s is a creep women exclude the whole bunch. Just a theory, but JZ meets women all the time when I’m around, but maybe not meeting them otherwise is because he won't go to places like the library on his own. It's a Catch-22, he doesn't go there alone because he doesn't meet good women because he isn't showing up alone. Follow the logic? He has not learned that showing up alone can be a plus. He does not know he has his pick.

Last Laugh