One year ago today: May 16, 2022, built in Windows “decay”.
Five years ago today: May 16, 2018, birdhouses = competition.
Nine years ago today: May 16, 2014, brittle bakelite.
Random years ago today: May 16, 2009, stranded.
Some extra photos for you today, mostly the yard. When I started, I intended to have some place to putter. But I meant stuff like fixing this thermometer housing, not building roofs and shed, ha. This shows the morning rounds. The thermometer wood is because I missed a glue spot and now I finally found it. That 74°F is a usual Florida morning temperature. Next view is the proliferation of “Chinese hat” baffles around the yard. Three are visible here. A third squirrel has appeared and the whole lot of them are going hungry. Good. Remind me to set up the dash cam, these critters have an established feeding time.
A closeup of this year’s peach crop—all leaves and no fruit. It’s not bushy as other years but still makes a good ornamental. Saw ponies. You’ll find several sets around the yard these days. It makes life a lot easier to always have a set handy. They draw in more compliments than cash. Until I find an outlet, that is. Remember that strange ribbon I found in the Reb’s shed? It is some kind of strapping. But I can’t find the binding tool now that I need it.
Durham finally comes out with his report, but turns out that’s all he did. They guy was supposed to clean things up, but all he did was write a manuscript. Nothings changed, nobody was arrested, like I told you, America has no “election police”, a role fulfilled by the military in most other countries. The Russia thing was a hoax, the election was stolen, and the Democrats just sit there laughing as in, “What are you gonna do about it?” Good morning, grilled chicken and cheese sandwiches (plural) and my phone won’t make long distance calls.
It was another cooler day all along, I spend some time raking and noting which birdies are getting used to me being around. This is how days should be spent, which has a lot to do with how much you are born with. This ain’t much but I did it all myself. Never did find my one and only, but I came pretty close. The goal for today was to fasten the roof on the north work area. It’s up there, but the laminates came apart even more once the wood dried and now I have to put furring strips to get it to lay flat enough. More work than if I’d bought better wood.
Old Lake Providence line.
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Another set of braces went into the fence, which forms the back wall of the work space. Now under the trees it is cooler but the roof is necessary as these trees are constantly dropping leaves, nuts, twigs, and limbs. Work an hour and you will hear something thump the ground nearby. That’s why I wear a hardhat. I left the radio off, figuring I’ll hear plenty about Trump’s lawsuits against big media now that the role of the decadent newspapers is revealed. That’ the television stations plus the Washington Post, the New York Times, and Huffington. I hope he puts them out of business even if they have insurance.
The legal fund for that Marine continues to grow. It’s not enough at the moment but at this rate there will be some real worries in the left camp. The Patriots are a group of somewhat right young males, of course labeled far right by the you-know-whos. They use a similar garb to FBI agents, causing detractors to say they are a fake group tying to bait activists. I’m not so sure, it could very well be intentional. The news is they are growing in numbers and sophistication. They now have a drummer and appear to be learning to march.
As predicted, foreign kick-back payments are being traced to all sorts of Biden shell companies. Somebody found the television series that was copied by the skank who sued Trump, she even copied the name of the building where it happened. Of course, none of this came out before the hearing.
The neighbor was over by the fence to talk, he wants to delay the Tuesday Gunsmoke meetup. I found out he’s got a K-cup coffee maker, or should give his wife the credit. You can’t make bad coffee unless you really mess up. He’s got one of those $6,000 hearing aids, I hope I never need anything like that. He’s pretty amazed my hearing is 20/20, which makes sense because zero hearing loss is somewhat rare. His wife worked with Indian Affairs so he gets a kick out of the Gunsmoke portrayals.
This week, this old guy tried to stir up a Pawnee rebellion. I’m looking that up, I thought Pawnees were eastern plains. Says here it was middle plains, the movement west was by the Great Lakes tribes into Pawnee territory. But I did learn many tribe names such as Dakota and Arapaho are derived from Pawnee terms for their enemies. All Gunsmoke episodes are new to me, I never saw any before. I was surprise to see how many had to be scrolled past to get a real shoot-em-up western. Dozens of themes like Chester gets a girlfriend and imposter shows up as Kitty’s mother. No wonder I didn’t watch them even when I could.
Before dark I put in three hours, mostly the shed roof as said above. I used old fence rails to make a work table and moved the chop saw over. I paced out the fence I’d like to move and was up and down the ladder. You know, I’m suspecting that ladder work may have more to do with my “tired days” than I think. I’ve got a small inventory of saw ponies established, the neighbor thinks they are great. I didn’t tell him I haven’t sold any yet. Like many, at first glance he things there are some angle cuts. Nope, nary a one.
The Reb called, all is okay but I forgot to ask how long I’ll be there. Usually a couple weeks, but you know that’s become a couple months before. The Honda has a solenoid problem, or at least what she describes, plus I know it was parked for almost a year when I bought it. Last, here is a shot of the worst paint peeling on my cabin. This is also away from the street and cannot be seen without walking through the back, so I’m in no hurry to do anything about it. I wonder how many layers I’ll find? It looks like just two in fifty years.