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Saturday, June 10, 2023

June 10, 2023

One year ago today: June 10, 2022, the third party: Patriots.
Five years ago today: June 10, 2018, having a selection.
Nine years ago today: June 10, 2014, I banish Outlook.
Random years ago today: June 10, 2012, movie prices.

           By popular request, here is a closeup of these “natural shadow” shingles. They are actually two layers of shingles, cut one layer deep to emulate shakes. The shadow is quite perceptible but I doubt it would fool anyone. These are the shingles found curbsided at a renovated house in Tennessee, so I have no idea how much they cost. They are a definite step up from regular asphalt and the extra weight has a good feel to it. There is a self-tar strip though I would also caulk the end tabs down to make sure. As for installation, they are no different and require nothing extra.
           Good morning as a 13th Oregon county votes to join the Greater Idaho movement. It’s a bit misleading, that title, as this does not mean as much as it implies. The main impact will be the loss of territory. Oregon has low or no income or sales tax, so that isn’t a big impact. The state lines have changed before, as recently as 1958. However, it is a form of secession and the reason—to get away from blue (Democrat) political degeneracy—is bound to be a key issue.
           The Democrats are indeed desperate, as their attack on Trump is already backfiring. Countless undecided or uncommitted groups are now endorsing Trump on principle alone. New York is planning tolls of up to $23 for driving into the downtown area, sometimes called a “congestion tax”. SpaceX’s Dragon passed the Shuttle in number of flights and unlike NASA, the price per launch is coming down. They are wisely leasing cargo space for the ISS to NASA, but as far as I’ve ever said, orbiting the Earth is another waste of money that should be going to Mars.

           Saturday off, I could not fire up the boilers this morning. I crawled back in the sack and plan the same for tomorrow. So let’s comment on the news. Walgreen’s continues to fire employees who try to stop theft, but has designed new “kiosk” stores where the merchandise is kept out of sight until paid for in a separate part of the building. (Walgreen’s claims it is not due to theft or getting rid of human employees, but to match changes in buying habits.) The store has two aisles only, which display empty samples of what is for sale.
           A Texas man has finally won a court case against police for signaling the K-9 dog to sniff-alert when the driver refused to consent to a search. But it took major time and money and a court order to get the evidence from the cop’s body cam. The Salvation Army continues to deny the drop in red bucket donations has cost them dearly, admitting only to a drop of 21% which they insist is caused by COVID. They are now dependent on almost $6 billion in annual government handouts.

           Here’s a rare shot of the two northern cardinals feeding together. Usually, one of them stands guard. A moment easier, they were turtle-doving but I could not move fast enough for the camera without spooking them. These, I believe, are the third generation since I arrived and that is the female who utterly loves the birdbath. And I miscounted, there are eight papayas, not seven. The tree has finally stopped growing upward and is producing fruit instead of dropping leaves all over my work area. The feeding ball was under the house, and it was something bigger than a squirrel broke that small chain. Or maybe just a heavier.

           Meanwhile, Trump is having great fun with Biden’s bald-faced lie that he knew nothing about the indictment just handed down. All that does is confirm to Biden’s most ardent supporters that he is totally dishonest whenever it suits him.

Picture of the day.
911 call station.
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           Sleeping half the day, I deserve it and I got similar instructions from the Reb. My ball feeder has disappeared. It hangs under one of the Chinese hats and it is gone. Squirrels, I’ll bet. I wonder if they jarred it loose and rolled it under the house? Make that my quest for the weekend, may your later years be at least this fun-filled. After we got some shadows, I opted to follow my rule of always getting at least some work done each day. A good rule, by the way, and after 50 years, you have a lot to show. I completely went over the tractor and it is not getting a steady supply of gas. I noted a kink in the hose, which will require buying hose, but first I will take a funnel and see if the gas can be fed into the carb that way. If I’m lucky, I won’t have to go after the fuel tank.
           In back, I moved around some air hoses and lines. To fill my portable tanks, the correct arrangement is to have two female couplings, as they are self-sealing. That creates demand for a short supply line with two male ends, and that means a cut-off valve. I used my last one in Tennessee, so that’s another expensive item. I thought about that while moving the last two bundles of shingles into the back yard out of the way.

           Next, I want to tackle the final row of shingles along the siding. Face it, I said, I over-taxed myself y’day because the shingling went easy and looked great. I’m paying for it now and also last evening, I did not go out. Smarten up, I don’t have that many Fridays left. There’s always time for small projects nowadays but the supply of weekends is half what it was the last time I calculated. I’ve decided to move the back fence west around eight feet using some of the newly acquired posts, so lend a hand if you can. Ah, that’s what I can do to satisfy my “quota”, prep the posts, dig the holes, and cut some saw pony legs. Like I said, the shingles can wait.
           In the hour it took to get the materials ready, Florida made up my mind for me. A lightning storm moved in and blasted the place in a matter of minutes. But, we are ready to go and I got invited to Karaoke. (That could mean they are expecting a slow night.) It is now quarter after seven at it is really coming down. Did I ever mention I have a following? Around eight people, enough to brag in this town. But, they are for my singing, not my bass-playing so I don’t really center on it. It could be the other singers are just that bad.

           Trent just e-mailed from Tulsa, he’s touring the Dylan Guthrie Centers tomorrow. He’s got some new recording gear he swears by, so we may do some recording soon. Nothing I’ve ever recorded went anywhere, but that’s normal when you are not an insider. Stay tuned, pun intended.
           The Unabomber was found dead in his jail cell at age 81, cause of death unknown. He caused the most expensive manhunt in US history until his own family turned him in. He rejected society and lived off the grid which was not considered as desirable as it is today. The courts had to rule him insane for their own reasons, the guy was an Ivy League grad who knew too much. They applied the same tar brush as they did to Jason Derek Brown in later years. I just learned Brown was taken off the FBI Most Wanted list six months ago. While this is an admission of failure, it is packaged as, “the purpose of the list is to get people to come forward with information and Brown was removed to make room”. Right.

           And a week from Wednesday (Jun 21) is the end of the world due to climate change, said Thunberg five years ago to the day. I made it to Karoake and the place was dead except for the mine-working crowd and their wives, some of whom can remain quite attractive, as if they did not know it. To my surprise, Wilford (my old guitar player) is working as bar back. With his tolerance for bullshit, he’ll be pulling shifts by himself in no time. As it was mostly fat gals in attendance, I sang two old sing-alongs and brought down the house.
           In the quiet moments between, I sketched out the fuel pump diagnostic plan, the laundry shingle caulking, the white shed roofing seam, the compressor shed overhang, the fence move, and tomorrows sequence of shipping events. I hope Taylor understands what goes on when she doesn’t show.

           So, this 30-ish lady with a big nose posts that she makes men write her a 500 page essay on why she should date them. Here are my favorite responses.
A) I left my essay on the men’s room wall next to her phone number.
B) Write the words “high maintenance” 250 times.
C) That’s what ChatGPT is for.
D) Send her a dictionary.
E) Why is she still in the dating phase of her life?
F) I only got two words for her.
G) It’s your down payment on 6,000,000 words.
H) Fake it, she can’t count to 500.
Last Laugh