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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28, 2023

One year ago today: June 28, 2022, 1,028 names.
Five years ago today: June 28, 2018, that curious gap.
Nine years ago today: June 28, 2014, gas money to his own house.
Random years ago today: June 28, 2010, who thinks she's pretty.

           What can we do this morning on a budget? There’s that pound of screws, the package says 298 count. Let’s go over the new fencing and find all the spots where there’s only one screw. Remember that? In the rush to get the fence up, we used up all the available hardware just throwing up the basics. Was I thrown for a loop this morning. I received a long personal letter from someone explaining something. Let’s just say I’m no better at estimating the impact I have on some people’s lives than most. Years ago I went my own way and people normally get hurt in that process. This is an instance of I never knew she felt that way, only that she liked me a lot but knew I was not interested. Yep, I’m going to work on the fence, right now.
           It’s now 7:00AM, and I was right about y’day. This picture is the wreck of the most expensive air conditioner I ever bought. Note the black tubular compressor. Today we dissect that. The thermometer read 94°F but the “real feel was 112°F. It would have been dumb to work out there. I don’t intend to fix that fence any more after this, before I die, I mean. Both lithium batteries are charged and I’m about to fix that thing in place like never before. Smart move, creating that planter area and today, after careful maximum summer measurements of the angle on the Solstice, we put up some shelving that will initially be for oregano. Do you need any oregano?

           We have a problem. The circular saw is missing and there is only one suspect. One person who can enter the property without being watched. The hillbilly. I last used the saw on the back deck and it began to rain, so I did not lock it in the shed, but set it up on the shelf by the dryer. You’d have to know your way around here to find it. It is gone and that is the end of an acquaintance if he cannot explain that.
           How about the latest boycott? It’s Airbnb. The objection? The places have become too filled up with “colored folk”. America knows equality does not work. The Blacks don’t want equality, they want the right to access white people, which is unlikely since after hundreds of years too many still behave like savages—even if the media never shows it. People aren’t blind. Some cities report a 50% drop in revenues and predict an Airbnb sell-off by year’s end. Good, I never liked people who bought property specifically to rent this way.

           By 10:00AM it was quit time, it’s an ordinary heat wave or more accurately a humidity wave. It’s only 90°F out there. Tropical mugginess has all the radio alerts until you turn the radio off because you are sick and tired of the climate change arse-wipes. I got to the library to discover my files had not copied. On the return leg, I stopped and bought $11 worth of 2x3s because the lumber yard is nice and cool inside. By the time I arrived here, the real feel was 105°F so I’m not going out there. It does not bother the birds, I have four pairs feeding today. Tufted titmouses, cardinals, that grey-brown bird with the pale yellow tummy, and our indicator species, the downey woodpeckers.
           I’ll make you a deal. If we get any rainshowers, which cool things down into the 80s, I’ll see about that oregano shelving. This morning already had me up and down the ladder twenty times, but that fence isn’t moving. It will flatten before it breaks up. As for the raised garden, that’s heavy work. The shelving is designed to sit above the garden at the precise angle that blocks no sunlight. You might say a poor man’s vertical garden. I’ve also moved the patio burner to the back, I don’t need it for burning, but it’s attractive enough if I can find any flowers that grow here when I’m not looking.

Picture of the day.
Solar panel plant in Panama.
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           Madonna has been hospitalized for a “serious bacterial infection”, sounds gross, but anybody who hates Trump for no valid reason isn’t high on the pity list. As soon as we got some shadows, I repaired the red shed door, hauled some lumber around, and put up two of the braces for the “garden shelf” or “oregano shelf” before getting too thermalized. I had to string out the angle grinder, so I took it to some of the copper on the old A/C just to see. Once I get my Internet back, I’ll find time to see what the parts are for, but I was fascinated by this tube along one side. It’s solid copper and looks to be some kind of filter.

           This is the fine wire mesh screen on the inside, it’s a very well-made part and with the price of copper, we can figure if it could be make of anything cheaper, they’d go that route. Also evident is they are always painted black. I’ll shine this piece up because it reminds me of something. The screen is also a fine copper mesh. Actually, I’m happy with that little work done, as a reward I threw on a DVD. “Waiting for Guffman”, it was next on the pile. A nothing town decides to spice up their annual nothing celebration by having a New York bozo help the local music teacher audition what talent there is. It’s a comedy that brought back memories. And a great portrayal of the way husbands and wives often team up to pretend they have no incompatibilities.
           It’s in stark contrast to the way the Reb & I do none of that “after-acquired” couple stuff, probably because we don’t have to. I’m not making that clear, but clear enough. We don’t go out of our ways to do “couple things”, there is more than enough in common. This DVD defines it. Let me think, have the Reb & I ever had to sit down and plan to spend more time together or find common interests? Honestly, nope, not ever. This movie must be funnier to those who go that route.
           Chicken wire. Measuring the weave shows the openings are larger than the squirrel 1-1/4” study by that Russian guy on-line. It has to be smaller and I have no such wire. However, I do have some 1” PVC and an idea. Years ago I watched a tiny bird successfully dodge an attack from a larger bird by hopping around inside tree branches too small for the predator to squeeze into. I wonder if a “cage” of 1” rings would work. I slice the PVC into rings that the small birds can fit and completely surround a feeder with enough space that, once inside, nothing large r can bother the birds. Would they take to such a system? The design in my head is a bit elaborate, but that’s against an ongoing battle with the squirrels for years now.
           Later, this is a picture of the piece shown cut up just now. It is strapped to the side of the compressor housing and I’ve just finished reading up on it. It is called a suction accumulator and one of its working components appears to be gravity.

           There’s a study for you. It was on the FireFox home page, a study that won’t say it directly, but you know why so few women study ancient literature? Because the writings don’t talk enough about “feelings”. In a way, that explains quite a few things. The head of the European Central Bank (female) just blamed inflation on climate change. Biden is on the campaign trail basically saying elect him so can “finish the job”. What’s that, bankrupting the country? It’s a standing laugh and the comedy show hosts are treating it as such. Biden’s saying no matter how bad things were, they would have been worse without his supreme guidance.
           The big talk shows are taking him to the cleaners. Bongino, Carlson, Gutfeld, and many I’d probably be able to name, these people have hundreds of millions of listeners. They are used to the Democrat twists but now they are outright lying. Too many people heard Biden threaten people who refused the jab for him to now deny any of it. The crushing crowds at Trump rallies again make a mockery of Biden, who can’t fill even on room of his “crop circles”. And that’s lame, them claiming his crowds are small because of COVID. Half his audience is the camera crews.

Last Laugh