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Friday, June 2, 2023

June 2, 2023

One year ago today: June 2, 2022, they’ll conclude you’re wrong.
Five years ago today: June 2, 2018, weddings, meh . . .
Nine years ago today: June 2, 2014, grilled hot dogs.
Random years ago today: June 2, 2007, remember the Tat.

           Here’s the top story and picture you’ve been anxiously awaiting. The seven-hour security light. Not the clearest photo, but shows the proper water-proofing and such. If you look close, the orange cable (the power supply which I did not install) even has a drip loop. I kept the pets up past midnight and I think I have the sensitive set. It’s not like the pets cooperated when I needed them. Finally, I took them out for a walk to think through the install. It is a totally millennialized product so who knows what sort of goof things can go wrong.
           As the woketard generation these people now have even less to hide. This morning announced it has sold its entire DNA database to Blackstone. If America turns into a rental society by 2030 as Blackstone anticipates, they have some real teeth when it comes to blacklisting. Remember, they may not have your personal DNA, but if anyone in your family was dumb enough, they’ll still profile you. The Japanese plan to launch a wooden satellite after tests show it can be made resilient enough to stand cosmic rays.
           My day off, but not the Reb, who does some volunteer work. I get the evening free as well, she has to go back to the studio to fix some kind of problem with the recording session last day. The battery for my camera should arrive today, so the plan is to relax. I have really taken the Pacific book apart with focus on the navigation and they did a remarkable job considering the equipment available.

           Later, I got up the ladder a few times to adjust the security lights, I think I got it by trial and error as it has the daylight shutoff. I don’t trust it. I’ve half a mind to build a small shelter or hood over the device, as I retrieved the older unit and can’t find a thing wrong with it. Unless it was just getting wet. I don’t know, what would you like to do? We have $75 left over from the trip budget. Now that the work is all done, suddenly feel like working. What’s with that? Drop back tonight after dark, I’ll see if I can at least set it for human presence.
           The spike in the ocean has a name, at least in Japanese. Sofu Gan. Let me know if you can find a search criteria that brings back only this unique formation without the name. I tried some 15 different terms and finally had to go back and flip through the pages of the book to find it here on page 150. You can find a wiki and a picture searching on "Lot’s Wife", the one who was turned into a pillar of salt that still left her better looking than Whoopi.

Picture of the day.
Marble caves in Patagonia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Reb was gone all evening, so the boys and I braved the mosquitoes to work on the light again. Here is the ladder with the lowest three rungs reinforced. If you have not guessed, the battery finally showed up so we have the camcorder back. There was a struggle getting the camcorder to recognize it, another quirk SONY builds into their products. Even then, this process opened new file folders and would not charge until I returned everything to factory settings. The doggies had a short walk, again due to mosquitoes. We have an infinite supply of coffee, so I settled in with the DeLorme to plan a trip I would not even attempt using GPS.
           There is a Cleveland in Tennessee, in the far southeastern corner. Past that is the Cherokee Forest. The Delorme shows a winding mountain road south of a lake, a tempting target for my return trip, as it is an offshoot of the path I took the one time I drove through Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. No definite plans, as I can’t leave when I’d planned. The van insurance is something I’ve always paid in advance. Today I went to do that at the office closed early. Now we wait because I will need proof of insurance for the planned trip this November. I’ll not be taking any chances on that one, as it may be the final time I see the west coast. That area was fine in its day but fell to an invasion of California woketards.
           Mind you, that means mostly the cities, but that is about the only place to live out there. The west is notorious for lack of conveniences once past the city limits. If you can find them, expect to pay the price. The rumor is Trump is the hands-down favorite west of the Mississippi except for the woketard hold-outs. To find where those are, bring up any on-line map of where most welfare checks go. And Trump has something to say about De Santis, who was a nobody until Trump endorsed him. Trump said De Santis has no personality, and when you have no personality, politics is a tough business. Ha!

           Let’s read some news. The US military reports a 500% increase in AIDs cases but won’t admit that is the vaxxed group. The mainstream media has buried the Durham Report. The latest polls, which I don’t really follow, show Trump is ahead by “double digits” in every category that counts. Bud Light is reduced to buying back unsold expired beer.

Last Laugh