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Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1, 2023

One year ago today: April 1, 2022, marigolds are too fragile.
Five years ago today: April 1, 2018, power outages seem normal.
Nine years ago today: April 1, 2014, eastern TN, long ago.
Random years ago today: April 1, 2005, from similar complaints.

           The Reb & I were out all day, eventually opting for another dinner at the Thai place. If I did not say, that represents the first time ever we have put a meal on the credit card. Because of changing events we now declare them as business expenses. I foresee us both getting cards for that purpose soon. Myself, I made French toast but did not have any gluten-free bread. Did I ever mention the Reb loves the aroma of coffee and such cooking? She doesn’t partake so I get all the goodies for myself. This early morning liveliness I exhibit is actually a holdover from having to work for a living. I’ve commented before that I’ve the ex-girlfriends to prove I’m a morning person. This time, let me count them. Four. I’ve lost four girlfriends over it.
           This photo is the “pumpkin” or “potato” plant I left behind at the cabin. It was this size after only four days. We’ll get you a photo of what it’s become in the 15 days I was gone. The circular object in back is an upturned squirrel baffle. Expect a few days gap, as I have no travel computer these days. The console inside the van is updated to match some empirical standards, but I have not found a way to fix up an arm rest. And you know that library patron who makes the rude noises with his nose? I complete tripped up the computer he habitually uses to annoy everyone. Ha, what a riot, watching him panic. For once, I’m glad MicroSoft has such hellacious screen color combinations.

           Wait, there’s more. The woketard librarian lady with the snot ring finally comes over. Turns out she knows equally little about what’s going on. I’ve found setting the screen mode to High Contrast #2 and the system sounds to Quirky produce great results. Don’t forget to set the audio to mute when detecting communications mode. Did you know the highest setting for the mouse scroll wheel is 100 lines per notch? When using public access, it is wise to spend a bit of time familiarizing yourself with the countless items MicroSoft has wasted time on, as there is satisfaction in using them for the opposite of what the screw-heads in Redmond intended. That is, [use them] to make life harder on stupid people—not all of them, but mainly the ones who inflict their stupid on others.
           This is not Europe, where there is a chance you’ll meet intellectuals in a library. The welfare system makes American libraries a hang-out for the chronically unemployed. The place fills up when the weather exposes who has no heating or A/C. The largest section with the best seating is nearest the door, it’s called “fiction”, and what crap fiction it is. Dean Koontz and Daniel Steele are still on the bestseller list. And your average petting zoo has a better research department.

           What’s this? City councils are upset about pedestrians painting their own crosswalks? I’m on the side that says pedestrians have the right of way at all times, so who cares where the paint is? Good morning, it took two hours to pack and now the Reb thinks I should stay on longer. It turned out to be a nearly perfect spring. However, I have business in Miami and so far, all the medical tests have been right on. No disease or conditions, not even any indicators. Long-term stuff, I mean. My back hurts in cold weather and I fatigue easily. Let’s be fair here, I’m not heading to the Olympics. I got up and made French toast; that was my extra effort for the morning.
           Following up with Caltier, it is underperforming but my sample is only one-quarter (three months) and not enough to question. I go by what other similar funds pay and the unknown of a big year-end. Their website reports a time-weighted return which I suppose I will eventually learn. According to their advertising, the only figures they publish, my return is ¼ of what the literature would have us believe. There will be more on Caltier in the next few days, as March represent the first full quarter of investing in the fund. In most cases, it takes a year to see the pattern. I do like their method of calculating to the tenth decimal point. It cuts down on a certain type of complainer.

Picture of the day.
Lake Schrecksee, Germany.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           You get a short video of bass practice. That's it for now. I'm kinda busy.

           It turns out the Miami police have bowed to public pressure and quit using mug shots for target practice. It makes you wonder what part of the public objected. NPR has laid off 80+ and caused horridly embarrassing fallout. You see, NPR has spent decades presenting itself as the epitome of equitable hiring and employment. But guess what the laid off are screaming? You got it. That the very principles they’ve made a career out of shoveling are now being used against them. Ha!
           To keep diversity levels at the office in the same ratios after the layoffs, it turns out they have to lay off disproportionate numbers of non-whites and trannies. And most of them are bellowing racism and phobia, drawing attention to an already humiliating situation. You see, NPR was unrelenting about how well all their diversified staff got along. Now we are witnessing the savage truth.

           Hyundai & KIA are finally issuing locks for their cars, which were being stolen wholesale. The problem? Hiring coders instead of programmers. The coders left open a situation where the cars could be opened and started with a USB charger. Then somebody posted the instructions, god bless them. Soon police began billing the companies for lost time searching for the vehicles and insurance companies stopped paying for theft losses. Once a millennial, always a millennial.
           How about Tesla? Whenever they remove a sensor, the accidents begin. No real stats yet, but it seems they removed the parking sensor and the drivers are now backing into pylons, posts, guardrails, and all too often, somebody else’s bumper. This blog says I told you so, give people a driving aid and they’ll quit learning how to drive. Ha, how I love it when millennials get a dose of their own medicine.

Last Laugh