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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April 19, 2023

One year ago today: April 19, 2022, only 46 people.
Five years ago today: April 19, 2018, I’d send a thousand.
Nine years ago today: April 19, 2014, can you spot the typo?
Random years ago today: April 19, 2011, the railway of knowledge.

           Google shafts us again. The older photos in this blog do not display right. Another Google “improvement”, and this process will never end until every last millennial coder is dead and buried six feet under. You can often view the old pictures by right-clicking to open in a new tab. The time to go back and reload every picture is not feasible and there is no guarantee the AOLs at Google would not change them yet again. It’s still too early but I’m having chicken fried rice for breakfast. You should also treat yourself, you’ve been especially good lately.
           This month is ten years since I was last in Savannah. I found a picture of downtown Macon on the way back, thinking I’d never see that area again. Since 2017, I’ve been through there some 20 times without looking for the same cafĂ©, if it even survived the Biden blitz.
           Here is the fuel pump on the John Deere. It looks flimsy. First noticeable problem is the gas drains away from the pump if pressure is lost even momentarily. It drops down past the level of that white plastic filter. Tractor supply only had heavy duty pumps, so I’ll check the automotive stores. With an electric pump, there is an extra step of switching it on and off for usage. I also noticed the headlights have been disconnected, but who mows in the dark?

           How about that Taylor Swift? She was the only major celebrity who backed out of FTX because they would not answer her question about unregistered securities. That’s my Taylor, she may be the only one of the bunch who knew what the hell those were. I’m glad other endorsers like that LeBron freak are being sued in the process, where the ringleader, Fried, should get 100 years in the slammer.
           Yes, I’m aware Taylor’s dad was a financial wizard at Merrill-Lynch for 30 years, but she must have listened to ask that question. But when will the crooks go to jail. That was more than ten years ago. Taylor gets my vote if only because she can’t duck good luck. Can you imagine my parents quitting their jobs and moving to Nashville so I could play music? Swift broke Madonna’s most attended female performer record in 2018 while only in her twenties. That’s my gal, even if she is getting a little too broad in the beam.

           There is more talk of building a telescope on the Moon. I support it, as it would be cheaper and bigger than that monstrously expensive Webb. The far side of the moon is unique in our solar system because the Moon is slightly lop-sided.
           Here’s one of the Downeys. You can’t see it clearly but they go hog wild over the suet feeder. I tried to capture this birdie burying his/her beak into the food and generally making a little piggie mess. But hey, they are not the only ones who’ve figured out where the good eats are. By tria and error, I’ve made them a two step landing. They don’t the same ability as even slightly smaller birds to flit around. So now they have a wooden perch to hang on. Then they can hop onto this feeder.

Picture of the day.
Paris, capital of France.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Finally, we have a smart lock. This went on sale for $44, which is a hundred dollars off. It’s brand new in the package, so I’ll unbox it this evening. I broke down and got the birdies the best anti-squirrel feeder on the market. $41, but at least all the working parts are metal. It works by gravity, any squirrel that tries to squat on the perch pulls a surround wire cage shit on the feed port. The yard got just a bit of attention, including climing the ladder to harvest two of the papayas. I don’t know they are ready, but I do know they finally turned the color of the ones for sale at the market.
           Here’s two not-so-great views of the birdfeeder. One on the table, you can see the metal cage clearly. The other is hanging outside, where there is no angle to picture it without a distracting background. By several hours later, the birdies have not discovered it, which is unusual. And another squirrel has already appeared to take the place of the one just deported. It’s a process, they get to spend a couple hours in the sun with no water so they are primed to skedaddle once the cage is opened.

           The last trip to Miami left me $76 over budget, which is gas money enough to go visiting this weekend. Consider that an award if I finish the laundry canopy. I fished around the yard and believe I have just enough plywood pieces to complete the sheathing. I could not get jump-started most of today but I dragged most the pieces into the cutting area for tomorrow. The roof is now a solid structure, fastened with proper anchors at every joint. It’s one-foot on center 2x4, well surpassing any code requirements. Yet is has a slight wobble, just detectable, when you have to walk across the full length. Maybe it is the house that isn’t sold?
           I completed a set of saw ponies by hand. That was not the plan, I was to have a jig made up by now. The roofing tin is cleaned and ready but other than going up the ladder for the two ripe papayas, I did not feel at all like climbing. It’s days like this where you get yard trivia and such because nothing bigger happens. For instance, I downloaded and went over an old Canned Heat tune, “Going Up The Country”. They covered it from a 1920s hit. I thought the bass line would be interesting. Naw, plus it is difficult to play unless you lower the key a half-step to use open strings. Doing so gets the wrong sound, yes, real bass players know the difference.

           The Reb had me on the phone, she has a friend going through a similar recovery phase as I did. They talked about installing a pacemaker, but that was what inspired me to buy a bicycle. You remember, rode it 7 miles a day for a thousand days and could walk after that. The big dog has finally changed and settled down, sort of like he knows he’s got it made. That’s the dog that jumped over me on the sofa while I was napping, snuggled into the gap and shoved me half on to the floor. Folks, that’s the point where the dog has your number. The Reb’s no help, she finds that hilarious. Yep, I’m on my own or it’s more like just me and the turtle. What a fate for what should have been the bass player of the era.
           The former CEO of Twitter, Agrawal, has been arrested for kiddie porn. Seems he didn’t delete all his files when he got run off. Musk found them and turned him in, I got twenty bucks says all the children were white. Spain reports world’s first lung transplant entirely by a robot. And Twitter threatens to cancel MicroSoft’s accounts if they don’t pay for the data they’ve been using. The world seems to be awakening only one Elon at a time to the massive evil of intrusive advertising, which should have been outlawed long ago in America.

           I would remind the reader that America is not what you see on TV. The idea that this is a land full of immigrants taking over from mixed-race couples and queers is quite false. Those are a tiny minority, around 4% total. And they are by no means getting away with much. The parades and demonstrations you see are highly dependent on police protection.
           I call ‘em as I see ‘em. The latest nog stunt is juveniles walking into peoples houses to steal. If they get caught, they play the confusion card and say they thought it was their own house. Another one of them got shot last week. Like many, I don’t pay that much attention. Florida has gun laws so break-ins are not that common in most towns.
           NBC published this picture of this kid implying he was involved in a heavy duty chemistry experiment and this was a future scientist. This may be the Trayvon ploy, where the guy is shot at age 28 but the libtard media shows childhood pictures. They also like to claim each dark child is a future engineer or scientist, gag me. Folks, he filled a beaker with water. This is a sampling of the flak this deception kicked up.
1. testing the clarity of a date rape drug.
2. looks like there’s drawing showing him how to do it.
3. new recipe for a grape drank?
4. Trayvon clock boy mutant.
5. he almost cracked the scientific code for Kool-aid.
6. making meth.
7. his eyes are closed so the camera won’t steal his spirit.
           How about the latest on A.I. Chatbots are being “trained” by evil Leftist traitors to falsify history, says Tucker.

Last Laugh