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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10, 2023

One year ago today: May 10, 2022, needs no intro.
Five years ago today: May 10, 2018, Famous pair: Rename & Delete.
Nine years ago today: May 10, 2014, very rare photo.
Random years ago today: May 10, 2011, it wasn’t the panels . . . .

           Here are the red cardinals romping in the morning sun. The birdbath is a major focal point and we now have six species that share. That includes the solitary dove-like bird that only appears on occasion. The top users, in order, are the Cardinals, then that tiny bird with the yellow breast (tentatively a “vireo”) and the Downeys. Did I mention the Downeys have become picky eaters?

           The Trump verdict will bring the liars out in full force. It was a civil court case, so one is not found “guilty”, but “liable”. Giving money to beggars always causes a riot. The borders get opened up this morning, so I opted for a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, grits, and toast. When I have both grits & toast, it’s a treat. As for A.I., my view is that it does not create losers, it merely replaces them with something more reliable. If I can adapt to a job market for which I was utterly unprepared, so can they. I see Tucker is after Fox, who are trying to enforce a non-competition clause. But it turns out only if his Fox show is active. Fox cancelled it.
           TMOR, here is a quick explanation of what happened. An old lady claimed Trump raped her. Trump called her a liar. So she sued Trump for defamation. The trial and jury were from New York, where nobody dares to say they rooted for Trump. He will appeal the $5 million award. He was held liable for defamation (he pointed out she was ugly), he was NOT convicted of sexual assault. But guess what the MSM is reporting?

           My life is intertwined with Tennessee and today was a reminder of how that has grown. The point is, all investments require monitoring and anybody who tells you different is clown. Thus, I have an odd rule that says for every $100 of investment income, you should spend at least ten minutes per month looking into it. Recall the story of the box of dust? Same principle. Not everybody knows this. The temperature is over 95°F in the yard. I leaned back in my desk chair as far as it would go and fell asleep in that position until mid-afternoon. Hello?
           These are exciting times, witnessing the fall of the old United States. There is no going back because the battle lines are too firmly drawn. It’s those on the make versus those on the take. Yes folks, amazing times and I hope I live long enough to see if a population armed against tyranny actually ever works in world history.

           What a find, my 1981 notebook. It is otherwise a missing and forgotten time for me. I’m hoping in the pages I find my original notes about how computer corruption would change the world. In the old days, if you wanted to steal a million, you had to find somebody who had that money. I opined how computers would make it possible to steal pennies and get the same amounts. For example, TurboTax has been ordered to pay $141 million in refunds to people they did not inform their taxes could be filed for free. It works out to $23 per person.
           In the same box as the journal, I found a 3.5” floppy labeled song lists. They are in a format called WRI, and ancient MicroSoft program called Write. DOS shows the disk is blank, I’ll try a few recovery shots. That disk is 1983 or so, it would be a hoot to find song lists from that era. CCR and Fleetwood Mac were still big drawers, but I’d already grown a dislike for the eagle.

Picture of the day.
Colorado’s best quilt shop.
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           To get in my work quota, I put 2-1/2 hours into the shed and got half the compressor lines run in. I’m doing something wrong with the soldering, in that by the time it gets hot enough to do like on the Internet, I wind up with a blob or two, so what? Some joints have to be soldered with the pipe in place and if a tiny big of extra solder gets into the pipe next to where you soldered the other on the bench, well, you get the idea. The solution is to go on-line and find out how the Russians do it. The tradesmen of that country are what we used to have in America. Now, they hire unskilled labor and the boss shows up at the end of the day to fix the mistakes.
           I know I’m terrible at soldering and I’ve been putting off fixing the bathroom faucets. I’m going to need another section of copper pipe [for the air lines] so maybe tomorrow I’ll get the extra pieces I need for the water lines. It sure is nice to have compressed air where you need it. In fact, I took pictures and sent e-mails to all the guys I know who don’t have a compressor, hey it is no different than pictures of my great breakfasts to those who can’t cook.

           Here’s a quick view of wiring up a circuit on a piece of plywood. This is not the circuit I mention shortly, but a method to get a light to fade using a transistor. Most such circuits use a resistor-capacitor combo wired direct to the light. This wastes energy. The difference here is this circuit used a capacitor to operate the base of an NPN transistor, so the capacitor decays through the transistor rather than a capacitor. I can build the circuit, but don’t have the equipment to measure the heat loss. I’m short two resistors, they are rare and I can’t fake them.

           Tonight, I’m making scalloped potatoes with extra cheese and Italian spices. The grand strategy is to drink French roast coffee and watch a video. Some might say that’s not bloggable, I say hold on. The difference is I never did that with my life until I retired and even then I had to train myself to do nothing. Even that’s a judgment call because I often write letters or something when the DVD has slow passages. And I’d like to read up on variable resistors as they pertain to PWM circuits. I’ve seen diagrams, I would like to build one or two of these circuits.
           Later, excellent spuds for a veggie supper. One circuit that interests me is a rheostat controlled motor. The analog control is called a potentiometer, which varies the speed of the motor, but loses excess energy through heat. The PWM is digital, therefore I know a 555 timer can be used to fake an expensive microcontroller. No doubt the plans are out there, but I don’t want to look, I want to tackle this on my own.

           A trip is in the plans. I’m thinking Tennessee, but via a completely new route, possibly making a three day drive. It would mean an extra day’s driving either northeast or northwest. That’s as far as the Carolinas or Mississippi, where I have not been in ten years except to peek at Elvis’ old house. I was last through the south by sidecar at least ten years ago. Gas is expensive again but I allowed for that. Have you ever heard of the “Natchez Highway”? Is it still there? Let me do some research. Other than the coast, Mississippi is never a state that interested me. It might be an okay drive, it seems to me it’s a place that became a non-state through its own pressing internal problems.
           The tourist map says the State is famous for the things I don’t do. Hunting, fishing, swimming, golf, and tennis. I notice if I took the freeway to some place called Pascagoula, there is a way I could drive right up the border with Alabama on the Mississippi side. If you have a better idea between now and then, speak up. Otherwise, maybe I’ll overnight in Charleston. It would be my summer holiday, well-earned.

           The meeting with Trump in New Hampshire was turned into an absolute farce by the media trying to justify their fake newscasting. There were nothing but loaded questions, complete with the “no evidence” drumbeat and comments like Trump has “failed to acknowledge” the 2020 election. Like an honest man is going to accept a fraud because some committee certified it. Giving credit, the attack on Trump was very well-funded and an classic in left-wing spin. The radical left should be proud of themselves.

           This is filler material, I’m watching a video “Blood on The Crown” and checking my news feed. I knew if I lived long enough, MicroSoft would begin a long slow decline. This year they cutting off the bonuses and raises are out of the question. I wonder what would have happened if I’d decided to work there instead of going into telecom? I can't find a full post of the New Hampshire debate, so it's already been taken down. It was a hoot watching the shill CNN reporter try to use 2016 talking points on Trump out of one side of her mouth, but calling him "Mr. President" outof the other.

Last Laugh