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Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 12, 2023

One year ago today: August 12, 2022, every slightest variation.
Five years ago today: August 12, 2018, factory spyware, folks.
Nine years ago today: August 12, 2014, a so-so day.
Random years ago today: August 12, 2012, no visible downtown.

           A grown pineapple weighs 5.5 pounds. That’s your input for the day. I did not get motivated except to play five papaya seeds and spray the only plant that survives well enough to grow in pots around here—false Mexican mint, or less accurately, false oregano. Take the day off, my system said, decompress. Blog rules say I still must record the biggest events, good or bad, positive or negative. The small flower sprigs shown in this photo are all withered to nothing. It’s clear they plants get protected and sheltered, yet I have such awful luck.
           I planted the five papaya seeds, plus a sixth in a tiny pot which I’ll keep on the window sill. It will be my control, since being in line of sight with the birdfeeders, it will have maximum attention. I finished watching “Slumdog Millionaire” and one thing they have plenty of in India is extras. Everything about the production is western, but they have copied it to perfection. I have to give them kudos for a fine job, even if their backward culture was the only thing “Indian” about the movie. Everything else, including the language, even the game show concept, is American.

           The zombie heat was back. The air was thick with humidity and not a single breeze. Being nice, I gave the squirrels a pecan each and added small landing perches on the birdfeeders, which are now double baffled. I have not yet tested the Hex but soon. The way flowers die in my pots was the question, maybe I cannot start them outside. I’m thinking of a window box but stress whatever the outcome, it has to pretty much take care of itself with minimal watering. I watched a video on papayas grown in a greenhouse to watch how they ripen. It’s guesswork.
           The area where the original papaya grew by itself is now in deep shadows from all the trees, that’s even after they were pruned. The papaya grew six feet and stopped. When moved to the direct sun it was soon twenty feet up there. Can I turn these to my advantage? My fifth coffee today and I still have no answers. Remind me to show you a picture of amount of recycled grounds. After reading a UK site on the content of the grounds (nitrogen and phosphorus) I’ve decide they should be used as fertilizer. One thread was about coffee grounds turned into biofuel in Korea. Sadly, it did not go into the process, only that it was possible. They showed a vat of old coffee ground heated to 500°F, which cannot be done here, and something about pellets. I’m still researching that. Ah, here’s something. It says “coffee logs” smell like cigarettes when burned. How does one make coffee logs? Oh, if I didn’t say, my supply of pallet wood has shrunk to nothing. I suspect somebody else is raiding them daily from the site.

Picture of the day.
Land-based fish farming.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           There were several sites on how to make the coffee logs. However, the added ingredients are molasses and candle wax. To me, that makes the coffee grounds almost an afterthought. Wow, what was that! Ka-boom! I heard the growling on the horizon just before dark, a big storm out over the Gulf. Something nearby definitely took a hit, but no rain. I had watched some RAF footage of strafing runs and wonder why it happened so often. (Strafe, by the way, is from the German word meaning “to punish”.) Hurricanes and Spitfires of the day had only rifle-caliber machine guns and ships were made of metal. True, you still don’t want to be plastered with bullets but you can see how everybody cleared off the decks long before the airplanes got close. So what’s with all the wasted ammunition? You can see none of the ships were sunk.
           Hmmm, it suddenly got comfortable. Sure enough, a light rain. I was able to turn off the A/C for the first time in a week. I hope your day was either as exciting or as relaxing, anything but in between in the boredom zone.

Last Laugh