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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9, 2023

One year ago today: August 9, 2022, the dreaded Folger’s.r
Five years ago today: August 9, 2018, coffee in Sebring, FL.
Nine years ago today: August 9, 2014, “conflict studies?
Random years ago today: August 9, 2010, Ra.

           An early start got all the new pallet boards cleaned. I can’t identify that reddish wood, but it might be cedar. If so, the driest cedar I’ve ever seen, it’s a weightless a balsa almost. Here, you take a look. It might just be some darker heartwood or whatever it’s called. The hillbilly was up around 10:30AM to hear me rag on him about sleeping until noon. We may have a guitar lesson slated for later. I’ve got a lot of music on my plate just now. I’m going to install a light on the red shed to create a small work area where it is easy to grab tools that one does not dare leave out in the rain even a moment. Check back, I’ll be in the yard or the shed all morning.
           These are record temperatures, we got to 98°F in the shade yesterday, only the shed allowed me to keep puttering until noon today. I put in a new shelf for the tool boxes, which are now all over the place Especially the long narrow ones. Whew, in another half-hour, I’m out of here to the library. I kept out of the head and consequently got little done. I put together the brace for a new shelf. Take a peek at this next photo, glass jars on a plank. Why do I find this nice? Because I could probably make them, maybe? It’s what it seems, just a glass bottle on a pallet with a copper strap on the neck.
           The only skill, other than eye-balling it for symmetry, is to get the little wooden block the right size for the neck. No, I’m not going to call them Suzie Boddleneckers, just didn’t want anybody to beat me to it. True, I’ve neglected mentioning food lately, just you keep in mind that over 90°F out here kills the appetite along with incentive. Let’s recall, okay, I make mushroom soup with extra carrots and onions. Veggies are a non-regulated foodstuff, have all you want. See if you can find any matching sets of bottles in the next while.

           I had to leave the A/C on all day due to humidity, which I’d guess at around 60%. That combination makes it impossible to find any shade or relief. It was approaching 94°F just after noon, so we may hit 98°F today again. Stay the hell away from Florida in the summer. One thing, my newly-diagnosed arthritis does not bother me in the daytime. Don’t even think about it above 85°F. Funny think, around ten years ago I read, or should say mis-read this magazine article that says as you age, warm weather leads to increased forgetfulness. With me, how could you tell? Besides, I have a blog. Anyway when it is like this that article still scares me.
           I dragged out my notes to “Spooky” and it’s coming back to me. Like the last band that insisted, I will easily outshine the guitar player. If you have time, listen to the tune again with a critical ear to the bass lines. It’s easy to imagine how a guitarist focused on what he does can miss the potential for that bass part to force him to share at least part of the limelight. Just don’t over-play or you’ll piss the guy right off.
           Another tune he’s picked is “Runaway”, from 1961. This is a full ten years before my time but I once figured out the keyboard break. Now I’m wondering if I could play that on bass. While it has lots of keyboard flourish, a close listen shows that the basic progression is ordinary 8th notes and that is my specialty. I’ll download the sheet music to go easy on myself. I did not play bass in the 70s much (my dead period) but my ear tells me it is Am and G, meaning I could play Charlie Daniels on it if I had to. Just as a challenge, I doubt the new guy would ever go for that.

           My plan for a microscope mounting is evolving ever so slowly. The point here is that I have such a plan. Instead of a clamping mechanism, I’m thinking of using a mould to make an impression of the microscope, so it fits in a rigid stand. Then it becomes easier to move the specimen tray in and out of focus. When? Who knows, I’m not so good at such work. Another “climate change” scientist has admitted it was all a government scam to direct public investment to crazy energy schemes in which insiders held the stock. Weather retards. The most dangerous words in English are becoming “Experts agree”. And in England, the non-white city ghettos have descended into African-style chaos in the same pattern as Detroit. The police don’t want to go it, they didn’t sign up for this duty.

Picture of the day.
Devon Island, Canada.
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           See that temperature? Told ya, and you caught me, I was not really out there. This shot is taken through the bedroom picture window. I curled up with a book and slept until midnight, same as most people would have given the opportunity. (This is the wrong picture, the one I had showing it at 98F did not take.) The library was surprisingly empty for such a heat wave, but then, the proposed replacement term for “climate change activist” is “weather retard”. Unless there is some attractive sarcasm in a term, I admit to opting for the more descriptive. Weather retard, I like that.
           Libraries can be proof how difficult it is to meet good women. When men complain it is one of the few times I believe them. You’d think a job, a house, and a steady paycheck would be enough for these gals, so it is fun to see them husband-hunting at such an unlikely place as the library. Today we had a cross-section and I saw one fixing to check me out. I took out my headphones immediately. As I’ve said before, life will hand you enough trouble, you need not go looking for it.

           It’s over for Bud Light, barring some miracle. The protest centered on the fact Americans are sick and tired of hearing about queers. Rumor is $30 billion in sales but the comments are that Americans should get this passionate about boycotting other things than near-beer. I agree. It’s laughable to hear AB executives defend the fiasco by claiming they only wanted their beer advertising to be “more inclusive”. They forgot to ask their customers first. The emerging story is Target investors suing the company for going woke, thus harming the shareholders. I hope they win—but only if it is the executives who have to pay.
           There is some breaking news about the FBI killing some guy for posting an on-line threat. If so, that’s about the limit of what most Americans will take, but let’s wait for details. It won’t matter much now, as they have shot a man for his political views and that is as far as the American majority will see. Wait, here’s more. The guy weighed 300 pounds and used a cane, and they shot him as he opened the door. It was a “no-knock warrant”, so the guy could have thought it was a home invasion (rumor is the agents were Blacks). No-knocks are the dying gasp of a tyranny rotten through and through. One Pundit poll puts Biden 26 points behind—Putin.

           The reported latest food fad? Spicy hot bags of potato chips. They’ve been around for years. My speculation is that they catch on now because we have a generation whose taste buds have been petrified by Monsanto chemicals since birth and they can’t taste anything else.
           Here’s another project I looked at. Too complicated for me and besides, I have not sold even on set of saw ponies yet. They seem to find uses around here as fast as I can slap them together. I tend to regard this form of art as “Bible Camp”. Without counting, I figure the number of cuts for this “pallet mural” numbers in the hundreds. I’d have to sell that for more that Hunter if he could actually have the skill to build that.
Speaking of the all-American crime family, they’re not doing so good. All the laws they changed so they could harass Trump are being used right back against them. Now they’ve been caught burning evidence. The bottom line here is the establishment that former Presidents can be indicted. I can think of several who should be worried.

           My booklet on conspiracies is in-depth, but covers no new ground. It skips over important points to get to opinions that no longer hold up. It is nonsense to still say scientists thought breaking the sound barrier was impossible when German scientists had publish designs of jets that could and many meteorites easily hit thousands of miles per hour. Then the “scientists” quickly drop to say man can’t go faster. And as for Roswell, I wish they’d quit even mentioning that Lazar goof who is obviously lying about everything. The physics faculty is so small at your average campus that all the students recognize each other. Lazar’s claim his records disappeared is untenable.

           Computer programming news is high on my alert list. To my surprise, an announcement from GAB appeared today. They are thrilled that they have solved some coding problems, but then I read the problems. Looping malfunctions, pagination errors, menu issues, the sort of stuff you’d expect first semester students to fix, but appearing in GAB almost seven years after the code was turned up. Hey, I tried to warn them.

           How is the book on oil tankers coming along? So-so, just keeping enough interest that I’m glossing over the later chapters. Around half-way, the book gets over-technical for the lay reader, tossing round nautical and engineering terms. Most people don’t know what scantlings are and only vaguely know what bulkheads do. In a house, studs are the scantlings, bearing walls are the bulkheads. I was hoping there would be a chapter on rogue waves. So far, one half-sentence.
           It has some moments. I learned six forces act on the tanker in motion and before the use of steel, wood structures had to be carefully joined at angles because planks of wood will not “hold together”. Aha, that’s why some of my boxes warp. The Beaufort scale has also changed due to the use of steel in construction.
           The original scale concerned only speed, in 12 categories from calm to “that which no canvas could withstand”. Better measuring techniques how uses the wind force and there are now 17 categories. The book stops short on topics I’d like to pursue, like how it only mentions there have been changes in the method of measuring wave height, then moves on.

Last Laugh