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Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10, 2023

One year ago today: August 10, 2022, it’s not junk DNA.
Five years ago today: August 10, 2018, made in Korea.
Nine years ago today: August 10, 2014, eight at a time.
Random years ago today: August 10, 2008, one victory each.

           Before sunup it was evident we are in for it. The air is already steaming hot before the first rays.. Pre-dawn humidity around 80% coming right of the Gulf. So I wisely got up in the dark and baked three batches of goodies. Some biscuits, muffins, and a small cake. Just enough to snack on, plus I chose some more DVDs should the inevitable follow-on rains arrive. Mrs. Red arrived at 8:00AM promptly to remind me I have not rigged up a small perch for her under the feeder baffle. Next, she’ll want breakfast served with orange juice and champagne. And probably get it. Let’s brave some yard work just to see how far we get this morning. Three coffees so far and that might be it. This is the blog that dares, dares to admit the most exciting event around here was scoring some excellent box-wood.
           Here’s the latest supply of pallet lumber, showing that I’ve learned a bit about what to choose. This was a half-hour’s easy work, revealing I’ve also picked up how not to split the ends of the wood by removing nails. The reddish wood is on the left. The scheduled music time with the Prez was canceled due to the heat wave. The delay is too bad and the rains will come soon. This makes it tricky to practice in the park like before. I wonder what that is all about—he’s got a nice truck, great equipment, but no place we can practice.
           I told him if he wants to help me fix that floor, we can meet here. There’s one spot that’s already giving out that I just avoid. Why not patch it? Because it creates even more work, the whole floor has to be done at once. And the best A/C in the house is in that room, dang it all.

           That was the Reb, had me on the phone an impossible 48 minutes. A place out of the city is becoming a better idea all the time, but it would require a bust for us to even look at property. That riot in London was the exact shopping area she had mentioned visiting. One look at the video and folks, it is gone. Seal the place off and let them kill each other. Maybe O’Rourke was right and the two big wars killed off all the Englishmen who had any balls. Not one property in our price range has made it through my criteria in months.
           What’s happening is people with money are continuing to up the housing prices. However, they keep thinking they can pass the resulting rent increases on to others. It isn’t happening, I don’t know where the rent money is coming from. Anybody who can afford to rent a place for $2,500 per month probably has already bought something. It’s 2006 again, prices going up but this time it is institutional buyers grabbing the market. The big blow is still a while away, by which time I hope to have a substantial stake in Caltier. You’ve not heard much lately as nothing has happened other than a slow accumulation of my spare capital. And there is not much to spare. I’ll be at the library so check back this afternoon.

           I found the original music notes for “Snoopy” by the Atlantic Rhythm Section. Fretz has not called back but if he does, well, put it this way. If he thought my bass playing was damn good before, wait till I’ve learned his music. It further tips me off that his former bass players were run of the mill. He quickly learned he did not have to give me queues with any of the music, plainly something he was used to. I’ve now gone through his supplied song list and he’s making the oldest mistake—not listening to what the other musicians will be playing. He’s never listened to the nothing bass line of “Much Too Young to Feel This Damn Old”. Playing music like that is a regrettable waste of a perfectly good bass player.
           The bigmouth Sports Illustrated reported what’s-his-name is dead from the vaccine. The jerk. Pence has said he did feared chaos if he questioned the 2020 election, which means his statement that he could do nothing was a complete lie. Russia has banned 5G towers and London is overrun by hordes of rampaging Africans. I’m not the first one to conclude the World Wars killed off every Englishman with a spine.

Picture of the day.
World’s ugliest courthouse, Chicago.
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           Housing is an emerging problem. Caltier was an experiment and now I wonder about that. It’s basis is real estate and I would be happy if it just kept pace. Actually, hang on, let me calculate. My budgeting accounts for 88% of my income, the other 12% is dicretionary. And lately that is what has been taking the pressure off local price increases. That’s what I was ciphering—and it turns out the Caltier income just matches the general price increases I’ve experienced. No way I’m buying that as coincidence, but rather in indicator that I should sock more than planned into Caltier now and reduce the input later. That’s easy enough, but it means other items I’d wanted for retirement get put on hold.
           The cheapest safe and livable houses in the Nashville area are now around $300,000. That means not many new buyers are entering the market. How long can this continue? People were already asking that question when I was 21. I quickly switched to reading about development in the emerging fake & phony A.I. field, claimed to be taking away jobs. The fact is, such jobs are mechanical to begin with, the result of three generations since 1990 who have invented nothing. To hear them talk, somebody “gave” the good jobs away. Fact is, when you create nothing, the jobs you have are commensurate.

           This photo shows the launch of Luna-25, the first Russian Moon mission what was it, 1976? This, America, is what happens when you cower at being called “raciss” and allow bleeding hearts to squander your treasury on bribing civil servants and giving food stamps to 300-pound single mothers. We can catch up, America is that wealthy, but it will take a severe toll on the non-producers that our society has become infected with. We need somebody in charge who addresses the root of the problems and that person is not likely Trump. We need to cut off 80% of welfare and lop off entire government departments. Remove all corporate subsidies but allow them to start over again, lean and mean. It’s too large an issue to resolve here but we need to get back to “you don’t work, you don’t eat”.

           Sure enough, and the warnings were here, Windows is moving to cloud-based rent-a-system and Apple will not be far behind. This, folks, is why we still have so many 386 computers in operation. Linux, the only alternative, has been a piece of crap since day one in that once it malfunctions (and it always does), you are screwed. Nobody can fix it Windows just announced their new terms and conditions taking full ownership of anything on their cloud. No royalties for you. The truly stupid think encrypting their data does any good.

           The DVD “Falling Down” was decent, likely based on a true story somewhere. I’d say it’s “easy watching” with plenty of soap-like side drama. The bitchy wife, the alluring co-worker, the ass-clown police commissioner, and the once-a-cop-always-a-cop tone throughout. I say again, I did not care for the portrayal of the man who wants to see his daughter as the threat the ex-wife will always make it out to be. Telling people they are sick and need help is not therapeutic or sympathetic in real life.

Last Laugh