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Thursday, July 6, 2023

July 7, 2023

One year ago today: July 7, 2022, the building is crooked . . .
Five years ago today: July 7, 2018, an edgy feel.
Nine years ago today: July 7, 2014, the filters take practice.
Random years ago today: July 7, 2004, from Galileo.

           If you are reading this today, I’m in Miami. Wait for the editorial to catch up. I still have no portable computer and Pinecrest is the nearest library. That’s what I encourage JZ to do, he does not spend time there on the scale I do, but historically stays there for hours if you can get him over to the place. This morning I drove up to various clinics, which is entertaining once you get used to how they run things around Florida. Everything was test okay except it is now clear the insurance companies do not like hearing about even the potential of diabetes. Like millions of Americans who used to eat modified food, I fit into their profile.
           This means they want me to get special glasses. Apparently if you do develop diabetes, there is an increased likelihood of cataracts. Have you ever heard of this? Me neither. I got all the chasing around done, Fred is doing fine. I drove down some old familiar streets in this process and the old computer shop is gone. It sat vacant since we left, which serves that dumb landlady right, but it has finally been razed. Almost the entire side of the street has been bulldozed and it looks like a shopping plaza going in there. Another edifice of my younger life bites the dust.

           I’ll have to return for the special eye test, probably as soon as they can set things up, mind you that is Miami speed, so think some time next month. The difference I experience is now noticeable after they pointed it out. One eye sees colors slightly brighter than the other. I quickly checked my insurance, which is fantastic, but which does not cover everything. Ooooh, looks like my co-pay could be as high as $810. Cancel and other trips until I know for sure
.            There is a new Kimchi (Korean) market in the old Save-A-Lot building, so I dropped in and bought some fresh lamb, and hot soup, and that Korean hot sauce that has brown sugar in it. The rain clouds have been gathering all day so no plans to go outside later. JZ has mentioned we should tour Sunset Plaza. It’s a haven, he says, for great-looking women these days. Ha, I give you fair warning. If you see a goodlooking woman over 25 in this town, something is being faked. Maybe tomorrow, today was a record hot temp and humidity. Now JZ finds them middle-aged housewife types to be attractive, so do not expect much from the mall.
Picture of the day.
Hungry Island, Phuket.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Heading back to S. Miami put me smack into rush hours. I’m inching along, probably five miles per hour north of the Miami Lakes interchange, and a lady hits be from behind. Welcome back to asshole south Florida. You WILL be hit by some shit-head foreign immigrant driver once a year, on average. As Dave Barry put it, Florida, where you are allowed to practice the driving habits of your country of origin. And it was my turn to get rear-ended by a 40-ish Spanish broad.
           Rear-enders are always 100% the other person’s fault. But she decided to play the race and gender card. Return later for the details, this computer is timing out. Moments later, an easy hack. Stupid library anyway, one-hour limit on the computers when the place is empty. The secret code is 0000. Move to another computer, though, as you are using the same fake library card. Anyway here’s the tale from the trailer court. This on a merge lane, two lanes merging into one, where the driver in the right hand lane must wait for an opening. This is logical, he is the one who can check his mirror and shoulder because he’s right at the window. Stupid Cuban women don’t know this rule. My damage was slight, she’s going to need a major paint job.

           She rolls down her window screaming that I hit her in “her” lane. Oh shit, I thought, not this Cuban crap again. (I am not racially prejudiced, there is no such thing as a race of Cubans. But there is a ghetto full of them in Miami, the ones who don’t want to become Americans and would prefer to force you to become Cubans.) I pulled over and she had put a 1/2” x 4” scrape on my rear passenger door. The law and custom for fender benders with less than $1,000 damage is get the other driver’s information and move on. Florida is a no-fault state, it does not matter to the insurance companies whose fault it is.
           Ah, but blame does matter to the police, the driving bureau, and if you are on probation, parole, and it would of course make problems if you have a borrowed car, a cranky spouse, or a hidden agenda. She gets out of the car and starts screaming at me. She’s trying to make like I’m the one who hit her. When I insisted I only wanted her required information, she tries pretending I am being aggressive. Lady, trust me, I only want your ID and insurance and to get out of this rain. I don’t talk much more than I have to with old ladies who think they are still 30 and now she’s committed another crime—refusing to produce the paperwork. Does she wise up?

           Nope, she’s got some game to play and she gets in her car and calls the police. I said, lady, they won’t even get here until 8:00PM, what are you doing? Now, I can’t leave. Now that she’s called the police, that’s leaving the scene of an accident. Fine. I have the van, equipped with audio-tapes, music, light snacks, cold soda (remember my Peltier cooler) and if I need, a sleeping area. Two hours go by, which she needs to rehearse her story. She’s going to try to pin this on me.
           Finally, twenty minutes before 8:00PM, some poor rookie shows up in the rain. He goes over and she is plainly giving him a song and dance for twenty minutes. Now it is growing dark. But, she failed, because he walks up behind my van, looks at the scrape, and then says to me, “I really don’t even want to file a police report on this.”
           I replied that I prefer it ao, and he says to me it is her fault, and confirmed she tried to say I hit her, AND that I was “chewing” on her. I just said he would have to use his own judgment on that one. He just chortled and showed me her papers, I took a picture, and the insurance number was hand-written. That broad called the police when she did not have her insurance card. That’s a towable offense in Florida. He said I could go and that she was “getting a ticket”. Serves her right, she screwed the pooch on that. Calling the cops for a fender bender and then trying to lie to them. I said the damage was too slight for me to file a claim, so away I went as he walked back to her car with his ticket tablet in hand.

           Back at the condo, JZ is of course pissed off, I mean in general, because Cubans try this stunt all the time. Screaming like everything is your fault. He says I should have stayed there and recorded the police taking the license plate off her car and calling the tow truck. No man, fun as that sounds, it was now dark and the deluge had begun. We feasted on lamb and rice and talked a long time about Caltier. What’s to discuss? Did you forget he is one of those who has steadfastly refused to learn computers and Caltier can only be accessed that way.
           He further has options you don’t, such as looking over the original documents and actual figures. This 1% per month payout they have been averaging is too short-run to rely on. Two months do not a good investment make. He is also a complete unsophisticate on the nuances of creating and keeping a set of parallel books—which I pronounce absolutely necessary when dealing with on-line companies. This picture is the fund, Multifamily Portfolio, and unfortunate name if you ask me. It does not benefit families, it buys the properties those families are increasing being railroaded into renting.

           I had to give him the lecture that is NOT the same company as Chase Bank LLC. I have yet to hear of anybody getting money back from a dot-com that screwed them on-line. The banks want you to think the web pages are backed by the same brick & mortar establishment as the bank. Wrong. Same as the ATMs, these are run by separately incorporated companies and they are not bound by the same rules. Internet rules are still mercurial and not rooted law principles in this country.
           I may go over this in more detail with you once I finish learning more. Caltier may seem great to the outsider, but even gold has to be mined. Once again I stress that there is NO investment anywhere in America that you can plow your money into and sit back. The wise know to watch your funds like a hawk. I know people who lost money when Bank of America changed their minimum deposit to avoid monthly fees from “one thousand dollars” to “more than one thousand dollars”. It was in fine print at the bottom of the second last page and this is the type of slimeball you are dealing with all the time nowadays. I would not doubt collectively the hoi polloi lost millions on that one, but think all fine because their personal loss was only the $54 one-time. My question is how many times does it happen in different ways before they catch on? Honor is no longer rewarded as an admired quality like it was back in my days.
           So you’ll know, Caltier is on-line only. I chose it partially for that to force myself to learn how it operates. Since I am used to honesty and rule of law, I had a tough time navigating to find what I wanted, often checking on money transfers five times a day. (Now I know they take ten days.) But do you see the difference and how it could be mis-interpreted? Other people who “know computers” might find the menus easy.

           To me, this is because they have no clue how conditioned they’ve become to be an unsuspecting dupe. They’ve been circus-trained to memorize how to click the “Okay” buttons in the sequence they’ve been handed and call themselves the modern man. That’s not how I do business, I know each screen has information and that information changes without proper notice. You want to fly blind, don’t come running to me. Call me an over-suspicious old fogie and you lose, I’m so far ahead most of my detractors will never catch up. JZ is more likely to succeed than the average on-line “investor” just by chatting with me--and he doesn’t even know how to type.

Last Laugh