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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 7, 2023

One year ago today: March 7, 2022, the last one used.
Five years ago today: March 7, 2018, at least she can strum.
Nine years ago today: March 7, 2014, non-sensical default behaviors.
Random years ago today: March 7, 2009, delivering the wow.

           Deep morning fog that disappears fast, a sign of an uncomfortably warm day on the say. I’ve decided to use the piping salvaged from Tennessee on the water heater instead of the silo. Oh boy, for the nth time since I was 8, they are again going to build a high-speed train coast-to-coast. This time for sure. Wait! Gosh darn, it is only a 200 mile line to connect the California drug dealers with Las Vegas. I got headline-faked again!
           Yet another university study has concluded if you mount solar panels 13 feet off the ground, so plant will grow underneath. Somebody send them pictures of how 1890s orchard-farms grew cabbages between the trees for years until they began to produce. The tech worker hemorrhage continues, with sweet justice the team who developed Alexa being replaced by their own software. The Japanese clones of America rocket technology continue to explode almost on queue.

           Here’s the replacement sockets, blogworthy because they went up 5¢ in a week, or at an annual rate of 112%. So much for the honesty of the Biden regime. You know, I’m beyond suspecting that his stumbling on the airplane steps is genuine. If I didn’t’ say, I view it same as the ways that serial killers write letters about “voices”. It is nothing but a ploy to cop a plea somewhere down the line.
           I’ve got a side project, something wanted for a while now. It is a camera stand than looks down onto a desk, where it shows what my hands are doing. I often work on small projects where this capability is helpful, but there are opportunities for blog and drama shots. For example, copying code. I’ve never seen this recorded before—which is different, Billie-Bill, than saying I invented it.
           I already know the camera lens has to be 16 inches above the surface. Scientists announce the detection of shock waves on the distant edges of the observable universe. I saw only simulations, but they look like radio wave ripples affected by nearby magnetic fields. The waves were detected by computer analysis of 600,000 galactic clusters. Not galaxies, but clusters of galaxies. Outer space is not evenly populated with stars. Meanwhile, I thought the birds and squirrels kind of lived in peaceful co-existence. But my birds are visibly more relaxed in the absence of the squirrels. I shall remember that.

           When is complication simpler? Up early this morning, I saw a video that showed a kind of double- rabbet cut that may be easier to saw. Why? Both cuts use the same saw setting. I’ve seen this zig-zag joint before and it looks more complicated—but the guy on the video explained that’s only because the finished pieces are easy to mix up. Okay, one thing we can do here is stay organized. I must today give this a try. One setup, one box is simpler to me.
           Later, I got halfway. I repeat I have no intention of learning to make these cuts by hand. That apprenticeship crap didn’t fool me when I was 16. The next problem is compound. One, the clamp on my saw table isn’t exactly square. Two, there is an insert for the saw blade missing, the tiny one needed to slide small pieces through without them falling into the saw blade. Three, the cut against the grain, even with the identical setting, comes out slightly wrong. I’ll get all of these.

           This photo shows a much cleaner cut but still below standards. After cutting six boards, there’s noticeable improvement. My thinking is I have to master a fast way to cut a box if I plan to learn much about building to interior specs. For now, I add two inches in every dimension figuring and inch and a half will be used by the lumber thickness. But I want to be able to plan an exact size in advance. Therefore, chum, expect more of these mistakes.
           Google Adwords. It represents the stupidity level to which millennial America has sunk. Did you know you can “buy” misspelled keywords to increase your on-line profits? It’s a case of the stupid leading the stupid, using words like “buyr” instead of “buyer” yet users on social media report results often within minutes.

Picture of the day.
Fungus art.
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           As she heats up (close to 90°F)fd, I moved the work to the laundry deck. I have the piping strung out, but it will have to be fed from inside the house. That’s just how it worked out because I had to build the deck first. When’s a rainy day when you need one. I proceeded with installing the lighting on the deck, discovering a wasps nest in the switchbox. It’s gone. You know that handy stool I built ten years ago that is exactly one foot high? Where is it? I always misplace it where I was last working but can always find it by a quick walk around. Not this time. I recently reinforced it for about the fifth time to extend its life—where is it?
           The laundry deck lighting follows the two bulb system I’ve learned as the minimum way to avoid shadows when working in the dark. Two lights, between four and seven feet apart and I intend to keep working today until that is connected. I may have to run an extension cord for power until that water tank is installed. I’ve done that before, it works just fine. Just follow along for the day and see what we get done. And hand me the right tool when you know I need it.
           This circuit is a bit trickier than meets the eye. These two light sockets have the switch at the end of the run. They are positioned over the washer and dryer. There is a third light, off to the left, where a small work table is planned. It will have a pullchain light, but that light is not to operate unless these two main lights are on. One switch disables the whole system, the idea is to make it difficult to leave a light on—a mistake I am prone to after I began requiring afternoon breaks.

           By 3:00PM I have the wiring in place, but two more items misplaced. The bag of sockets I bought special for this project and my red 12V drill, the handy one that I keep in custom-built box. Last time I definitely saw iw was when I took the van in, but it was tucked away under a blanket out of reach. Hmm, that means I’ve put it four hours today, even though we know electrical doesn’t count. I’m slating some electronics designs for later, after code practice. I searched for the sockets for an hour while getting other work done and that one is a mystery. I have the receipt which I don’t file unless I confirm the materials are here and even found the bag I brought them home in.
           That means by late afternoon, there was no lighting in the deck. Wiring is the one thing you can’t do even in fading light and there I was, trapped by myself. To continue, I would have to string out a cable and work light to accomplish installing the very lights I need so I don’t have to string out that cable. I just noticed my van registration expired in February, not March. I was thinking of the scooter. Oh well, they give you 30 days when you are out of state. I’m only concerned about the last 180 miles into town, but meh, for me it would be a first offense.

           Later, I found the stool. It is too handy, I keep setting things on top of it. While this goes on, I’m listening to the libtards squirm over the J6 tapes. I don’t base much on the tapes since demanding proof is an old commie tactic to stall the opposition until the crime becomes a fait accompli. On break, I watched some of the footage and the left should be worried. Even if seeing is not believing, it looks like the Bidenistas faked an insurrection to cover up a stolen election. Yep, they got troubles, the least of which is they just bred 450 radicals who may soon be let out of jail. Most of them have nothing left to lose.
           Let me do a what-if. Suppose 400 of them decide to contribute $100 each per month into a secret offshore account. That’s 40,000 or a half-million per year. That’s just scary because there are people who would do anything for that kind of money. I don’t mean nothing, I’m just saying.

           Caltier has altered its web page. Before, you could make contributions any time and/or a fixed contribution once a month. It is clear they want a fixed monthly figure and don’t like clerical duties, such as checking the mails daily. Thus, I will stop for a bit to see what happens Most small investors would not be small investors if they had the discipline to do a monthly lump sum. How it works is if I try to transfer in $1,000 right now, I have to tick the monthly contribution to that amount or the screens won’t proceed. Give me time to think this one through.

           It always amazes me how many people require facts before they can detect when someone is lying. The J6 footage is finally convincing them by the millions that the whole incidence was manufactured by the Democrats. They have yet to learn that there was nothing illegal about all of this, except maybe down at street level. It reminds of the people who say if you are so smart how come you are not rich. Because the world is geared to give stupid people the overall advantage. In Florida, it is illegal to outsmart stupid people, for example.
           Remember Operation Plumbbob? No. It was during a series of underground nuclear tests in the 50s that a rumor began the US had launched an object into space before the Soviets. Beyond its obvious propaganda value, it was based on sound theory. The nuclear detonations were contained in a vault connected to the surface by a service tunnel capped with a manhole cover about 4” thick.

           When a cap was found missing, the scientists calculated it could have been shot into space, the fastest manmade object to date. Even if aerodynamically unsound, it would have possessed six times the energy needed to surpass escape velocity.
No, it would not have had time to burn up through the atmosphere, which is why they figure it must have just kept on going. That’s in theory. The reality is the main verifiable outcome of the testing was 38,000 cases of thyroid cancer.

           Category: successful indoctrination campaigns. Did you know a majority of Canadian youth feel the country is doomed. Ah, do they mean bad politics, confiscated bank accounts, arresting innocent people, RCMP terror stops, and suppression of free speech. Nope. Climate change. You heard me. The French are smartening up by organizing their protests. While they still are not impeding the people doing the harm, they are at least acting in unison.
           Rumor has it they will shut the country down for a week. That might have true impact, because most rich people rely on cash that is moving, not accumulated. That might be tricky to follow the way I worded it, but an asset is worthless unless it produces income. Stop that income, or even interrupting it, shakes the rich-poor system to the core. I’ll be watching.

           Consumer default has reached an all-time high as people have run out of both cash and credit. It’s 2006 again with no bailout. There are around 120 million US taxpayers, so DC sent the Ukraine $12,000 for each of them. The laugh is that corporations are still reporting record earnings. One place I did not invest was Embark, that’s the trucking company that was supposed to have A.I. integrate self-driving trucks between big cities. They just laid of 70% of their people. The high-tech bloodletting continues, yes folks, time to learn to weld, we don’t need any more coders.
           While clearing out old files, I find the series of mortgage notes that would up in Agt. R’s mailbox around the mortgage trouble time. Seven of them, which got me to thinking. That’s a lot less work than tax liens because the records are all at the courthouse. This document is wha most people would know as the actual mortgage. It specifies how much to be paid back and by whom. The borrower has no say in who holds the note, which can and often is bought and sold. Company A may hold notes and need money, so they are sold at a discount to Company B.
           The thing is, I know how to calculate those discounts. Tell you what, come back tomorrow and I’ll write a bit about that business in the addendum.

Last Laugh