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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

May 23, 2023

One year ago today: May 23, 2022, this date is mine.
Five years ago today: May 23, 2018, railroad rocks.
Nine years ago today: May 23, 2014, at your fingertips.
Random years ago today: May 23, 2011, the original club project.

           This date, purely coincidence, has always been a bit fateful for me. In 1969, the first journal entry I distinctly remember as being part of an on-going series. In 1979, I decided to not return to universit because of mounting debt, “for just for a couple years”. In 1989, I decided to stay at the phone company rather than move to California. In 1996, on this day, 27 years ago, I retired in the sense I quit working for a living. In 1999, I left Seattle for Venezuela and never went to Seattle again except for business. In 2009, decided, due to failing health, I would retire in stages, tapping into my long-range money that was supposed to not be touched until I turned 65. All on a May 23rd. And today, I’m in Nashville, surrounded by dogs, cats, and a turtle. You tell me.

           Here's the video:
Video has sound.

           Tomorrow we are taking a chance I would not on my own. I have no reason to invest for the future. What I have set up took sacrifices when I was younger, so I am not too worried about inflation, I invested right. I’ve mentioned before how I am a bit opposite when it comes to dating. Ha-ha, understatement, and I don’t just mean that I’ll go for the prettiest gal in the room while the chickenshits think the homely ones are easier. What I mean is, I’m opposite of most who will spend all kinds of money and effort to get a gal, then slack off after they become an item. You know the type.
           Me, it’s often a long time later before the “dating behavior” comes around. And one of those things is an instinct for the future. Funny, as it is a future I will not have. But I’ll be looking at some small investments that, since the money is already there, I’ll lock it in on the presumption I won’t die this year.

           Today is also a blog coincidence. I showed some work done with a copper coil, and took out the old club “antenna coil”, placing it on my desk. I had long forgotten this was the same date back in 2011. Weird. If you are not sure what I mean, I refer to it as a blog coincidence to find by surprise that certain topics come back into focus on exact dates from years earlier. This antenna coil is now being retested to find out what we did wrong twelve years ago.

Picture of the day.
USS Yorkton, S. Carolina.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The doggies got an extended walk, which tuckered us all out. I bought a history book on the era when the Spanish tried to cross the Pacific. Recall the Pope’s division of the new world between Portugal and Spain? It was not that simple, considering the Pope likely thought the world was flat. The job does not have much by the way of academic prerequisites. So he did not actual divide it as much as say what was east of the line was Portuguese. (The Pope was from Portugal, go figure.)
           Aha, see the loophole? One the Spanish learned the new continent had a west coast, they could reach the Spice Islands by sailing west. Gotcha. Anyway this took lots of time because the Spanish King was actually a Regent until his father abdicated or something. He set about building a fleet on the west coast of Mexico to keep it a secret. Fat chance, you ever tried to keep anything quiet around Latinos?

           You know who’s getting to be a real pesk? That granny on the e-mails. My ad promised that “unlike some”, I will answer all e-mails. Remind me to change that to answer only e-mails concerned with meetups for a band. This lady has figured out I’m no slouch and wants to know everything about me. Sorry, lady, my age and data is kept private because others are so careless with information.
Ask the J6 people. The first step in persecuting anyone is to get their identity. Ah, I know what some of you are thinking. But they only thought they had nothing to hide. They were identified from videos—and that is where I draw the line. She is barraging me, which, unless you are Taylor Swift, I do not consider flattering.
           A quick shop got me 10 lb. of chicken. The boys know they get a double ration of that while I’m around. It’s a treat for the smaller dog, who is showing signs of advanced age and will often not eat the pellets like he used to. Here is the odd-eyed metal doggie guarding the front door. He lost the other orange eye and the green one is one I thought would match Alaine’s set, but nope. Bought it in Tarpon Springs. Now it is in Hermitage with the tin pooch.

Last Laugh