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Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1, 2023

One year ago today: July 1, 2022, my weeds have vigor.
Five years ago today: July 1, 2018, a less showy female.
Nine years ago today: July 1, 2014, Aventura hospital roomie.
Random years ago today: July 1, 2012, her mother, the moat.

           Start the day in a mood, that’s always nice. It’s rare enough to mention, then again, July is usually a nothing month for me since I’ve been a kid. First month of school holidays, everybody went on holidays, I went to work in the much fields. So yes, mood. There was really nothing to do with all the other kids at Disneyland, summer camp, or touring the Rockies. That’s touring, not camping. By age 11, I was still chopping firewood, so camping was not different enough from home life to have me view it as a treat.
           Let’s start the day with one of my specialties, crumbless muffins. It’s mix but I’ll add anything compatible in the kitchen, which today meant shredded coconut and some walnut pieces. Washed down with coffee, this is the payoff for a lot in this life. In fact, let me get a third coffee before I even decide what happens next.

           Inflation, it may hit Florida last, but it has arrived. The average trip to Wal*Mart™ this year has shot from $33 to $51. That’s just Wal*Mart, I’m not telling you the big numbers. I could not tell you about coffee, mind you. I bought eight cases of it on sale for $16 each and I’ve still got half of it left. I was over to Winter Haven and back before 10:00AM. An empty ore train with 2 engines and 72 cars held things up for 32 minutes 7 seconds. Yes, the counters and timers are in the van, how did you know?
           Anyway, I stopped at the SPCA but they now don’t open until 11:00AM on Saturdays. So I went over to the Thrift and found out where the dog pound is. I vaguely remember seeing it behind the used paint place. I’d rather go there though I still have not quite made up my mind. A Dog would have to travel with me everywhere. Finally this morning to the library, where I showed the staff my method for preserving and mounting a jigsaw puzzle. I checked around and several other libraries have this offering, I’d just never seen it before.

           As I came in the door, the radio said 105°F heat index, so I plopped in front of the unfinished moved, “American Assassin”. Okay, the girls is a traitor. I never get sent on assignments with babes, like to Rome or some other place with lots of traffic circles around fountains and mystery people reading newspapers at sidewalk cafés and hotel lobbies. Right now, they are having a knife fight on a speedboat that has no dead-man’s throttle cut off. Moments later one of the most realistic nuclear detonation scenes I’ve ever seen. Too realistic, maybe generated by A.I. or something damn sophisticated.
           Now myself, when I get on an elevator in Istanbul, I presume everybody in the car is a secret agent, an assassin, or a crooked diplomat. This has nothing to do with this picture of potatoes in my laundry basket. As I brought groceries in the door, that was the logical place to drop this package while I put things away and I figured it was unusual enough to photograph. Soon as I get my Internet back, I’ll find those videos on how to make your own seed potatoes. It’s a skill they are recommending on-line and I have just enough space for three bushes intended to be grown in rotation, same as last time.

           What do I know about seed potatoes? Nothing, but I’ve the advantage of having seen it done over 50 years ago. As the spuds were dug up, there was a way that the adults know which ones to set aside for seeds. This was done right away, in the fall they put the seed potatoes into a gunny sack with sand “to keep them dry”, they said. The trick was apparently to get the potatoes to grow eyes without growing roots. If people like my relatives can spot a seed potato, so can I. Funny, innit? If you go by the book, I should hate potatoes except for the eating part.
           Yet I do not mind peeling potatoes. See that five-pound sack? I peeled the lot of them in twenty minutes. They are now in the pot boiling in massala water. What’s more, I peel pototoes to perfection, not a single spot or spec left. I’m making up four pounds of mashed, all to be refrigerated for later. And I should be off to Miami next week, where I will often peel twenty or thirty pounds over at JZ’s, just to keep busy while we discuss the evils of the world, investment schemes, wily women, my last trip to Tennessee, my hobbies, his trials with that woman he’s got, the way there is nothing to do in Miami, and why he won’t learn to play guitar. Yep, there’s twenty pounds right there.

           I’ll tell you who isn’t having a great day. That guy who stole the election in France, Macron. The media does not want you to know the vast majority of French police and military don’t like the guy and are ready to join any type of rebellion. They’ve been told to stand down while the armies of non-White thugs go a rampage, burning their city cores.

           Now it seems the police have send a message to the government along the lines the police work for the people, not for the government. The opposite of the attitude of the Bidenistas of America. This could be interesting, as the French police are predominantly White. And the French have tons of experience dealing with autocrats who think they are above the law.
           And I know it is a Gateway Pundit report, but it seems somebody had got their hand on the unedited version of the J6 videos used to convict the protestors. Seems the videos tell a different story. Whether or not Biden denies the ruse, he can’t explain why edited tapes were accepted as evidence.

Picture of the day.
Typical Arizona pawn shop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Turns out of all the scrap I have around the shed, none of it was 1-1/4” pvc, the largest size an adult squirrel cannot squeeze through. This is Internet data, we will try for ourselves, not that we don’t trust all the experts out there. A 6-pound bag of bird feed is now $15, these libtards are really hacking into people’s wallets. That’s okay, the Internet has changed things. Before, it was common for the MSM propaganda wing of the D-party to bury old news. That’s gone bye-bye, somebody on the Internet will remember every mistake anybody ever made. The hard left must be incredulous, no matter what they try Trump’s numbers keep going higher. This ain’t your granny Clinton’s old road show.
           Don’t forget to pick up some diet cola. I did some letter-writing and bought a 16-foot board to span the entire length of the saw lean-to. That’s the bulk of my yard work today. Maybe I’ll fill the feeders after 6:00PM or so but that doesn’t count. If I’m not mistaken, I’m running a slight fever, nothing unusual on returning from the library. This coincides with DC cranking up the propaganda machine again, claiming between 60% and 70% of Americans got the jab. It is more like 20% in most areas and closer to 0% around here.
           Twitter is limiting viewers to 600 posts a day, down from 1,000—I think, I don’t use the thing. Hey, he owns it, you get whatever Elon says you get. As one post put it, the result is a caravan of ex-Twitter immigrants heading toward Gab. Elon says the move is to prevent mass data scraping, the fancy term for information theft I predicted thirty years ago. If Twitter goes under, the primary benefactor will now be Gab, there is simply no other service that comes close. The relevance to me is that Twitter caused a steady decline in blog readership. It would bother me not if Twitter collapsed and it meant I got even half my readers back.

           I wrote four letters, in cursive. One recipient is JeePee, a patient listener. The turtle with the most fan mail ever. That’s non-zoo turtle, for all I know somebody could have a mascot who gets a ton of fan mail. I usually send him schematics of new projects for approval. He’s never rejected any yet, and when done, they make good cage liners. On-line electronics sites seem flooded (pun intended) with water alarm designs lately. Water detectors, water alarms, water depth guages. Has someone predicted the big flood? If so, they’d be wrong, since the Bible says the second purge will be by fire. Like California, nobody will be smart enough to start a back burn.
           He’s having a better day than that wimp Lindsay Graham, who got run off the stage in his home turf to chants of “Traitor!” What’s this just flashed? An RPG slammed into a French police station? Leaks and insiders confirm Disney is bleeding out, but that organization continues to say nothing about losses exceeding $920 billion. America remains a hugely normal society regardless of the fag-infested news being pumped overseas. The French government wants to fine people who post videos of immigrant violence €75,000.
Since I don’t have any photos of Lindsay G, here is a splendid view of my work station. Neat, how so much can get done in such a tiny area. Yeah, but I would still prefer some way to work in the shed, with a great big work bench.

           Later, I drove to the old club in Bartow, a friend is doing the Karaoke. I got there late. Knowing the drill, I brought along a crossword puzzle, a small circuit I’m working on, and twelve PVC rings I cut earlier. Careful, cutting small rings buzzes away more material than is left over. The plan is if there are no babes in the place, time does not get wasted. I’ll give you the version that jealous bastards will always call braggadocious. My fan club was there, so I paid for no drinks tonight. They put in my name and every tune brought down the house. Videos not allowed so you’d have to be there.
           Most of the old gang was there one way or another, so I chose the tunes I knew would have the greatest appeal. I wasn’t quite ready for that to spread to the somewhat younger crowd tonight. Wrong, it was a dance-fest sing-a-long, keep-it-going Saturday night. I got two come-ons, both blondes but set off my alarms. Wishing I had this crowd when I was playing bass rather than singing. It was parallel to me the numbers and enthusiasms old Trump I drawing. Way to do, Don, this can only turn out good.

           I’m looking at an old quartz clock I’ve kept because it has a curious fault. Even with a fresh battery, it will stop for around 20 minutes and start again. It does this four times a day. Is it broken, or is this something that can be useful? A new documentary on Bletchley Park reveals no new information. Now I’m suspicious. Not many stories survive for 70 years with no changes to the original version. That’s the British code-breaking tale from the trailer court. I say tale because the more times I encounter that classic cover-up, the more I doubt. The biggest load of crap is the way they claim not one German ever suspected what was going on.
           Nor did the Germans ever test the system, or supply their agents with code words or phrases should they be captured. We are expected to believe the Brits rounded up every last spy and turned them. My eye, some of the best were the Irish who hated England and would never break. Something did happen at Bletchely, but it is not what they tell us and it is still under wraps all these years later.

Last Laugh