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Friday, June 9, 2023

June 9, 2023

One year ago today: June 9, 2022, Tennessee lottery gambling.
Five years ago today: June 9, 2018, that never works . . .
Nine years ago today: June 9, 2014, the smart horse trick.
Random years ago today: June 9, 2013, no plastic parts.

           I’m planning a trip to Miami soon, as in early next month. Recall the granny from Lakeland who answered my ad, except she can’t play guitar and apparently does not know anybody who can? Well, I left her on my contact list for a reason. She reminds me of Don, the guy on our NTN team back in the 90s. He’s lived amongst broke and uneducated people so long that he suspects everything. A negative take on everything, as if he’s the supreme bullshit detector. Well, this lady is close and I’ve written her up in today’s addendum.
           Those “dummy” resistors I found were a mystery. Today I found something that shows one use for them. I don’t know if it is their purpose. You know those plug-in air fresheners? All resistors produce heat. Reverse-engineering a Glade model, I found this simple arrangement. It makes sense, the tiny amount of heat activates the mixture. On-line says they are a wire-wound resistor or cement/ceramic resistor.

           Later, I put this gizmo on the bench and tested to find the temperature quickly reaches 132°F and can peak at over 160°F. The temperature is not constant. So this is no toy; that is hotter than scalding water. Another group in hot water is the staff at Reddit. I never cared for that formal since most people can’t write. Now they are beginning layoffs. Yep, when even writers get the ax, times are bad. And aero-engineers claim they’ve developed an electric motor powerful enough to fly big planes. They coupled a turbine to a generator, like a diesel-electric locomotive. However, a train doesn’t have to lift itself off the ground. Yes folks, it is time to cull the herd.
           In another bad example, schools are turning to A.I. to catch students who cheat on exams. That always entertained me, that somebody would chose cheating when it is usually to their supreme advantage to learn the material. I blame schools for creating the bad atmosphere. I cannot imagine paying thousands in tuition and then doing my best to avoid the learning, but some people have too much money. Then again, I don’t know how I’d respond to such a condition—but I’d still know I was taking the shortcut.

           The morning was intense with dew, so I remained inside for it to burn off. That gave me time to look into the Jones Act. This is the 1920 law that says for ships to move cargo between American ports, the ship must be built, owned, registered, and crewed by Americans. The result is so expensive, almost nothing moves along our coastlines in our own ships. The worst aspect is the result whereby all other forms of US transport are now cheaper. When I complain that there are too many trucks on the freeways, this is what’s behind that.
           What I learned is it costs 5 times as much to build cargo ships in America because of this, and almost 3 times as much to crew them. Time to ditch this law, I say. This does not unsay my criticism that US engineers are overpaid for the quality of work they produce—I did NOT just say they were overpaid. It’s still too wet outside, must have been a dense fog before dawn. So I played bass for an hour.

           This distracted me. I then took out this circuit I can’t get to work and spend another hour with the probe. It’s a simple transistor circuit that demonstrates how a capacitor connected to the base causes the circuit to decay rather than switch off. It’s become its own challenge, it has little purpose than to make a single LED fade rather than instantly shut off when power is removed. This can be done connecting a capacitor directly, this circuit uses a transistor, an idea for a kit that’s at least as instructive as those old Radio Shack chirpers and blinkenleitz.
           Have you seen the altered J6 footage? The soundtracks have been altered to “add provocative sound” like police radio and crowd mob noises. Problem: to many people have seen enough of the originals to know something funny has happened.

Picture of the day.
Decade box.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A little cloud cover and I was out there. How was productivity? I go the tractor running. It was a matter of rapping the starter with a hammer. It runs, but back to the same problem. It won’t stay running. However, now that it is mine, we use a systematic rather than symptomatic approach. It’s got spark, it’s got compression, that means it isn’t getting gas, even with the new pump. We will check the lines, clear the lines, replace the lines, then bypass the lines if need be. Who knows, it might be something inside the gas tank itself. The point is, it is running, and for longer times than the neighbor had it going.
           And we got the laundry canopy shingled, except for the final row which must be trimmed and caulked. It required not quite two packs of shingles, so now we are looking at that leaky roof on the white shed. The shingles look great, though I made a couple boo-boos and it is a two-man operation thanks to the unavoidable back and forth. This calls for a real siesta. The roof is done, all that remains is cosmetics It’s complete as to waterproofing so I can relax a bit before getting back to it.

           As for the job, it was pretty straightforward. The directions are on the package and I recalled snapping a chalk like every third row keeps things aligned. The “natural shadow” feature makes quite a difference if you ask me. You may spot the unfinished final row, but this is under the small eave of the old house and extends under the drip. Seen as well is accumulated leaves and tree debris in the house valley, which must be regularly raked out or things will begin to grow there. And I don’t mean papayas, of which I have seven on the way.
           Want to know something funny? JZ thinks I’m too old for this kind of work. Then again, he also thinks it “is wonderful” how “at my age” I can “still” get up on stage and do a music show. That’s sort of expectable from people who’ve never done it. It just surprises me because of the countless conversations we’ve had about me choosing music so I could gig until I was 90. You never hear of musicians going batty with age unless there is some other factors involved. As far as I’m concerned, I could do the rest of the roof myself, but that is dependent on finances and getting some help around here.

           The news is sparse but apparently Sweden is blocking immigration and considering mass deportations. The prime minister is quoted as saying “Mass immigration doesn’t work . . . they have to go back.” It’s amazing an otherwise good nation like Sweden ever got mixed up in this shit to start with. Anybody who has traveled or read knows the whole world wants to move in next to White people, but not to adopt their values.
           A Sage study says when house prices rise, people are more inclined to believe that income is fairly distributed and those who have more deserved more based on individual effort (meritocracy). Oddly, neither society or tax laws reinforce this crazy belief. Poor kids must work much harder than rich kids to have the same things and because this cost cannot be calculated, too many people conclude it does not exist.
           Here’s the only glimpse of the lake I could find in my footage of the van trek through the Cherokee Forest on the south rim. Can’t see it? I almost missed it, just below dead center.

           Are you familiar with the NASA terms “forward contamination” and “back contamination”? Forward is when an Earth spaceship carries microbes to Mars and back is when a return mission reverses the roles. It reminds me of military people taking Bibles to the South Pole. A common error in the production of this blog is to save files as DOCX instead if DOC. MicroSoft, nice guys that they are, have not included anything with older Word to read these newer files—and that creates a problem. Either download a conversion app, always risky these days. Or have your files translated on-line, which is even riskier to the point of foolhardy.
           Why not use the CNET apps? Because. For openers most of them that say DOCX to DOC actually only work the other way around. MicroSoft claims the DOCX files are smaller but they also contain a lot of code that is suspicious at best. DOCX also changes in your registry, setting flags of unknown purpose. If you disable the flags, the DOCX file displays gibberish.

           I’ve already forgotten her name, but let’s call the lady Mary. I’ve never dated a Mary or even met one that I liked. Mary is a stickler for details. She got left somehow on my contact list, so received several confirmations of my travels. I believe people like Mary develop permanent suspicious attitudes because of the low grade of society in which they exist. It is, to me, quite understandable that some women have never met a man who did not bullshit them. These women develop a constant “you’re-not-so-great” attitude. That’s Mary.
           So let’s keep her on a leash unless she gets too annoying. Mary fancies herself the type who can extract truth out of facts at a relentless pace. Hence, on the rare occasion when she bumps into anybody with an even marginally interesting life, she imagines she’s spotting all manner of discrepancies that demand clarification For example, the way I will interchangeable use Nashville and Hermitage. Anyone who lives there knows the difference is arbitrary, but not Mary. She replied to my travel BCC mail-out for clarification on this matter. Was I, she needs to know, in one city or the other, and she needs to know now.

           Imagine the fun she will have with my security setup, which is full of false leads, red herrings, and that horrid habit [of mine] of referring to Pepsi as Coke. She’ll drive herself even battier. Like Don and my oldest singer Annie, they are the type that think anybody who lives above subsistence is putting on airs. So let’s see how this goes for a bit. She’s already assumed I am some local hick who can play “Mustang Sally” and I must be looking to hook-up with some local weekend warriors to play the seedy joints she is just too good for. Besides, these older women know the time to get picky about where you meet men is after you turn 60, I mean, look at how so many of them turn out that way.
           Last, the libtards have pretty much said they would drop the indictment against Donald Trump in return for his promise to never run for office again. This could be fun. Everything woke turns to shit.

Last Laugh