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Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30, 2023

One year ago today: June 30, 2022, I like my fogger.
Five years ago today: June 30, 2018, a 5-munchkin day.
Nine years ago today: June 30, 2014, rent-burdened.
Random years ago today: June 30, 1982, Spelling test: Tsawwassen.

           We got the jump on the weather this morning. It was dry and light enough by 7:30AM and did not go sauna until 10:30AM. Three solid hours, go poles braced, the shelf built, and the organo plants moved, seen here. The leaves lying on the side are oregano clippings, they keep the area fragrant, and reports Alaine, have insecticidal properties. The clay pot is a test bed for some flower seeds that have not succeeded everywhere else tried in the yard to date. At mid-morning, the direct sunlight is just reaching these pots now. They stayed moist, that’s a plus.
           Yes, we have an interested robot clue inductee, but he works shifts. I mean that in a way we can work around it. A re-awakened club would be a total buzz for me as I have memories of my life in a small town where there was nothing except baseball and the boring nobodies who were into that. Did you know I was the only kid allowed to use the school lab after hours? Yep, only on Wednesdays. There was nobody around to show me how to use the equipment, there were no chemicals or working microscopes, and I found I could do all the lab experiments “in my head” and still pass the exams.
           Those who remember the old club likely noticed its advantages above what was actually done. Everybody had tools and equipment and could explain formerly mysterious processes practically down to the molecular level. Everyone who saw the club in action came away with a positive learning experience. Reminds me of those initial NOVA club meetings, where a month into their “club”, the beginners in my group knew more than the NOVA instructors combined. How they stared in stunned amazement how advanced we seemed compared to the room.
           All the Russians and the only woman in the club flocked to my table in no time. That’s the club where the fat guy hated me and the one who ran off with the 3D printer. That’s the fat guy who turns out had never had a job and was in his late 30s at NOVA working on his fourth degree. I now figure he formed the club thinking he could glean some ideas off newcomers and get rich.

           By noon, the plants had been checked three times. I think this may just work out. The shade varies, getting lesser toward the right end of this shelf. The spray bottle on the right is a mister. The shelf is designed so if it is a success, another can be mounted both above and below. I have not found the energy to begin filling the raised planter with dirt yet. I’m still too pissed off about that stolen saw. Checking around town, nobody has seen him. That could mean one of two things. That he is in jail until end of next month, or he’s often said he would leave town before doing more time. Either way, I have no saw.
           The nearest good library is Bartow, so there I am on Hwy 60 when eight squad cars go tearing past. Somebody robbed the Dollar General. They had guns, so that means Grady Judd is on the scene. That’s the Sheriff who doesn’t stop shooting when the perp is down. Everybody knows who robbed the store, you can’t pass enough laws to make people like these bastards. They got ‘em cornered in the east end by the sounds of the helicopters. Dumb or what, you don’t rob the discount food store the day before the welfare checks arrive.

Picture of the day.
Japanese drum set.
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           A long weekend, I forgot that often means Saturday means closed government offices. Those flowers might get watered all they want yet. Flowers? Whoops, I forgot, the clay pot flowers have to be kept moist until they sprout. I never did memorize the difference between perennials and such. Here is a package with millenialized print. (Where they take the font size down below readability to make it fit, duh.) We have 400 mg of something, lets put it under the scope and see if there is anything familiar.
           Nope, it is in some kind of foreign language. Centaurea, Rudbekia, Coreopsis, Ratibida, and words like Echinacea which I thought lived in the ocean. I’ll give them a 50/50 mix of potting soil and the best yard dirt I’ve got. It’s oozing with earthworms this time of year. Says here September to February plant dates but these don’t apply to Florida. It either grows here or it does not.

           I got an e-mail from the guy who asked about the club. He’s not as inspired, you get that a lot. Learning clubs tend to keep the social aspects at a minimum. Take my word on it, studying electronics theory is a solitary pursuit. It seems there is a once-rare method of sensor operation that is showing up. It uses a capacitor. As the sensor operates, it charges the capacitor at very rapid intervals, then stops. The capacitor decay when paired with resistors is a well-known feature called the RC time constant. By sampling the decay the strength of the signal can be determined. Sound finicky and it can happen a few million times per second. If I can find one, I’ll test it. It won’t search on that feature and I don’t have a clue where else to look.
           Reading time today close to two hours. I glanced over the chapter on computer-to-computer communication, something I’ve only done on the Arduino serial interface. That does not even have a provision for saving the data. Maybe I’ll learn the protocol for that, but I have no background on this material. To learn any of it means start from scratch and I’m no spring chicken. I’ve now read about sensor devices close to twenty hours and I’m developing a distrust of certain types and companies. Nothing I can define yet, but it starts with sites that my system security blocks. I’m going to proceed with the voltage-divider design, since it makes the most sense. The first schematic I stumbled on turns out to be the best.

           Caltier. I checked late today and no payout, meaning they follow their pattern of just before midnight the last day of the month. That account is now settled in for the long haul. They lack news releases or even announcements of their pending moves. Mostly what they buy or sell is mentioned indirectly in their web page. The odd outside coverage has that superficial feel of “all is fine” when the general mood is one of impending real estate and market crashes. That means waiting until after the long weekend for news—unless I break down and buy a laptop, something I’ve been putting off. Because they now come with 90% junk software that I never use, particularly Google apps that won’t delete.

           It’s a zoo out there, with the leftoids going half-crazy over the gains made by Trump. People are simply not buying like they used to. It’s pretty much conceded that an honest election right now would see Trump completely crushing the liberal crazies and they know it. So we are seeing frantic moves that embarrass the whole country. Look at that Supreme Court lately. They know without massive illegal measures, Trump is back and they are switching sides. See how affirmative action, the forced hiring of minorities over Whites, is overturned. Same with the abortion laws and now the right of businesses to refuse service to queers.
           These are pathetic moves over laws that should never have been passed in the first place. The court is out to show they are doing something but the reality is they know if Trump gets in he is not going to forget how they sidestepped the election fraud issue. That is in keeping with the general attitude of the civil service, that they backed the wrong horse and their jobs and pensions are on the line. Fire them all, I say, and balance the budget in a couple years. What will these people do? Let them do what they caused others to do—lump it.

           And you should hear the libtards bleating over the removal of their precious special privileges. Let me open a single random page of and glance over the highlights.
"No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system."
First winner will receive a Third Reich Eagle Bust with a Swastika.
Rhode Island Democrat State Senator Joshua Miller caught keying car . . .
“There is a God-Shaped Hole in My Heart”.
School Made White Staff Hold Their Breath To Feel The Pain George Floyd Endured.
Russian children will be taught how to assemble AK-47s as part of patriotism lessons.
Ford to layoff 1,000 employees as focus on EVs costs the company billions.
Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN Biden's $400 billion student loan forgiveness.
Bud Light not fazed by the huge profit loss from their last woke flop.
Crooked Joe Biden has betrayed you and decimated jobs. - President Donald Trump
“You haven’t been culturally enriched until sub-Saharan Africans burn down your library.”

Last Laugh