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Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6, 2023

One year ago today: March 6, 2022, the Honda arrives.
Five years ago today: March 6, 2018, I invested the nest-egg.
Nine years ago today: March 6, 2014, run-on calendar post.
Random years ago today: March 6, 2008, analog to digital editing.

           Who remembers Christine, the minister’s daughter from Kingsway? She liked me but she was close to 18 and I was close to 25. Everybody in town was after her and I can’t blame her for not considering me. I know when I was that age, I would have considered anyone ten years older as having missed the boat, marriage-wise. Christine was, in the end, the last decent young girl I ever met, so yes, I wonder what happened to her.
           That was, let me think, some 40 years ago. Years before I met the Reb. Socially, Christine and I were close, she has raised in a city and I was not. I have no doubt she was taken by some loser because I was the only non-attached educated single man in the territory at the time, just born five years too early. I recall her as the only woman I would have even considered at the time, today, the decent wife situation is totally impossible. Now they go for low body count. And wonder why nothing works out.
           So, what is this contraption? Plumbing pipes in the ground. It’s to water the papaya tree better. It seems to need more than a surface watering, so I fill the pipe up and let that soak more slowly into the ground. If it works, I can make the pipes longer. And to view the birdies without turning around, which can frighten the, I now have a rear view mirror at this computer station. Interesting to me is the optics, the mirror is one of those curved wide-angle types and for reasons unknown I can see crystal clear to the horizon without putting on my glasses.

           Unable to get underway, I watched a couple documentaries. I get a kick out of the robot narrator some of these recent productions use. The one that reads the script and mispronounces most technical terms. The laugh is that the software makes the same mistakes as when these morons try to read it live. “World War Eleven” and such. Mis-educated people produce mis-educated software. Playing in the background was “Prince of Thieves”. I’ll never understand how these people can escape from a Muslim prison and have enough money to arrive back in England four months later.
           In the next distraction, the US media is trying to blow up a story about four American “citizens” being kidnapped in Mexico. Problem. The vides show they are all beaners. Real America citizens quit going to Mexico long ago. So it’s a coverup for something else. But what? Biden can’t possibly do worse than he is. He’s found the plan to attack the Amish, an exclusive white Christian community anybody who is planning to take over must get rid of. I’ve long ago described how the EPA was just front for federal overreach and this is how it works.
           Disguise once again as “public safety”, the government has the right to forcefully remove citizens from “polluted” farmland and relocated them in a city. And the government alone has the right to determine what polluted means. That train wreck, you recall, is in the heart of Amish country. Dead animals are turning up along the riverbanks. Trump scored a massive success on a national scale showing up to aid the victims ahead of the corrupt regime. History students should note that the same forces attacking America from within have been present in every country in history.

Picture of the day.
Russian “raketa”.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Unable to get kick-started today, I didn’t get into the yard until 4:00PM and even then just mozied around. I put a small canopy over the target backstop to keep the paper targets dry, and decided to try the table saw for accuracy. I lack experience but I prepared by watching training videos. The work did not go like shown. I wanted to build a simple box using the table saw to cut rabbets. And I really butchered the wood. Shown here I could do okay across the grain.. I know what I did wrong, it was in the setup phase and I split the wood whenever it was too narrow. I learned. One new thing was these “setup blocks”. They were small pieces that are used to set the saw blade height, where I used trial and error. I further made the first cut on the wrong side of the kerf and tried to repair it.
           The good news is the setup is going to work once I learn to make the rabbets exactly square. And half the pieces I cut did fit together properly, so I’m heading in the right general direction. If this works, I promised myself to try making a box using interior measurements.This time was frustrating so I relaxed by watering the plants. It got too dark to go hunting for my misplaced box of LEDs but I did find some old photos and such from that missing gap in my journals. And newspaper clippings from 2002 that describe me as “talkative”.

           Ha, the vax people are seeing the rise of laws that bans them from donating blood, with convictions for lying. It’s a real stickler because the unjabbed would then have to donate the entire blood supply and how long before the government compels them? The mood in America is no mercy for these vaxers as they continue to die off. Again, they did not just get the vax, they tried to force it upon others, or supported a system that tried to force it and people died. They want amnesty but still support every new initiative to bully the public. This contributes to the viewpoint we are already in a civil war.
           Trump is surging again. The propaganda says “only” 62% of Trump supporters think the election was stolen, but don’t mention only 9% think it was not tampered with. He’s learned politics far faster than they imagined and their constant attacks on him have honed that skill. Trump is now promising to round up all the illegals and deport them, which alone guarantees his election and that he can only lose by such fraud that the public will not tolerate it. He promises new cities, new jobs, and a return to greatness from a disasterously failed Biden administration. Only a few of his die-hards believe his claims that Trump is responsible.

           Worse for Trump’s opponents is that they’ve used up their bag of tricks and have repeated them too often as well. You regularly hear people say they voted D-party out of habit but had no idea they were also voting for such corruption, a queer military, and the looting of the treasury. The left has another problem, the released J6 tapes. Anyone who saw the live reports knows there was no insurrection, but that isn’t the point. The tapes show exculpatory evidence, that is, footage that shows the people are innocent. The snag is that prosecutors are required to reveal any such evidence and instead they covered it up.
           The tapes were edited and I spotted that on day one. The bad guys were only able to get that far by owning a lot of people in the justice system. The Soros people, some call them, and they could face penalties. Yep, the left has another problem.

           This is what a real breadboard looks like. The advantage here is you can use uninsulated wire and wrap it without a tool. The battery is just there for perspective. While you can’t solder steel wire, the nails are copper, sold for weather stripping or something. They make better presentation boards as well, as the wiring is easier to follow than the plastic boards usually seen for prototyping. Heavier pieces can be tacked in place to make them stay put. Anyway, be sure to come back and see this when I’ve had time to wire up a relay.
           I’ve already hit some snags with such a design, and one of them is a major issue that was not even mentioned in the textbooks. It is similar to the “pilot light” problem I never pursued so long ago. How to get a light to indicate power is present in a circuit is the circuit is not grounded. This is the input part of the wiring. When the power is ON at the pins, it simply exists, there is no current flowing. I think. We know somebody-somewhere has solved this problem and I have to find him or figure it out. The temptation is to ground the circuit, but that turns the pins OFF. If you add a big resistor, you worsen the problem of different LEDs shining at different brightnesses.
           This is why I find the design work challenging. If I cannot get the circuit to “make sense” I will simply have to memorize how it works. What I need to invent is a diode that works opposite. It blocks current from ground when it isn’t there, again, I think. I may build one circuit for reference while I’m working on the model I have in mind.

Last Laugh