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Friday, August 11, 2023

August 11, 2023

One year ago today: August 11, 2022, everybody’s lonely for something.
Five years ago today: August 11, 2018, must have been a crazy day.
Nine years ago today: August 11, 2014, I miss the robot club.
Random years ago today: August 11, 2016, on advantageous mutation.

           One band I never cared for was the “Flying Burrito Brothers”. I’ve probably heard them and never knew it, their music is the most indistinctive of the era, to me anyway. I know a couple Gram Parson tunes from “The Byrds”, but that’s it. He’s from Winter Haven, by the way. His mother was a Snively, they once owned half the town. I have a traditionally hard time identifying with rich brats who OD while drinking themselves to
death. Read more in the addendum. Before you do, could I interest you in any papaya?
           Some cloud cover thickening around noon means I might get out there yet. We should go shopping, it is the Reb’s birthday on the 23rd and we should let her know any woman who can keep me around is appreciated not just for her tolerance, but also her good taste. I ran through the music of both the Fretz and the Prez, some of it recalling what I used to do with that music. Neither has contacted me back, which is never a good sign. The summer saps all energy, though I did waddle out there this morning to give the squirrels a Georgia pecan each.

           This dancing gal is from a link sent by Bryne. It’s a still of a braless babe dancing to “Snoopy”. He mistook when I said “Spooky” and has discovered the secret of why I joined my first band when I was twelve years of age. There used to be gorgeous gals like this everywhere, now it is one in a thousand. To bad the footage is so blurry, when it comes to women, I prefer reality to imagination. You make fewer mistakes.
           Trump has outright called Biden insane, as in “a stark raving lunatic”. I had not considered the situation if Biden is taken out of the picture one way or another, except that America will not tolerate the East Indian. She is a slut who is not tolerated by 90% of the people regardless of faction. She will be President over a pile of dead patriots and nothing much else. What a horrid, horrid, inconsiderate degenerate she is. Even Biden’s “suck-hole-iest” will not go for that. Can I make it any clearer?

           Nope, stay inside or risk too much. So, I read a lot and checked out several social media sites that are labeled far-right, but could not find any. The FBI put out a fake announcement that covering up the camera lens on your laptop could damage the unit. PopSci has announced yet another high-speed rail line. Amazon workers are up in arms again over having to actually show up for work three days a week. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is now called sexually transmitted infection (STI) because queers complained enough. You know those Captiva anti-robot tests? Turns out A.I. is better at solving them than the lowest third of humanity. And nobody wants to admit the 2020 outbreak of Hansen’s disease (leprosy) in Central Florida was totally in unvaxxed illegal border-jumpers.
           JZ gave me a video still in the wrapper called “Slumdog Millionaire”, the story of the street urchin to answers all the questions to win a million of something. They don’t believe it, accusing him of cheating and try to torture the details out of him. So far the tale is about how incidents in his life led him to know the answers. A great premise, where have I seen this before? I know it’s a common plot, but this one is unique enough.
           The closest I saw to the India portrayed is Delhi, a den of thieves if there ever was one. Walk and you will be pickpocketed. Those extra latches in your room and doors are to lock everything, and bring your own locks from out of the country. Wear worn local sandals or your shoes will be stolen as portrayed at the Taj Mahal. Assume every child is a thief and trust absolutely no-one. I warn you again, it may be against their religion to cheat you but they do not consider theft as a crime. You should protect your stuff better.

           Here’s something. Because of increased prices, I have a complete fallback set of procedures and techniques that automatically kick in. Because these were from my desperate younger days, they sometimes work a bit too well. I have and extra $65 this week. Should I buy that mini table saw, it’s really a toy but ideal for robot parts. Check with me tomorrow, I think I’ll go downtown and spend some of the cash tonight. When was I last out of the house? Ah, it was last Friday. Besides, it is time to write letters and listen to live music.
           I knew the band, one guy is from Nashville (but I know him from here). What do you know, he reports an increasing number of his cohorts are forming acoustic and bass duos. This came up because the duos are not working out—almost exactly for the reasons I’ve been describing for years. Anybody who had listened to me would have that 15-year head start, but music does not work like that. Performing artists are some of the most risk-adverse factions of the industry. For all their big talk, they wind up playing for dribbles at the local cantinas.

Picture of the day.
Pencil leads.
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           The heat wave killed all my flower plants in one day. The ones in the sun disappeared despite being in air, open spots with partial shade and a good soaking the same morning. Also gone are the “shade mix” which were in enough shadows to show signs of strain, yet they shriveled to nothing as well. The conditions for most of these are almost the same as found in a green house. Good water, good temperature, great humidity. The good news is the avocado plant seems to be thriving.
           The sequence we’re dealing with is finding a pretty plant that does not require daily attention. The logic is simple, it is not going to get, so no sense even bothering with plants that can’t last one sunny day. I gave them all an extra watering, then got inside the shed. The big fans are connected in there. It’s possible to get some work done outside if you just move along in a zombie-like trance and regularly find a little shade. I finished building and mounting the base for the wall workbench. I had it up in place before noticing it left a walk space narrower than I like near the back entrance. But hey, I get the center of the room back.

           Next, we have baby raccoons and they are competing for very limited resources. There is nothing to eat in my yard, but I sometimes catch them sleeping in the back. I don’t know if they fight each other, but they can make quite a squabble. Only once this summer so far. They forage in the neighbor’s turf so the city regularly traps them.
           One thing I will say for the papaya tree is that it grew rapidly with zero attention. I was surprised it survived the transplanting.. There are no shortage of papaya seeds around here. I watched a 62-day time lapse video of planting a seed, and another that said one male tree is enough to fertilize fifteen females. Hmmmm, maybe I have more in common with papayas than I thought. It says here to plant five seeds to be almost certain to get both sexes, that some of the seeds are hermaphroditic. Nine weeks makes it October, almost good weather season again.

           One of the places I peeked at was an abandoned ribbon factory in Quakertown (PA). I rejected it instantly because the tiny lofts were lease-only. I don’t know what’s changed since 2020 when I looked, but one of these units has come on the market. The “homes” are too small to stay in comfortably so they presume their common areas like a fitness center and a pet-washing station. It was so difficult to get the floor space out of them that I gave up, but my guess is the two-bedrooms are less than 700 square feet.
           However, the search criteria got left in my filter and today, one of these “condos” is selling for $425,000. The “exposed beams” and 20-foot ceilings are not present in every section and before you move, be aware the building owners have a deliberate policy of selling to queers. Who would spend a half a million dollars to live in a warehouse cubicle next to some deviants?

           Where Parson’s comes into this blog is Prez, the guitar player, does one of his songs, “Devil in Disguise” from the Burrito band. Give it a listen, to me it is another generic slap-together. The harmonies are what happens when the music-school graduates show up and even the title is a burn of the Elvis song. I was never into such music but I admit to not liking the hype around Parsons. For openers, you do not headline in Winter Haven pubs at age 15 without connections, (in this case his father, Robert Parsons).
           The sixties were an incredible era, where if you had the money, there was a whole new electronic media and a massive opportunity to record older music on the new electric guitars. This song, written as “Christine’s Tune”, I first heard in a club in my early twenties, by a band of guys already over forty, impossibly old in my eyes. Should not men that old be busy raising their families? Anyway, I never identified with such music though it did elicit an odd trait in my own musical psyche. I’ll often not like a piece of music long before I find out that, like Parson’s material, there is old family money in the very immediate background. I stress “long before” and enough to push the song into a slot that it would never achieve on its own merit.
           And another thing I don’t like is the coverage that theses rich kid’s family problems are so much more severe than the identical problems of poor kids, which seems to be the recurring theme with these people and I’m not saying it isn’t so, I’m saying we don’t want to hear it.

Last Laugh
Polish pizza.